What About Wealthy Affiliate Testimonials?

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Wealthy Affiliate Business Builders and the Success Testimonials from earning with the WA training system.

Have you wondered whether or not people at WA are earning with the education provided?

If you're just stopping by this page, and have been earning from the training here at WA, please add your testimonial Wealthy Affiliate link in the comment section below.

Below you'll find some success links and further down in the comments also, to those who are not only finding success at WA but also teaching new students how to do the same thing with the business training and education offered.

There are two main tools WA offers

1) Wealthy Affiliate Academy

2) Jaaxy - Research Tool

The more you meet other members on the site making the numbers you desire, the better you can learn how to do the business correctly.

You don't want to miss anything WA sends to your email so make sure you register with an email you *check daily. If you didn't register with a good

working and daily checked email, go back and add an email that's checked daily in your account. The questions from potential customers and new students will come to your email. Check it daily.

You can do that by clicking on your profile photo if you're on desktop, 3 lines if you're on phone.

Make sure you white list WA as well as those you connect to.

Contact your email carrier, help section, or support team for the information.

"How to whitelist an email" in your carriers help section

See just how simple Jaaxy is to use by adding your keyword, product, service, etc. into the search bar.

<div id="search_tool" style="text-align:center;line-height:15px;"></div><script type="text/javascript">var jtrack = "07abce65";</script><script src="https://my.jaaxy.com/badge.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an education which seems to be a one step at a time process teaching new students to build a website in a short amount of time.

The education also teaches students to utilize certain businesses already familiar to the general public, to generate products and sales for these companies as well.

If you have no idea what to sell or do to earn, then utilize this education as your business as a start.

My personal opinion is that I see it as an education that teaches students to build a website and advertise for well know companies. You're probably familiar with companies such as Walmart, Best Buy and many other reputable companies.

At first the education seems very slow. However, this is part of the process, stick with it to watch your business expand and grow.

Take a moment to see these success posts


However I realized the basic approach to helping new students who might know nothing at all about building online.

It was very easy, and simplistic in nature, which teaches even the student who might be older and completely unfamliar with online apps and websites.

To say the least, this educational system was appealing enough for me to share the idea with my mom who was 75 then, and is 80yrs. old. ...and no, she didn't even want to try because she thought "it would be too hard to learn computer things," and she said "I'm too old to have a business at this age in my life"

I think she's wrong. She's still wrong.

She doesn't want to hear it. :-)

If I feel it's easy enough for my 80 yr. old mom, then I can say it's easy to walk through this education.

This banner below will get you started

Who Owns Wealthy Affiliate?

Two entrepreneurs from Canada started the building and education process back in 2005 and have been growing the business to over 1 Million members since that time.

Kyle and Carson are the owners of the Wealthy Affiliate website and walk you through the education step by step and you'll see Kyle on the training videos.

You can get to know Kyle better here


Wealthy Affiliate has a wonderful community and I can thank Kyle and Carson for that also. Generally a community reflects the people involved in it and that's no exception to the WA friends and community.

The community on WA are helpful and excited to help new students along the way. With each lesson you'll find yourself with a myriad of questions.

When you have questions at Wealthy Affiliate:

There are several ways to find the answers to the questions you will have while going through the process of building your business website.

I'm only going to mention one way to answer questions at Wealthy Affiliate here in this feed.

The reason for leaving you with one answer is due to not wanting to move you off of the lessons during your training process. *that's one of the things that happened to me at first. Even the answering of questions has a part in the process of the education, so I'll leave that for your education.

Here's what I suggest at this time:

As you progress through the lessons, scroll down to the comment section of the lesson you happen to be working on and see if your questions happen to be answered in that particular lesson.

Many times you'll find the answers to common questions in the comments section of that lesson so be sure to check there first.

The educators in each lesson answer questions like this everyday and they're ready to help you when you need the help.

You'll want to remember that there are thousands of students going through the same education as you're going through so try to be patient.

If you can find what you're looking for before someone can answer you back, then you're progressing at a bit faster pace than waiting on someone.

Many of the exact same questions are asked daily so help the educators by first checking the comments in that lesson and then ask them; though each educator will answer your questions, it might take a bit longer to wait on the answer.

Stay focused on the topic at hand to help those in that part of the education stay focused and not end up on bunny trails.

*for instance, if you're on a page that tells people about how to start their profile, don't ask questions about affiliate products or jump around with something not associated with helping the person with their profile.

Kyle, and team have things set up accordingly to help each student build and earn. You can be confident this team does everything in their power to help everyone succeed; stay on the focus of building your training.

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

The education at Wealthy Affiliate is simple enough that a child can walk through the process and probably build a website of their own, depending on the age.

Wealthy Affiliate education and certification is easy enough for a child but a powerful enough system that it not only trains students to build an online business,

WA teaches you to build a lucrative business working with people around the world.

From the uneducated to the masters earner, the education at WA will help you build an online presence via building your business website.

It doesn't matter whether you are a plastic surgeon, fisherman, teacher, outdoors enthusiast, lawyer, traveler or anything in between, the education and system will help you build your online business.

What is the Cost of Wealthy Affiliate Training?

Starting is easy and absolutely free to try for 7 days. In the course of that time you will learn to build and online website, of course there's so much more, but I'm simplifying the information for sake of time.

The cost of one year of Wealthy Affiliate and all this system has to offer will cost you less than the cost of an average $600 college text book.

Here's the secret:

You'll be offered a discount when you first register for WA business system.

Grab that discount from the very beginning in order to keep your building process going with no distractions.

Who Is RitaAnn~?

Hi there, that's me in the photo RitaAnn~ with the black and white flowered shirt on. I've been online for many years and have had the opportunity to start building part time income online when my children were little. That was many years ago with aol, ebay, paypal, and many more.

