7 INTERESTING Facts You Didn't Know About Me!

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Hello my friend!

How are you doing?

Recently, I haven't published many blog posts on WA but I've decided to start publishing here at least every now and then to provide you some value and tips.

I'm sure that my content can provide lots of value to you and especially those WA members who are just starting out their online business journey.

I'm also one of the top affiliates of Wealthy Affiliate and I've brought here 685 new members during the last 30 days. You may already know me from my website Your Online Revenue...

Anyway, let's get to today's topic!

Today I wanted to share with you 7 Interesting Facts that You didn't know about me!


This helps me to connect with you on a more personal level.

You'll get to know me better and see that person with a completely ordinary background like me can create a profitable online business.

As I always like to say, If I can do it, you can do it! :)

If you haven't yet started your online business journey, make sure to start the training today and continue it as long as you become successful as well.

1.My dream as a Kid Was to Become a Taxi Driver...

Many children dream of big things like becoming
• Doctor
• Millionaire
• Business owner
• Lawyer
• Etc.
But I didn't have such people close to me when I was a kid. The reason is that I didn't have very successful people in my surroundings.

My uncle was (and is still) a taxi driver so I thought, "Wow, I want to become a taxi driver as well!"

And do you know what? I became a taxi driver! I worked occasionally as a taxi driver during my studies for a 2,5-year period.

Nowadays I have much bigger goals. I want to build big and successful businesses and help 1,000,000's of people worldwide.

Currently, you still have a great opportunity because you can still contact me personally.

It might not be so easy in the future! ;)

2.I Am One of the Best Chess Players in Finland

Have you ever Googled my name "Roope Kiuttu"?

You'll find pictures of me as a kid and a teenager playing chess.

In the cover pictures, I'm the kid in the grey t-shirt, haha!

If there's 1 thing in this world that I know VERY, VERY Well, that is how to beat you at chess ;)

I've trained and played 1,000's of hours of chess and in my last tournament I beat a guy who was in the TOP-50 of the World's best chess players.

However, nowadays I don't play so much because I want to become the best Internet marketer in the world instead of the best chess player.

More importantly, with my current path I can provide much more value to you by helping you to make a life-changing income online.

It feels great when I know that I can impact people's life positively.

If I would be moving wooden pieces in a chess tournament, that wouldn't probably have such a big positive impact on your life compared to now when I'm helping you to make money online.

Jim Rohn said, "There is nothing better than having your name in someone else's testimonial. You just can't buy that with money."

3.I Was Playing Chess At 5yo and Cards at 4yo

When kids need to sleep a nap, they often don't want to do that, right?

In the kindergarten, I didn't want to sleep a nap because I was often excited to play cards with a few other kids.

Not some "baby card game" but a real card game that also adults play! ;)

We started playing chess (with real rules) when I was 5 years old.

I still remember some of the chess openings and around 10-20 moves that we played 20 years ago in my kindergarten, lol!

I could show them to you anytime on a chess board.

4.I Have Been In Around 30 Countries

You may already know that I enjoy traveling.

Currently I'm in Thailand during the next 6 months I'll go at least to Malaysia, Vietnam, U.S., U.K., Finland and maybe some other countries as well.

I am originally from Finland so most of the countries that I have visited are in Europe.

Then I've also explored the most countries in the Southeast Asia:
• Thailand
• Singapore
• Indonesia
• Malaysia
• Etc.
When I was a kid, we never traveled abroad with a family because we didn't have money to do that.

Now I feel privileged and thankful because I learned the skills to earn money online and be able to travel anywhere I want.

5.I Became a Born-Again Christian When I Was 16yo

The most important thing in my life is the faith in God and in Jesus Christ.

I could let go of anything else but that's #1 thing that I'll never let go.

When I was 16yo, I started listening to Christian's teaching online and I read 2 books (Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz and another one that I don't remember).

One day I started praying God alone at home and He touched me.

I started going to the church and get to know also other believers.

Since then I've been going to the church regularly for +9 years.

This obviously affects to my business in a way that I only recommend products that provide value to you and are 100% legitimate.

For example, casino companies have contacted me and wanted to pay me for putting an ad or a link on my website pointing to their site but I've refused because that business doesn't align with my values.

Therefore, you know that anything I recommend to you is 100% legitimate, trustworthy and provides real value.

6.I Never Wanted to Speak English!

You may already know that I have a website called LanguagesAreEasy.com.

But did you know that when I was at High School, I almost decided that I'll never want to speak English anymore?

My English skills weren't that good and I felt that I'm just not good at languages.

I was embarrassed to speak English at all.

I had learned (the lie) that if you are good at maths, you are not good in languages.

Later on, I learned that literally anyone can become master at languages if you are using the right techniques (If you want to learn the best techniques for learning languages, go to my LanguagesAreEasy.com website).

Nowadays I don't have any problem with speaking English and 99% of my online business happens in English.

Let my story be an encouragement for you!

If English is not your native tongue either, don't worry, You can still make lots of money online and do business internationally.

7.I Am a Bachelor Of Social Services

I graduated from the University of Applied Sciences with a degree from Social Services.

