Early Success with PPC Ads Because of Wealthy Affiliate

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I have tested PPC ads several times over the last five years and couldn't get them to be successful or made mistakes with where the ads were showing up and also making my keywords to general.

About one month ago a put a question in WA about new training here and got some good feedback. I was told to checkout VitaliyG and his training on "How to Create a Highly Successful Google Ad."


VitaliyG walked me through each step of what you do to keep only people who are interested in my specific product. I am still in the testing mode but you can see some of the Amazon analytics of purchases lately.

I am only half-way through the class, but it looks like the ads are working well, but I have had to limit my ad cost per day because I am getting so many clicks, and they are good clicks.

I'm monitoring the ads closely and the next step will be to look at what ads I want to start scaling.

I want to remind everyone here of just how incredible WA is and the quality of people and training.

Thanks VitaliyG and everyone else for the great training and mentorship.


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Hello Richard,

That's great news, I believe there is quite an art to getting paid ads to work efficiently.

I also appreciate the reminder that there is so much useful training on Wealthy Affiliate, especially in the classes. I have a lot of training to catch up with!

Have a great day.


I wish I could keep up with all of the training, but it's good to keep stretching ourselves with learning new things here.


I hear you, big time, Richard! Every Monday, I see notifications of new training being pumped out. I should be watching a lot more training! Time goes quickly, but as you rightly mention, we do need to stretch ourselves and keep learning.

Wishing you a great and productive week.


Rick, Vitality classes are top notch about PPC. I havent gotten into it because of my budget constraints. I liked the a/b testing class. Im not ready to venture into that but this is good to know. I will need to go back to his earlier classes and figure it out. Vitality encouraged me not to be 😱. I am so scared! 😬 about it. How would you encourage someone like me to gain confidence in trying PPC?

Hey Brenda. I would start out with one ad and keep you Cost Per Click (CPC) low, no more than $0.30 and keep your daily budget low, such as $5 or $10 and then monitor the analytics closely as it comes in, then over several months, start increasing your daily budget as you profits start increasing.


Same as Vitaliy states in the class. He did say can run it for 48 hours. If it's 10 a day run for 7 days that's 70 bucks whoa I ain't got that kind of money. Even 5 a day run for 7 days for $35 a week whoa 😮! But like Vitaliy stated need start somewhere. Good point.

Start somewhere, even if it's $3 or $5 per day. Find an amount that works for you, then put the training into action to start learning and see what works. Absolutely don't spend more then you what you can afford to lose.


Alright, it's a strategy that I need to look into thanks for encouraging me. I like the class about the a/b funnel. I use a funnel software paid one not click funnels but systeme dot io so maybe good start with that.

I may be using my own funnel, but that would be how I have set things up and not an action I took on purpose.

My focus on all of my websites has always been to create content that I become an expert on, or as close as possible, and now that I am getting a lot of traffic and sales, I'm adding the ads to it.


I know Vitaliy talked about designing his own. I do not know how to do that yet. I am absolutely clueless about how to design a funnel which is why I use funnel software it's done for you. You are right about your content and website like you showed me before with you and your other business partner, you have been doing this for 5 years so I get it. You are an expert in the outdoor life niche.

The second graph seems to be from standard Amazon reports, how do you know which sales are from ads and which are organic? Some tracking in place I assume. Thanks.

This is something I still need to figure out to get more granular in the stats. Currently I am watching the increase in sales per month, based on what has happened over the last several months when I didn't have any ads running.

If you or anyone else knows how to set up tracking correctly I would love to know.

The problem is I have 20 to 30 links in my articles in "Calls to Action" and links in photos, so I have no idea about what link people are going to Amazon from and if they are buying something. Even if someone does go through my PPC link to my website and then does go to Amazon, I have no idea if they actually bought anything.

This is one of the next things I need to understand.


I am not familiar with how ads work so cannot say much. There are experts here that can probably help. Without it you cannot really know if you earn more than you invest in ads.

But some calculation is possible. You know how many ad clicks you have so these are new visitors, GA will surely show this. And as you say, you know how many people went from your posts to Amazon in the past. So by comparison you can get some idea.

Anyway, this is a big step and a potential game changer. Wish you success.

I talked with VitaliyG yesterday and he told me that he goes through the tracking of conversions in the same training. I just have not gotten to that yet, but am watching it now.


Excellent Rick, nice work. You are at the phase of this campaign where you are going to want to refine and polish your campaign to maximize ROI and conversions.

The good thing is that you know it converts, not it comes down to maximizing profitability. ;)

Thanks Kyle. My only issue now, besides watch a "general" growth in revenue from Amazon, is to know how many people coming to my site, are selecting any number of Amazon links, then knowing what they buy when they get to Amazon.

At the moment, I'm comparing what I'm making now to what I made over the last two or three months.

Any advice on training to learn that would be welcomed.


Awesomeness, and I love it.

Thanks Abie. I believe it was you who recommended VitaliyG's PPC training.



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