Can we really promote ALL content from WA as Affiliates?


Hi WA-ers,

I am moving forward slowly bit surely. I have been reading in many of the tutorials that we can share content from WA. But on the other hand it is not allowed to publish information from WA to you own website.

Am I missing something or do I misunderstand the concept?

Another question then is - if we are allowed to share, where can we share this content if not on our own sites? Shall we use Social Media?

Refer to my previous post about my relation with Social Media.


rolfkb ...

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ALL --- using YOUR AFFILIATE LINK / dont copy and paste

When people are not members, they will get a pop-up to sign up after about 15 sec. and will be your referral! So share where ever you can your affiliate link:)

Thank Loes that's good news.
Does that mean I can put the links on my website? Or should this primarily be for Social Media?

You can use them on both.

As you know, Social Media is not fond of affiliate links, you can be caught as spammer, so this is what I do:

I have pretty link on my website, and I make from every affiliate link a pretty link.

Per example:
This is my homepage link:
And this is my pretty link:

They both go to the same homepage, only when I place the first one, I have to do captcha on FB, and when I place the second one, I can share freely.

Loes, is pretty link a plug in? Could I instead use that also make long links shorter. But they are not as pretty as you showed above.

And my relations with social media is quite limited, because I have never though this was for real. But maybe I need to bite the bullet and find out...?

Yes pretty link is a plugin, you create a sort of library with links, and can use them time after time again, you name them yourself, so it's very easy to find the correct link again and work with.

Thanks, that's very helpful! I'll install and use this immediately. But that doesn't fix my relationship with social :)

One more question: When you have made the library of links can you then deactivate the plug in or are the database part of the plug in?

I use Pretty Links all the time rolfkb

Marion, thanks for the link, very instructive!

I don't know, it's a very light plugin, I wouldn't worry to much about it

I believe you can share WA content as a link everywhere including google+. What you can not do is to copy contents as is and place on your website :)

Hi, as far as I know, we can share WA content in Facebook that is why there is Facebook share there the good thing about that is, it is your affiliate link also so if ever they are interested the commission will be yours. You cannot share our content in Google+ though. That's what I only know about it. I am not sure with other social media sites like LinkedIn but there are groups you can join to like Affiliate Groups they allow posting your own content from your own website.

Thanks for the update aZzeej! I will try to do something on Facebook and report back in a couple of weeks what the result was.

You are welcome. I actually tried the Google+ and it doesn't worked for me I just don't know with others. But like I said, when I tried to post one of my blogs here in WA to Google+, it didn't work out for me. Best of luck. Looking forward for your update as well on Facebook share. Thanks!

You sure can...just copy and paste your Affiliate Link (located on every WA Page, Training, and Blog).

Hi Deidre, long time no see, how are you:)

Hello! I am fine and thanks for asking..hanging in! Everything good with you?

Yes, thank you, still in selfie sticks?

HAHA...SILLY Sticks? Yes! HAHA!
I need to make time for my WA site...been sitting empty. Sure is pretty, though! LOL!

Have you seen my 101 blog ideas?

No...thanks and I will open and read in the morning...
Turning in...

Goodnight, I just had breakfast:)

Omigod...that's a list. I might be inclined to do something today...okay, okay, okay! Thanks!

Your're welcome Deidre:)


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