A Very Productive Day.

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The day started with receiving a couple of great comments/ideas back on the FB linking, I won’t have time to try them until the weekend, but I am grateful for the info.

Today has gone in my diary as the day I received my first organic sign-up for my newsletter, so I better start thinking about preparing one, which is not hard with all the software I have. I used to send out 4-500 manually in the USA, licking and sticking, cutting and pasting and laying up. I seem to remember the app was called Express Publisher on floppy disks, which was passed on from someone working at the National Enquirer, we all used to share our software back then.

Now just the writing bit to accomplish, and send it out on express digital mail. Love it.

I also asked Gemini for its opinion on how to make the best out of high-ranking pages, not forgetting this is a Google tool, but I favour it even more as it is my birth sign, but anyway it came back with a nice list of recommendations that mirror many of the WA training, but nicely bulleted in the Gemini reply.

On another note, there is me thinking I was home and dry with the Amazon approval as things had changed with Site Strip and all that, but I guess there must be other differences in the back room with the UK and USA, as it told me I still have to qualify in the UK. I need to sleep on that one, or does it matter if I let that one slide for now and reapply later? Or will that shut down my USA approval? Any help on that would be appreciated and I will also post that as question tomorrow.

Managed to watch a couple more of Eric’s videos and some more of the relative ones for me on YouTube, I am just blown away by the numbers for medium-quality work, I just hope I haven’t lost my touch when I start my own.

I have actually started changing things around a little in my small apartment to make my little filming area, the last of the lighting parts arrive tomorrow, and with another ½-1 day of remodelling I should be all set, all camera batteries are charged, I have a fisheye lens if needed, and from what I have witnessed and read in the comments, just keeping the camera on target will win me brownie points.

I don't know what happened, I was just editing on the post screen, spell checked one word and the platform implanted words all over my post and I had to go through it again!!🕵️‍♂️

I must call it a day have to start on English office time today. 🛀


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Recent Comments


Nice work Gemini Rob 😁. Now, about that Brownie, are they homeaid? LOL


Hey Mr Rick,

Cooking with gas here today, generated 5 major posts and published one, still have to edit the others and add photos and the other trimmings


So happy for you and your push on your purpose.
I truly am wishing you greatness.

Keep at it brother... things are shaping up... Journaling is a great way to put your thoughts on to paper so you can visualize things more clearly and outside of the muck in your mind and also a great way to reflect. I tell you this, I know this and yet I'm not doing it as much as I should. Thank you for this, this morning. Robert

Hi Robert,
That's definitely one way to look at it, the visual block has not hit me yet but I am sure it's going to happen at some point.

Writing these blog posts sort of does that for me


Busy day, nice work Rob!

Hi Rob
Perhaps you fell asleep while editing. ;-).

Hi Richard,
I think I did briefly at one point


Oh my! Congrats Rob! It's a productive one, too!

Thank you as always Abie, I have generated 5 posts in draft format, but only published one


That's awesome, Rob!
Yeah, same as me. I have been writing outlines, lol
I'm a bit busy today as well.

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