Why You Need To Spend Money To Make Money

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I thought I would write this article after reading Kyle’s blog post, which is entitled “How Can You Get $700 Per Year In REAL Value, Fast!” I will put the link below.


It’s always good to be careful with money, but it’s also important to remember that time is money and often, we need to invest to make more money. I’m talking about investing in courses rather than financial investments. If you have an offline business, then we have to invest in tools and equipment, etc. I have an online business and an offline business, but without the proper tools, my offline business would be impossible to carry out. With the online business, I have invested in a decent desktop and laptop computer, which makes the job much easier. I could go cheap and have an underpowered PC, which would just lead to pain and poor productivity. So, we need to be wise and invest in the right tools.


Kyle mentioned about the cost of buying a Subway franchise for $258,000, which on average takes 7.3 years to recoup the cost! That’s a long time and a lot of money! That’s a big difference to the cost of investing in the Wealthy Affiliate training platform and the fact is that some members are probably making more money than they could with a Subway franchise.

There are all sorts of franchise businesses available, but 99% of them would cost more than the Wealthy Affiliate membership course. The fact is that the Internet still has absolutely amazing opportunities and massive potential to grow.

University Degrees

Personally, I think that the majority of university and college degrees are an outdated way to learn. Not that many years ago in the UK, you really had to be highly intelligent to gain a place in a University. However, now almost anyone, it appears can get a place in the University. Many of these universities do not produce good students, probably because the people who are teaching the students are teaching from a textbook. I would prefer to learn from people who have been there and done that. With the Wealthy Affiliate training, we have people who are practising what they preach.

Sadly, some of the University teachers appear to indoctrinate their students, but that’s not the subject for this post or platform!

Recently I had an online delivery of groceries from a supermarket chain. It was a young man delivering, who looked intelligent and was well spoken. Apparently he had completed his first year at university and was now doing a holiday job for the supermarket to help pay for his university course. However, he did say that he will leave the course in lots of debt once he has completed his university degree.

I asked him where his university degree would take him and he had absolutely no idea! I must admit, I find it utterly amazing that he didn’t even appear to know what type of job this would lead him to. However, he did say that employers like to see a degree on a CV! I have absolutely no idea why anyone would spend three years learning a subject in which they had no idea what the end result would be. Of course, the added bonus is that they would come out with a mountain of debt!! But just does not make any sense to me!

When I see young people like this young man, I will always try and ask them if they have thought about an online course. I don't want to see people struggling when there is often a better way! He did say that it had crossed his mind, but employers don’t take it seriously! The reality is that most of these young people want to have the experience of leaving home and having good fun at university! I must admit I think it’s a pretty bad idea as there are much better alternatives.

True Facts

The fact is that if anyone is serious about making online, especially if they are living at home and have no expenses, they could make far more money than someone who goes to university. I do understand that people want to experience life, especially when they are young. But realistically, if a student is serious about learning and dedicates 40 to 60 hours a week and taking action and learning on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, they genuinely could make some serious money!


When I look at all the different classes on the Wealthy Affiliate platform (there are actually ten different categories). We can go so deep within particular categories and specialise if we desire to.

Are You Making the Most Of The Wealthy Affiliate Platform?

When I read an article on the platform, I will often look at some of the responses from members; it generally makes for good reading. I was looking at Linden’s post; they are really benefiting from the platform. I find it absolutely amazing what we can achieve when we put our minds to something. I have copied Linden’s comments in below, they have such great results and are really making the most of the platform.

“This is an inspiring article, especially for new members, Kyle! Very clearly expressed and easily internalized.
I don't need to justify my WA Premium+ membership in any way! It is excellent, as I've said many times before.
During the 8 months I have been a Premium+ member, I have:
*Built 4 websites from scratch - now ranking well with Google.
*Learned 30 new skills - especially WP and email marketing.
*Got immediate help with problems about 25 times.
*Discussed essential issues that concern Affiliate Marketers and Internet Business owners.
*Got endless content ideas from the business hubs
*Written and published 257 articles prompted by the website Health Monitor
*Received 700 comments for my sites
*Become a Business Person - transformed from an academic - worlds apart.
*Solved many Website tech problems instantly and effectively
*Enjoyed the security and ease of WA hosting and website/domain creation.

.......and much more.
Money aside, my membership has paid for itself many times over in incalculable value. I feel that not everything is about money!
I'm truly satisfied with my ROI! My four businesses are solid and growing daily, attracting loyal visitors and providing superb outlets for my passions at every turn. They are fully sustainable and long-term.
I will certainly be renewing my subscription for many years to come.
Thanks for this checklist, Kyle!
Blessings 🌺

Just recently I have been going deeper with video editing. The software that I use is Camtasia, which is created by TechSmith. They have great training videos and two certification courses to help you go deeper. There’s so much online quality training out there; it’s fantastic; we can quickly become more knowledgeable on so many subjects.

Are you making the most of the Wealthy Affiliate training platform?

Thank you for reading.


