About SamDal
Rank 239570
124 followers Joined December 2015
Just realized this was empty! LOL I'm from Dallas and passionate about the health field, more specifically helping folks with healing thesmelves naturally from all sorts





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asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

Most of the PPC courses are a few years old and the CPC now are just ridiculous particularly on Adwords. Upwards of $2.50 or so. Anyone have any resources or access to 2017 PPC

I have felt the same thing. PPC does not have to be so much if you can target the cheap keywords everyone else forgets to target. There is some playing around but it can still be done with the same videos, for $0.35 like Kyle says.

Yeah my main query isn't what everyone "out there" is saying about it, i wanted to know what WA is saying about it today because PPC right now (for me anyway) is getting to the point where it's not even worth it.

EG: I even had Kyle look over my site and he stated it was a great looking site but just one adjustment to make on the menu. Aside from that, the site isn't even getting click through's to merchant pages even though it's a strict price comparison page.

To compound my frustrations, my ad group ads are getting CTR of 80% and upwards due to the extremely tight, laser focused ad groups I made.

So the ad text is very focused, the landing page is more so and I've only made one sale out of 26 clicks (which to me for that site is poor) at a cost of $54.40.

I'm still trying to tweak it so I can increase conversions but the CPC at the moment is killing me and I'd like to pick the brains of the CPC Jedis here.

Lots on this page that should help you out


Enjoy your day.

Thank you - it shows a google search results?

Don't know what you mean.
The link is to a web page with lots of entries for ppc in 2017 and current and future trends.

C'mon Robert. I checked the link too. It links to Google's search results for "PPC in 2017". Why would you do that and and why are you using tinyurl to link?

Hello. Yes it does. I thought that you would be sure to find the info you seek from one of those sites.
WA doesn't allow some links within comments so you have to use a link shortner such as tinyurl or bit.ly.

Copy and paste the URL in that page into a comment to me and you will see what I mean - It WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

If its not allowed dont try to trick the system. Its probably not allowed for a good reason.

Also I'm sure SamDal could do a Google search if he wanted to. But he asked about training. Very cheeky to post Google search results.

You are not understanding. Its the way the wealthy affiliate SYSTEM is set up.
You can post any link you want to in your private messages or on Live Chat.
You have not been here very long and I was not trying to trick anyone.
Don't jump to wrong conclusions before you understand how the system works.
If you are not happy about any comments its a simple matter to Unfollow the person sending them.
There are a great many of the WA trainings and lessons that are way out of date and need to be updated.
If you are not happy about any of them then either send Kyle or Carson a private message or leave.

"You have not been here very long..."

I joined WA in January 2007. I've been here 10 years now. I commented because I think you didn't give a very helpful response to the question. The training needs an update and there are buttons on each training that you can click to "request an update".

Your official joining date is December 2015 mine is 2014 and in actual fact it was a year earlier.
That is beside the point.
You should not accuse anyone before you have all the facts and as far as I was concerned you wanted updated information on PPC and I gave you a web page for PPC in 2017.

You're confusing me with SamDal.

See more comments

Wa needing an updated ppc training?

Wa needing an updated ppc training?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

Most of the PPC courses are a few years old and the CPC now are just ridiculous particularly on Adwords. Upwards of $2.50 or so. Anyone have any resources or access to 2017 PPC

I have felt the same thing. PPC does not have to be so much if you can target the cheap keywords everyone else forgets to target. There is some playing around but it can still be done with the same videos, for $0.35 like Kyle says.

Yeah my main query isn't what everyone "out there" is saying about it, i wanted to know what WA is saying about it today because PPC right now (for me anyway) is getting to the point where it's not even worth it.

EG: I even had Kyle look over my site and he stated it was a great looking site but just one adjustment to make on the menu. Aside from that, the site isn't even getting click through's to merchant pages even though it's a strict price comparison page.

To compound my frustrations, my ad group ads are getting CTR of 80% and upwards due to the extremely tight, laser focused ad groups I made.

So the ad text is very focused, the landing page is more so and I've only made one sale out of 26 clicks (which to me for that site is poor) at a cost of $54.40.

I'm still trying to tweak it so I can increase conversions but the CPC at the moment is killing me and I'd like to pick the brains of the CPC Jedis here.

Lots on this page that should help you out


Enjoy your day.

Thank you - it shows a google search results?

Don't know what you mean.
The link is to a web page with lots of entries for ppc in 2017 and current and future trends.

C'mon Robert. I checked the link too. It links to Google's search results for "PPC in 2017". Why would you do that and and why are you using tinyurl to link?

Hello. Yes it does. I thought that you would be sure to find the info you seek from one of those sites.
WA doesn't allow some links within comments so you have to use a link shortner such as tinyurl or bit.ly.

Copy and paste the URL in that page into a comment to me and you will see what I mean - It WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.

If its not allowed dont try to trick the system. Its probably not allowed for a good reason.

Also I'm sure SamDal could do a Google search if he wanted to. But he asked about training. Very cheeky to post Google search results.

You are not understanding. Its the way the wealthy affiliate SYSTEM is set up.
You can post any link you want to in your private messages or on Live Chat.
You have not been here very long and I was not trying to trick anyone.
Don't jump to wrong conclusions before you understand how the system works.
If you are not happy about any comments its a simple matter to Unfollow the person sending them.
There are a great many of the WA trainings and lessons that are way out of date and need to be updated.
If you are not happy about any of them then either send Kyle or Carson a private message or leave.

"You have not been here very long..."

I joined WA in January 2007. I've been here 10 years now. I commented because I think you didn't give a very helpful response to the question. The training needs an update and there are buttons on each training that you can click to "request an update".

Your official joining date is December 2015 mine is 2014 and in actual fact it was a year earlier.
That is beside the point.
You should not accuse anyone before you have all the facts and as far as I was concerned you wanted updated information on PPC and I gave you a web page for PPC in 2017.

You're confusing me with SamDal.

See more comments

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How do I transfer a non WP site to host on WA? I plan on doing a WP site for it but for the time being, I want it hosted here "as is". What do I need to do to get the files her

Did you try to contact Site Support?

How do I transfer a non wp site to host on wa? I plan on doing a wp site for it but for the time bei

How do I transfer a non wp site to host on wa? I plan on doing a wp site for it but for the time bei

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How do I transfer a non WP site to host on WA? I plan on doing a WP site for it but for the time being, I want it hosted here "as is". What do I need to do to get the files her

Did you try to contact Site Support?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've tried everything with this theme - changed the settings in the quick edit section, checked my setting sin discussion - the posts show comments, the pages don't with this t

I had a theme that did the same thing. i had to download a plugin that added a comment box (or perhaps there's a widget? Check if there's a widget you can use for the footer section of your posts and/or home page).

So, my advice is, if there really isn't a comment box no matter how you fiddle with it, just try downloading a plugin (if you really feel married to the theme, that is).

Best of luck to you, let me know if there's any other questions you may have.

How do I activate comments in cleanr wordpress theme?

How do I activate comments in cleanr wordpress theme?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've tried everything with this theme - changed the settings in the quick edit section, checked my setting sin discussion - the posts show comments, the pages don't with this t

I had a theme that did the same thing. i had to download a plugin that added a comment box (or perhaps there's a widget? Check if there's a widget you can use for the footer section of your posts and/or home page).

So, my advice is, if there really isn't a comment box no matter how you fiddle with it, just try downloading a plugin (if you really feel married to the theme, that is).

Best of luck to you, let me know if there's any other questions you may have.

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