Now as an empty nester, I'm using the information from my past website building, as well as working on many thousands of sites over the years, to build in this atmosphere.

If only this education was around 25+ yrs. ago it would have saved me years of crying, stress, giving up, starting again, crying some more and feeling like a failure over and over again. LOL Truth.

This education would have been a huge step forward many years ago; unfortunately I spent years frustrated with ups and downs online. I've done side jobs for many online companies and still do today.

Yes I'm a real person. A wife of 40yrs. a mom of 2 biological children and many, many more we call our family.

Yes, that's me and I still answer my phone personally. No, I'm not allowed to add that info. on the site for our safety as members.

...and yes, that's my natural white hair which was the crown given to me

after a traumatic car accident at age 16. The accident left me in a wheelchair for over a year. I started coloring my hair brown to cover the white at around 18 and now in my late 50's I've let it grow white again.

*yes, it's usually a question people ask when they see me. They also say "Oh your hair is beautiful or some other kind gesture to which I reply, "Thank you, I had a car accident when I was 16 that turned my hair white."

Okay, so now I've covered it before meeting you. :-)

You can find me by connecting on some of the links I have on my profile or doing a quick RitaAnn~ search.

It's important to note that people have been scammed and are generally concerned about going through it again.

So, when first signing on to WA, go to your search browser and type in *without any spaces:

https:// wealthy affiliate . com *Do this for every site you're on, not just WA.

Then log in from there, come back here and click the links from the email you receive from wealthy affiliate each day.

*do this for other email you receive also, type in the website first, then open things from your email. If it's a legit site, it will automatically open from your email into the website.

Earn from one of the WA tools - Research Tool for SEO

One of the tools WA gives the business owner and new student is a research tool that pulls the information you're researching.

Here are some of the results from my own experience with just one of the tools WA has to offer the new student and business owner.

The "Congratulations" is from one of the tools WA gives you to use while working on your business.

Try this research tool link.

Input your product, service, idea, sentence etc. into this search bar on the site.

>> https://www.jaaxy.com/search/?a_aid=07abce65 <<

For the full benefit grab the upgrade here before the trial runs out


Th is is an SEO research tool that gives you the opportunity to search a particular

word, niche, sentence or even category, to pull up information around the web on the subject you request information about.

I have this in video format to show you that the list just kept scrolling, however, the video wouldn't upload here so I grabbed a screenshot for you instead.

Learn More about Jaaxy Research Tool here:


This tool is powerful enough to even give you some idea of what you should and probably shouldn't write about according to the signals the query pulls up from your search.

Using the Jaaxy research tool gives you the unfair advantage of the tools research capabilities and the retrieving of information vital to your website content.

Training and more information about the Jaaxy research SEO Tool can be found as part of the Wealthy Affiliate education.

Start your online website and business building by clicking the banner.

You might have also already put your ideal business niche in the search tool at the beginning of the review.

If you haven't already tried your research words in the search tool, do that now.

If you had any doubts,

now is the time to throw them out the window

Wealthy Affiliate Works

Wealthy Affiliate Success Testimonials

For that reason I'm adding a few links to this page to help new students see some personal testimonials from other Wealthy Affiliate Members who have been building an online business with the education provided at WA.

These are only some examples so this doesn't go to the spam folder hopefully:

The owners Kyle & Carson have spent many years working on building a profitable business building education for their students.

Add your WA testimonial below in the comments for new students:





NOTE: Many times email with more than one - two links in it will go to spam folder in email. Make sure you're whitelisting Wealthy Affiliate email. * that information will be found in your email carrier help or support information.

Here's to your business success and I'm looking forward to seeing your success testimonials.

Add your success testimonial below either in comment form or share your *Wealthy Affiliate link to your success testimonial below on the WA website. No outside links.

Here's to your success, and I'll see you at the top,


#successtestimonials #wealthyaffiliate #education #success

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training

Recent Comments


Powerful Information and so encouraging, thanks Rita.

Thank you Joe, glad you got something out of it.

Keep going


Thank you RitaAnn for sharing this valuable info

Heyyyy there rjkennedy, thank you so much for your encouraging words and for stopping by my profile.



I'm so sorry to hear about your wife.
Married 40 yrs. myself and I can't even imagine the loss.

There probably are no words at all to heal that, but here's some air hugs to try.


I do this!

That's great DragomirVC1, it's important to stay safe online.

Let us know what you like about WA.


Very well said, Rita Ann! Love the hair, my friend!


Hi there JeffreyBrown,

Thanks for stopping by.

The hair was a gift I got at 16 for crashing into a tree... trees don't move. :-)
Hair turned white and by 18 had to be colored.
By 21 it was completely white and I've kept it colored until the last 7-8 yrs. I think.
I finally just let it go white and my parents hated it. Mom always says it makes her feel so old. Um... she's 75. LOL

Thanks again for stopping by.

Tell us what you like about WA.


I like the Community the most along with the hosting and excellent site support! I also like that it is work at your own pace!


JeffreyBrown, I have to agree


Thank you, RitaAnn!

You rock JeffreyBrown! Keep up the great work.


Why thank you for the kind words, RitaAnn! I hope all is well!


I shoot from the hip and say what the heart feels most of the time.

I see you out there rocking it.


Thank you very much, RitaAnn--just making it thorugh each new day!


I took the WA training a few years ago. I found it to be clear, comprehensive and very practical. With no experience, I created several websites over the years using the training. As well, I have become an affiliate with a number of companies. I found that the work to create and maintain the websites was fun and easy because it was based on something that I really enjoy. I agree with the very practical advice you have given in this post.

Hey there drjec, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here.

Much appreciated.


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Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training