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Recent Comments



Great article! I must admit, I also wasted money on a college degree. Sure I love graphic design, but I sure did not land a good paying job or a job at all in graphic design upon graduating.

One thing, I only got an associates degree and everyone seems to really want the masters degree. I am still $20,000 in debt from getting the associates degree, and will not go further indebt for uncertaintanty in job placement.

I have learned so much more here at Wealthy Affiliate and have 3 websites to show for it. My degree from Art Institute, I have a portfolio and crap knowledge of creating a website with DreamWeaver, and they did not even teach me about hosting. So that poorly designed site died with my graduation.

I wish I had discovered Wealthy Affiliate before I ever took one single college course!


Good morning Stacie,

Thank you, Stacie! I think if someone is going to college and they genuinely know what they want to do, it's fine. But so many people I speak to do not seem to know where their degree is going to take them, which doesn't make sense to me. It also doesn't make sense to go into debt, unless we are really sure that it is going to pay off.

This is the thing, you have learned graphic design, something you love, but it didn't necessarily give you a good paying job, unfortunately.

I understand, Stacie, I think you're right not to go into more debt.

That's fantastic, Stacie, I know exactly where you're coming from, it's great that you have learned so much from the platform. Which just proves that many people would be far better off learning something like Wealthy Affiliate which can genuinely make a living online and not get into debt!

I appreciate your input, thank you.

Have a great day.


Nicely put Roy! Every business whether it's on line or off will always need some kind of financial investment!

Nothing comes for free, but from my experience, the capital needed to get an on line business going is much less than an off line one!!

That is down to what we have at our fingertips right here!!

Have a wonderful week ahead my friend! :-)

Thank you for your reply, Nick, it's appreciated.

I couldn't agree more, Nick, I think it's amazing how cheap it is to set up an online business! We need to make the most of it.

That's so true, anyone who is a member of Wealthy Affiliate can literally put up a website in seconds. I appreciate that they have to add content, but it's something that can be built upon.

Thank you, Nick, you have a great week also.


You're most welcome Roy and absolutely spot on!

Take care buddy! :-)

Thanks for sharing this article and Linden's words. We really do get way more than $700 worth in a year from the WA training. I probably got more value than that last week!

I continue with the classes as I continue to post more articles in my niches.

It's all so good!


Thank you for commenting, Karin!

I know where you're coming from; it's so good to have accurate and genuine training available 24/7!

I must admit there's more training on the platform and what I can keep up with, but it's good to know that it's continually being updated.

I'm sure you are making the most of the training as you are very regular on the platform.

Have a great day.


This is a superb article. I'm glad you shared Linden's comments. I've been a member here for three years and I haven't made any money off my website yet, however, being a premium + member from the get-go has been worth every cent. I have learned more on this platform than I ever could anywhere else.

Just last week I closed my brick-and-mortar business. Now, I will have more time to focus on wealthy affiliate and my website here.

Good morning Jarielyn,

I'm glad that you enjoyed by post. I felt that Linden's comments were so positive, which made me think about how much value we have on the platform. I think sometimes we don't realise how much we are really learning from the platform. It's good to have everything in one place.

I hope it's a good thing that you have closed your brick-and-mortar business. If you can spend more time putting what you have learned on the platform into action, you should start to see results. I think there are many of us here who may be running two businesses, as I have an offline business. I would love to have more time to spend on the online business.

I wish you every success.


Thanks so much Roy.

It's a good thing that I closed my offline business. The rent was too high, and it was sucking the life out of me.

Much success to you as well.


It's a pleasure, JarieLyn!

I understand where you're coming from, sometimes we come to the end of a chapter and we have to take solid action.

I really hope that you can focus on your online business now.

Have a fantastic day.


I agree with your assessment in universities nowadays, Roy. I went to school for IT and development, where my professors all had coding experience to pass on to me, along with what I learned in my textbooks.

But if I were young today? Why would I need college when I could just learn coding off of YouTube videos, Udemy or Skillshare?

You're right about the "Indoctrination" part, where some parents don't even recognize their kids after four years.

I definitely believe in investing time and money into avenues that will help me to sharpen my skills in the long run - like Wealthy Affiliates!

Appreciate the post!
Isaiah 🙂

Good morning Isaiah,

I hope you're doing well. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.

Is it just in the last few years, things have changed a lot, which I believe is for the better. I think it's wonderful that we can learn new skills from the comfort of our own homes.

I understand where you're coming from, Isaiah, I genuinely think if we have the right course, like Wealthy Affiliate, we can learn so much in a very short period of time.

It's very sad that some young people are taken in by their lecturers, some of the principles they teach are really not good and shouldn't be in the universities.

I remember when I first started out online, Isaiah, I could see the power of the Internet, but I didn't know what to do. I spent hours scanning the Internet and purchasing poor products; I didn't know who was telling the truth! Platforms like Wealthy Affiliate give us the genuine information we need to create an online business. To me, this is worth so much.

Have a great day.


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