Are you successful here at Wealthy Affiliate?


We all know that WA is one of the best places on the entire web to learn internet marketing and start making money. We know that there are many successful members within WA who can share their knowledge and experience with other members. And we know that if someone can't be successful here it doesn't mean that WA training is bad. It all depends on our desire to succeed and efforts to be applied. To be short, I do ask every successful member to simply reply: "I am successful". By successful I mean that member should be making $1000 per month at least. I am sure this kind of information could serve as an incentive to other members.

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I've been successful for many years because of what I've learned here at WA. And I've helped thousands more because of it which is bigger measure of success in my mind.

I've done both the Online Entrepreneur Certification course as a complete newbie and Bootcamp as an experienced online marketer, and achieved your definition of success with both!

I'd also like to add that if someone is reading this, thinking, "Why hasn't it happened to me?", all you need to do is ask for feedback from the community on your site. Look to the person that referred you here as well, as they can usually give you some insight into what's worked for them and will be more than happy to help.

I do alright

I am successful ( your instructions are a bit contradictory, that is more than 1 word!)

I agree... :) I did the change. And thank you for your reply

I am successful and yes, I am making more than $1000 a month with WA. That excludes Clickbank, Amazon and all my other affiliate programs. I worked day and night to accomplish success. The first few months I did not earn a dime. Focus on success, money will follow.

Thank you for posting your success on here


Pleasure Barry.

My honest advice for everyone. Focus on your website and get it up and running as fast as you can manage to do so even if it is not perfect. People struggle to make money because their websites are incomplete or have too little content, thus it is not ranking well.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you need any advice or have a question.

Thank you for your reply! And wish you all the best.

This is a great question, and I see as usual when it comes to making money online, no want wants to answer the main question
I see lots of people talking about success but not having made a dime

I think we are hear to make money online and I am starting to wonder if anybody does actually makes any money here, when I see people talk about the fact that, they are not focused on making money, I wonder then what is it they are here for, because the people who own this site are extremely financially successful

I am building a website to create an income and northing else, I am not here for any other reason
Then we have people promoting WA without making any money telling everybody on their marketing campaigns that they can give up their day jobs, well to do that you need an income from your site
I think the truth is that very few people are making any money although their may be some who are
I have not made any money here yet but I do at least have the honesty just to be straightforward and tell you the truth
I think it is going to take me some time to get an income but I think that people who are ambassadors on the ranking system should not be until they have made and income online
You have torched a nerve with your question because no one wants to tell you the truth


Barry I could not help but respond to this. I think what you have been writing lately in regards to topics like this are completely contradictory to a ton of your other posts. With a decent amount of your posts using WA as a personal support network for completely unrelated and VERY personal topics, I often feel WA is more of a counseling forum.

Just saying.

However in saying this I do agree with your point about the ambassador system and the whole WA ranking system in general. It does send a lot of people the impression that the highest ranking people are the most 'helpful'/useful to other WA members. I don't agree this is so. I think it is largely gamed and has no real value. which makes it misleading.

My dear friend! I am very thankful to you for your honest reply. And I absolutely agree with you that ambassadors should be only those who are making real money online and not just posting here. And it is really funny when I see someone here talking about success without making a dime but saying that money is not the main reason to be here :)

I think you may be right I am going through a lot of anger lately and sometimes it comes out in my comments
I do enjoy WA and I don't want to leave I have been trying to create an online business for so many years and it sometimes seems I am trying to climb a hill that just is to steep but I guess I will just have to keep trying


Yes, WA is really a great place. I think people in general and the members of WA especially should be not only helpful but more open to each other.

I am very sorry for writing this... What I don't like here at WA is that everyone is trying to comment... I asked a question and would like everyone who wants to reply to this post exactly answer that question.

You will find very few members interested in giving out this kind of information. What would be their incentive or call to action.
Money is a point for sure. But to be successful is different for everyone here.
I feel successful that I have made it to month six even without showing a dollar made. I may be showing nothing still in the next six months either, as I have chosen to promote a very competitive niche.
I know that if I can stick with this program year after year and work full time as I have been since January I will figure a way to make a revenue worthy of living off. To me that would be success to be able to get equal pay for equal work too.
Yet my long term goal is 5 years to where I hope I'm able to work part time and be bringing full time revenue.
I am not looking to make a thousand a week for part time work, even though that would be nice. I use to bring home 2000 a week when on the road. Did I feel successful ? No.
Many have false hopes or beliefs by reading about Kyle and Carson, and them telling that anyone can do what they have done...we should know that is not true and try to be more realistic about online marketing. Large companies fail at generating enough income with affiliate marketing that some have gone belly up.
Success is different for everyone. In some members eyes I have been very successful here learning and applying the information. Yet if I tell a friend I've made 0 dollars after working the system six months...they would tell me I'm off my rocker and will be old and senile before ever making ends meet.
Believe me when I say this...and I've talked with hundreds here in private messages.
Very few members make a thousand a week. Compared to the thousands that are here. It would be about less than percent give or take.
So you do the math. Probably I would guess that 1 percent are bringing in a grand a week. 5 percent a grand a month not covering expenses. And then the other 95 percent where I am? Litterly chump change to pay membership fees and cover some costs.
I'm successful!:)

Rick, all of these comments by you are pure speculation. If you spent 1/2 the time working on your website as you do inventing theories about who makes money (or doesn't) in what fashion, I'm sure you'd be closer to achieving your goals.

I agree with Nate. If someone follows the training and works hard they can't fail. He will be successful. It is only a matter of time. To be honest, it is true that few are successful here but the reason for that is the lack of dedication and abundance of speculation as exactly Nate says.

I am sorry, I can't agree. It is a good incentive for all members of WA. Even if you build a strong foundation for your business, as we all do, your ultimate goal is making money.

I don't think you should be telling other people what 'success' is for them. Nor do I think it is fair that you should be defining other peoples goals.

However I am not going to comment anymore on this thread. I have made my opinion.

Besides this topic has been thrashed to death on WA before. There is also a 'success' tab on the home page of WA where people can write about their success WITHOUT having it defined by you.

I am successful. I understand your definition, but I don't know if it's sending the right message to newbies who should be concentrating on building a solid foundation for their websites, not focusing on money.

I agree. This sounds like more of a 'brag' thread than anything else...

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