Black History Month - Lift Every Voice and Sing!

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Kylo turns 1 on the 24th of February✅

Jenny, Pung, and Max go to Japan March 1st for 1 month✅

July 1st, we may have a new (a secret)✅

Happy Black History Month everyone!

Peace & Love


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It's so important to learn during this time. I am astounded at how much I do not know. It's a beginning.

Thant 's the thing, Jim
We live and we learn😊

Happy Black History Month, Rachele!😎

Rock On 🤘
Frank 🎸

Hi there, Frank.

Thanks for the positivity.
Rock on, Doc🎸

Happy Black History Month.
Enjoy the activities.

Thanks, Kav
I certainly plan to.



Thanks, JD 🌹

At least this post didn't get stuck in transition

Welcome, Rachele. :)

yep. :)


Hi, Rachele.
Black History Month in Canada this year is between Wed, Feb 1, 2023 - Tue, Feb 28, 2023.

It is a time for Canadians to honour and celebrate the diversity, history, and culture of Black people in Canada and to acknowledge the many everyday contributions of Black communities from across the country. In 2021, 1.5 million people in Canada reported being Black.


Peace, love, and light always.

Paul Mindra from Canada.

Thank you, Paul.

This is great information. I did not know that Canadians celebrate diversity and history. Wow! I learned something new today.

That's a lot of diversity. One thing I have always known is that Canadians are some awesome people. Inclusivity is very important. Looks like you celebrate the whole month of February too. Super.

Peace & Love

p.s. Thanks for the link

You are welcome.
Canada is a unique country of many different colors and backgrounds.

Politically, though it is a mess just like everywhere else in the world.

Have a fantastic week, Rachel.

Talk again soon.


Absolutely, Paul

Where the best country to live?
Have a great weekend too.


There is no best country if it were up to the creator.
All land is ours to traverse freely.

But man creates boundaries.

"This is my land," "That is your land."

To come to my land, you need "this."

Crazy times we are living in Rachel.

Peace be to everyone.
Guess what?
That has never been possible.


Lots of food for thought, my friend😊

Never give up.

I am somewhat up to date on the works of Martin Luther, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, and Malcolm Little.

Most of us know Malcolm Little as Malcolm X.
One of his most famous quotes was:
“A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”

I like where you are planning to go.

Remain awesome my new friend.

Paul from Canada.

PostScript. PS

What part of the world are you blessing us from?



You're rocking on well
Happy Black history month
We celebrate ours in October
Hope it will be an amazing day for you

Thank you, Simone.
Wow! I did not know that you celebrate in October.
Looking forward to learning more.

I think Black History is celebrated the whole month of February
in the U.S. at least in CA. That's why I posted so I wouldn't forget.


I learned something today.
Thank you for sharing



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