HELP! Information overload!
Since joining WA I have been bombarded with info from everywhere – so much that I'm now forgetting what I already knew! When I ask certain folk questions but I rarely get back the information I seek...
And so despite all this input I have had no success with my blogs whatsoever.
I am now asking myself whether to bother at all...
Now I know I said 'NEVER GIVE UP!' in a blog and I'm not saying anything out loud, but I have no motivation... I live alone without a partner and few friends but can get by with my present income. Also the darkness of depression darken my life from time to time -like now - and then all motivation to live, let alone build a business disappears. I retreat into my flat not wanting to go out and cutting myself off from other humans. (I guess there are some of you dear readers will understand this).
Sorry folks this sound so negative but...I don't care!
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Today your alive and tomorrow you live. To be grateful for the loneliness and share your self with the world is a great task. Your time is not of waste the information is your guide to break out of dis pare. Live through your words and help others do the same this is a true motivation. To create a world that is yours. We are here to help you.The great thing about all the knowledge is it can be revisited. Giving up is the easy way out. I don't think you have ever taken the easy way out. I have read your words. You are among friends that you don't even know you have. Take care of yourself Roger J B
Hey, Roger.
Sorry to hear that! However, I have actually created a blog post on how to deal with information overload and it will help you:
I know where you're also coming from because I too live alone, but it can be a blessing at times because it means there's no distractions, so you can move forward with your business. It can also get lonely, so I go out for a jog, visit a friend or a family member from time-to-time to keep me sane lol.
We are all here to help you and are your friends too :-)
There are some motivational/inspirational Youtube videos that I watch each day that also help to keep me going.
I recommend you watch them a few times because they will help lift your spirits and push you forward with whatever you need to be doing.
Here are 3 awesome videos for you to search for on Youtube:
Dreams Motivation
Eric Thomas Focus
It's You - Greatest Motivation ft Les Brown
Greatness is within you ;)
You're welcome, Roger. Watch as many Motivational/Inspirational Youtube videos as possible, make it a daily habit and you will feel more positive, happy and driven. Have a great weekend :-) Neil
I would say don't let the depression make the decision for you. Find something that will help you get over this slump and then come back to it. Also maybe limit yourself so a certain amount of information a day so that you won't feel so overwhelmed
-from someone who knows about depression :)
I'm an extreme introvert who spends a lot of time isolating myself from other people. Yes, I am friendly and outgoing online but a bit of a loner in the real world. I do find that I get a lot of satisfaction out of my online work though.
It must be very difficult for you Roger.I myself know what serious depression is like and you are so right,one does not care about anything,I suffer from under active thyroid and live with a mental illness.If anything what I have found is that there are lots of people here with different ailments,and there is always someone with the same illness that you can relate to.
My heart really does go out to you because it must be awfully difficult living on your own.
I would not worry too much about blogging a lot,I am here just over the year and I began like you,you want to try and learn everything in a day and it was just one day,not long before I started that I realised what was happening.Definitely information over load,when this happened I just took the advice of another member and went back to the green button and started again.In a full year and a bit I have only got through the green button training,however the thing I am doing is implementing the stuff I know into my site.
As a suggestion it may help you to write things down in a notepad and then review it every other day,test your memory skills and you will find you retain it much more.Also what I would say is do not get bogged down answering all emails,I used to do this too and you end up getting no work of your own done,my advice to you would be to keep touch with a few good friends here,befriend some folk some times and think of yourself a bit more.
Where is it you live Roger,do you get out a lot because that is important that you find some where to socialise,try and get yourself into some kind of help groups,there is plenty of things available,its just making the first step to some of these things,it does get easier,I have been there so I am not waffling on.
Can I ask you how you get your day in?
Thank you. What does "get your day in"? mean. I'm english so I havn't come accross that expression before.
I am English also Roger.It simply means how do you fill your day.I mean,when you get out of bed in the morning you have breakfast,you maybe tidy the house a bit;your not working with a full time job,is that correct.Do you then go out for a walk,do you visit friends,do you go the library.This is what I mean,I do not want to pry into your life I am just merely establishing how much of your day is active.
If you do not wish to share this then that is fine.
I know others on here can relate to what you're going through. As far as information overload. PHEW, MANY of us get that. My head swims sometimes. Just take it one step at a time. The nice thing about WA is you can put it down and pick it back up when you're feeling better and we're all still here.
It's good Roger that you said this, it's okay. I was wondering where you were, haven't had any emails for a few days. I think when you're feeling low, it's best to do other things that you don't normally do or rather get away from what you normally do everyday. Roger, it doesn't matter if you're not blogging for a few days, don't hit yourself over the head too much.
Move forward. Be a clown. You can focus off of yourself and your woes. I am learning balloon twisting now. I already do glitter tattoos. Being a clown helps you escape from a normal slump of humans that just conform to society.
Welcome to
or you are welcome to YouTube under uggtheclown or Starfishclown
get some belly rolls enjoying the art of making ourselves in such a way we try to brighten someone's day.
Don't worry because you are definitely not alone in this community. There are tons of people out there willing to lend a helping hand and I am definitely one of them ;) It's nice when you are expressing yourself because then you are letting out all of your inner frustrations. It is really sad to live by oneself without a partner, but don't worry in no time you will see success here at WA, just keep applying yourself and you will definitely get the results you want. Don't give up, and if you every need ANYTHING, feel free to PM and I will respond :)
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I think a lot of us feel the same way as you, Roger, information overload, lol. Don't stress yrself too much, just do what you can each day, we are not competiting with anyone but ourselves. :) Do give yrself a break if you need, maybe 2-3 days will do, and then come back again, WA and yr website will still be there, Take care, my friend. :)
Bless you
You are greatly blessed by the one up there, lol. :)
That's true