Weathering through the STORMS
How many times have we had to weather through the storms in our life? Many of us have hit brick walls truly believing there was no way for us to turn around. But, I'm experiencing some family storms and faith and pray is my way of turning it around. We never plan to prepare for them but they happen anyway, in being successful just in life you have to pull through the good and the bad. Your most 💥 powerful way is prayer daily it makes a storm feel like soft drizzles on a sunny day. WA family how do you weather the storms without losing focus on your important life tasks?
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"Embrace life's storms.
They're a part of the journey too."
"The tiny seed knew that in order to grow,
it needed to be dropped in dirt,
covered in darkness, and
struggle to reach the light."
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny." - C.S. Lewis
Thanks for sharing, Regina.
All the best.
Storms are part of life. We must not blame anyone about it. It’s better to pray that we calmly weather through it as you wisely said. The rain pours to both good and bad. So do with the sunshine. Let us still be positive through prayer on the storms we get. Thanks for the post, it is good food for thought.
First, I think you have to realize that there are going to be storms along the way. If you think that business (or life) is going to be all sunny days, then it is going to catch you off guard when their is a storm.
Also, there are many signs (keeping with the analogy) when a storm is coming. If you are not seeing the grey clouds, or aren't watching the weather report, then it is partly your fault.
Catch the signs early, prepare for the storm, and then move on. If you get caught in the midst of an unexpected storm, do know that it is going to pass.
Thanks Kyle with family storms are always unexpected so I do have to try and be more prepared.
I'm not a religious person Regina but wish you peace. I find in difficult times I remind myself of what I am grateful for and why I am doing what I am at the moment.
My why, dreams and goals sustain me. I've had some horrible times with my family, as I am so very different from them. I will work for a dream.
Be sure in yourself. Be loving and aware and accept that somethings you can't change.
Agree to disagree is my way.
Lily 😊
Love your post - honestly, just what I needed to hear. Been going through some storms of my own lately. Prayer is big for me too, and also encouragement and support from others. That's one of the things I appreciate about the WA family. It helps so much to know you're not alone in your struggles, and you will make it through the storm.
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I used to believe I am lucky because I can turn off to most things I don't want to think about for short periods of time, at least. The problem is, I have found, eventually, I do have to think about them, then, are much more difficult to deal with than before. So now I try to deal with them as soon as I am aware of them, if I can.
The hardest things to deal with are usually family orientated, but you must try to be rational about them and know whatever happens the result will be the same and this helps to make them easier to deal with. These things are tests of our resolve and of our determination, and even if they are not, they are less difficult to cope with if we can look at them in this way.
It's a bit like when someone is purposely trying to annoy you and you know they are, it is not such a problem than if they were doing it for some other reason.
Best wishes, Rob
True thanks Rob