I am writing my story. My online Journey begins today.23rd July 2019

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So, I am not young nor do I expect to be young some day. My hopes and dreams are slowly fading. I am not sure I still have many things figured out....I hope I will learn how to do this along..... I have always had a desire to touch "REAL money". Mhhh!!! I am told it is not too late. I still have time..... well... I am here to try and chase this dream with the time available. And so, help me Lord as I begin this journey.....

Day one done.. Better schooled than I woke up in the morning......

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"Try there is not. There is only do or do not". Master Yoda, Star Wars.

You have to know you can and will make this happen for you in order to live your dreams. You can try to work your job until you're 70 and can retire on Social Security, or you can and will start a business of your own.

Ask yourself why am I doing this. I don't mean family, don't mean how it will look to others. I mean what is your why? For me it's freedom to work as and when I see fit. To enjoy my life, to enjoy the things my life can bring, and to be all I can be without someone deciding how much my time is worth.

Andy Zeus Anderson

Thank alot for this mind-boggling challenge. My why??????? Still figuring out.

Well think it through, write it down, and read it daily. There will be times you will want to quit, where the cash expenditure is still higher than earnings, when your website seems slow to make progress, and when friends and family don't believe in you. Your why will be there to silence the naysayers and get through those bad times.

Jim Rohn considers why to be paramount in business.
Tony Robbins says it's a catalyst to good living and self-awareness.

Stay with it. Be persistent. It will come.

Good Luck with this new path. Wish you all the best.

Hi Rose,
Welcome to WA!
Your interesting journey just started, enjoy! :)
All the best.

Thank you Tina for the good wishes vibes. Glad to connect with you and walk alongside

Hi Rose,

You're never to old to learn new things, there's many people here at WA that are learning affiliate marketing, some are in their 80's.

Once you take that first step into the training your off and running. The learning never really stops here and everyone here will help you achieve success if you have any questions along the way.

I wish you all the best.

Many thanks John. I am loving all your encouraging vibes. Makes me want to look forward....best thing here is to realize there is a whole lot ready to offer timeless support.

It's NEVER too late and good job on taking that step to achieve those money goals!

You can do it with effort and constant action. You have all the support you need here at wealthy affiliate.

Best wishes,
Shannon Kamal

Thank you Shannon....I agree its never too late to do the right thing, I am in.......

Rose, when I joined Wealthy Affiliate in December 2018 I was 72. It’s never too late to be successful in business. You are at the right place at the right time. I wish you all the success in the world.


Yooh!!! I got champions here....... Thanks Ben.... I am challenged but motivated. I am with you.... to learn from you not only about business but life as a whole.... you are a Library.,........to tap from you...... Happy to connect with you....

Hey Edwin;

To stop learning is to stop living. We are as old as we feel. Blessings my brother.


Hi Rose - Welcome!

If you haven't done so already, here's where you go to get started with the training: Feel free to ask questions as you go along (I'm happy to help if I can).

Good luck with your new online business!


Thank you my Angel...I already started and loving it..... I will keep tags with you on how its going. So far, I am super excited... feeling so much at home... connecting with real people across the globe. Waaoh!!

Hi Rose
You have landed in a great place to achieve your dreams - and age is not a barrier at all (though you hardly look too old for anything ;-)
Wishing you every success!

Hi Louise.... this is so awesome just connecting with you guys... I am smiling and feeling so blessed... I am in this loving and caring community. My day is made..... and a resolve done..... Forward ever looking....,

Awesome, I really look forward to seeing your journey take shape Rose. You have a bright future ahead of you! :)

Many thanks. You are already reaching out to humanity across the globe. God bless you with more ideas and wisdom as you lead and drive this innovation. Glad to be here.

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