However, I don't do anything nowadays with my degree because I make my living online.

I don't have any intentions to use my degree in the future for several reasons:
1. I am able to help 1,000's (or in the future even 1,000,000's) of people through my work online.
2. I'm able to earn much more money online.
3. Earning money online gives a freedom to live wherever I want.
4. I can work whenever I want.

Did you enjoy reading this list? Leave a like and a comment below!

I would like to hear also something interesting about you so I'd know your better!


My 2 Questions to You:

1.What things have helped you to connect with your audience better?

2.What tips would you have for building a relationship with an email list?

Let me know in the comments below!

PS. What kind of blog posts would you like me to publish on Wealthy Affiliate in the future? If you have any requests/questions, feel free to leave a comment because I'd love to hear from you.

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Recent Comments


Thank you for making me and others feel more at ease with you and giving us a peak into your personal life. What a great testimony you have as a Born Again Christian. I'm sure you are reaching lots and lots of people. That is wonderful. Like you I am also a Born Again Christian. God is Awesome! It's the best decision I could ever have made.
Be Blessed Roope!

I'm very happy to hear that not only are you a Christian but you are not afraid to tell the world that you are! I too am blessed to be a brother in Christ!

I also find it interesting that you are into languages. I have an extensive genealogy that starts in Europe and Spain, works it way through South America and ends here in North America the good ol' US of A. Because of this, I find the Mayan hieroglyphics fascinating. Do you know much about it?

Through your testimony about chess, I have come to believe you must have a great memory.

Thanks for sharing!

Roope, I found these facts about you extremely interesting and it does help people get to know you - good idea. So you are a wonderful chess player, I play chess but I'm not wonderful at all.

My only language is English, but I would love to learn more - I'm going to check out your language site.

I'm glad to hear you are a fellow Christian. We can spend eternity learning more about each other and working for our God.

I enjoy reading all of your posts and your training, you are one of those I look up to as an example of success here at WA. One day I will be successful also and just think, you will have helped me too. -Shirley

You are so inspiring with your bio. I am American so I do speak English, but to those whose English is not their first language, take the challenge as Roope did.

I have heard that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. But keep at it and don't get discouraged.

Thanks again, Roope, for allowing us to get to know you better and as always, being available to us.


Hey Roope,
I just finished watching QUEEN OF KATWE and now I'm reading your post.
It is so apt knowing that you are a chess player too!

I too am a born again Christian! I knew there was something different about you from reading your posts!

The 2 things that have helped me connect with my audience is just being myself and writing as naturally as possible

I love the idea of sharing something personal with your subscribers. A great tip!

Wishing you continued success.

Thanks for sharing Jackie. I'm also happy to hear that you're a Christian as well! Great to connect with you here.

Hi Roope. I too am a Christian. Nice to meet you. I’m new to having an online business but I agree with you that people don’t want the standard “cookie cutter” email. They want you to ask about their latest crafting item or their golf game or their children’s graduation. You are a master recruiter for WA. What works best - emails, websites or social media as a recruiting tool?

Hi Sandra, great to meet you!

Emails work the best. But in order to collect emails, you need to have traffic coming to your website as Kyle teaches.

Hi Roope, it is so interesting to find out about our fellow travelers and I have to agree folks are looking for real people to connect with online, thanks for sharing.

All of us do so many interesting things, and working online just creates so many opportunities.

When it comes to email lists and emails, not too many, on topic and value works the best, just a couple of cents. I guess that many folks are suffering from email fatigue so keeping it real can work really well.

Yeah. I've noticed that building an email list is probably the best thing to do to build an online business. It's an asset that nobody can take away from you. Google, Facebook, YouTube, Quora can all change but when you have an email list, it's an asset that nobody can take away from you :)

So true Roope, and something that is widely and wisely promoted.

The winds of change seem to be blowing through many of the larger platforms on a regular basis and their core objectives are to preserve their positions usually at the expense of folks that are marketing on their platforms.

Best wishes for an excellent festive season Roope

All the best to you Alex also!

I am still very new to this only going on 5 months I am working
hard on building websites because all I have is time on my hands

Being a young man you have done very well and should be exceptionally proud of yourself this is so great - I do not even
know you but I am proud of you :)


Wow, thank you Susan. All the encouraging worlds mean a world to me!

Being part of the Wealthy Affiliate community has been one of the best choices of my life. This is so uplifting and encouraging community.

I'm looking forward to your success and success posts :)

Good post, Roope. In answer to your questions:

1. Being honest and being myself.
2. See answer one!

That's great. People like doing business with those who are genuinely themselves and helping.

Great to know these facts about you Roope. We've talked recently in email if you remember ; ) I don't know if you still live in Finland or not but I've been in Helsinki and I liked it very much. Hope we can meet in future face to face : )

Wish you best

I don't live in Finland but I still feel that Oulu is still my hometown. I'll probably not gonna live there in the near future but my heart is somehow still there because of the friends and family.

I'm happy hear that you've enjoyed Helsinki!

Where do you live Ali?

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