Memory Lane

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Good Evening to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family, as always do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.

It has been a week of contrasts, but one that has been very interesting to put it mildly, hopefully I will remember all that has happened an be able to relate it to you.

Amazed to find that I have ranked as 40 all week, did not think that I had done anything special.

The Last Few Days

After an interesting morning visiting the local Squadron of the Air Traing Corps at their annual open day, a Squadron which I joined some 66 years ago, seeing a lot of people whom I know, including the Lord Lt and the new Chairman of the local Council, who is as an old friend, not forgetting the MP who is without a post at the moment due to the election.

It was interesting to see how things have changed sine my day, was given a young cadet to act as my ADC during my visit, she proved to be very interested in my RAF career, as she wishes to join when old enough.

Spent the afternoon not believing what Derbyshire were doing against Yorkshire at Chesterfield, many years ago when I was the skipper of the RAF depot side, an ex-professional told me to always put the other side in at Chesterfield when you win the toss, what did ours do today? chose to bet, almost certainly has lost us the game.

Watched the England game, the best that can be said is that we won!

Found a training programme amongst my old bits and pieces on adding bonuses to your product, it really was very interesting and taught me a lot.

Have continued to add more ebooks to the pile, each having at least the first four pages done, when I checked one, which I had decided to write two books on, then found when I did some reseach, that I had not two, but at least four possible books. Have now decided that this will be a decent size tome, instead of two smaller ones. Unless of course I make it four parts, but I will have to see.

Have had a very useful week in the garden, spending an hour most days sorting it out, in fact I had nearly three hours in there yesterday, did suffer a bit today. Have completely sorted one path out completely, just two more to do. Started work on the bottom patio, which enabled me to pick some more raspberries, and appear to have even more to pick. The rain I think, has made this a real bumper year. With luck maybe able to sort the raspberry bed out in the next few days.

Did nearly have a major problem, decided to fire up the weed burner, cleaned a gravel path with it, which was full of dead leaves, then set light to some dead bracken on a fern. Big mistake, as the lot went up, fortunately I had been watering so had some water left in the watering can, was able to put out the blaze before it caused any damage.

The Next Few Days

All being well will continue to work on the products and rain permitting will work on the garden, as I appear to have found a system that works, the only problem that I can see is that the light is now fading in the evening.

As I have no cricket to go and watch this week I am hopeful that I will get quite a lot done this week.


Enjoyed my trip down memory lane, very pleased with what I have achieved in the garden, also what I have done on the business front, especially the training.

Hope that I can know continue in this vein.

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Please do stay safe,

God Bless,


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Recent Comments


Well Done Stuart for being so busy,

As you get older and retire, there are a lot of people that don't have any hobbies to keep them busy and active, this leads to depression.

Its great that you have a garden to grow your fruits in, I go black berry picking in the summertime where I live (close to the Olympic Park in Stratford, UK).

Eating fruit straight from the bush has a nice feeling about it.

Keep on eating those fruits, also berries are a good source of potassium.

Have a great day


Thanks Brian'

Forgot to mention that I have a number of wild blackberries growing in he garden I usually cut thwm out, but with being so far behind this year they are in fkower so will let them fruit for a change.

Have a grat week ahead.

Take care,


Hello Stuart,

Wonderful reading your update. The raspberries sound good, glad some rain is providing a bumper harvest!

Promoting a bonus on the product training sounds good.

I too have heaps of reading material and training to continue, such a delight in learning new skills.

Take care and all the best with your e-books.

Kind regards

Hi Erica,

There seems to be no end to the reading and improving of our education, to enable us to get even better with our online activities.

Organisation of what we have is very important.

Take care.


Thanks Stuart,

Yes I totally agree there is a lot to be said about organization, that in itself is mastery.

You take care also :)


Hello Sir.
Thank you for posting.
It is always wonderful to hear from you.
A trip down memory Lane:

Strawberry fields.


Let me take you down
'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry fields forever
Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see
It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out
It doesn't matter much to me
Let me take you down

'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry fields forever

No one I think is in my tree
I mean, it must be high or low
That is, you can't, you know, tune in, but it's alright
That is, I think it's not too bad
Let me take you down
'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields

Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry fields forever

Always, no sometimes, think it's me
But you know, I know when it's a dream
I think I know, I mean a yes
But it's all wrong
That is, I think I disagree
Let me take you down
'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry fields forever
Strawberry fields forever
Strawberry fields forever

Watch the early beatles here:

Thank you, Sir.
Paul from Canada.

Hi Paul,

I am old enough to remember when Strawberry fields first came out.

Stuart, from Derbyshire.

Revisiting memories can be so nice. Sounds like you've had a busy week. Enjoy the new one, Stuart!


I like to be kept busy Susan, have to do so with care sometimes,

Hope that you also enjoy your new week.


You certainly have been busy.

It keeps me young Jim!!


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