Cosidering A Complete Re-Think

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Good Morning to all you lovely people at the Great WA Family. As always I do so hope that you are all keeping both safe and well, as we enter the Autumn in this part of the world! Having been in the garden in the Evening, I could smell the freshness that Autumn brings.

Thought that I would start this whilst I am preparing and cooking the Sunday Lunch, just a simple Roast Chicken,Roast Potatoes, Steamed Vegeatbles and Gravy, followed by Tiramasu.

You will gather that another week of calmness has led to some very serious thinking!

The Last Few Days

While I have been taking things more slowly, resting and some gardening, it has given me time to think! I have have not totally neglected the business, just having a little look at things, without really creating anything of note. Did start a cover for a new EBook last night.

Did have an idea for a new product, this was further enhanced when talking to my youmgest Great Grandson at football yesterday. He has started an apprenticeship as a teacher, I was discussing his progress when he mentioned Business Studies as part if his training. I asked if he had any planners, and he said some more would help. Guess who has loads of planners on his hard drive!!

I have agreed to design one for him (Pro Bono, of course!!).

Having finished lunch and had a nap, am back at trying to complete this week's blog.

Deciding to have a good look at things, I have found a book on my hard drive discussing how to write better content, with another on poduct creation.

These two will form the base for this weeks work, or let us have a look at what to do next, well it at least a start, as I ponder getting back to work on the business.

The Next Few Days

Not quite sure what to do next, apart rom reading the two books which I have mentioned, if the weather whould stay fine, do have some old branches to saw up, as I am now feeling a little stronger to do such a task. It would be nice to continue sorting out the garden, did buy some Spring Bulbs last week, which will need to be planted very soon.

Whils I was weeding by the shrubbery, noticed a wonderful spread of cyclamen which have now established really well under the shubs, lovely to see, as it gives some colour and cheer to this drab time of year. The Autumn crocus are also now in flower on the border opposite the Kitchen window, always cheers me up when I see them, replacing the summer bedding.

Having found a number of half started, or thought about projects, these could form the basis of other ideas, but at the moment I am really just contemplating what I should do next without going to mad. Did decide before my rest period that I really do need more products for my various websites, the problem is getting the energy to do them, having enjoyed my break!!

Do have two Legion Meetings that I can attend this week, no doubt the Poppy Appeal will figure high on the agenda at both Branches. Must confess that I do enjoy sitting in the supermarket selling poppies, as I see a lot of people that I have not seen for years, and do not normally see, as I tend to stay in a lot nowadays.


Despite not doing a great deal this week, I have given myself a lot to think about for the future.

Be Happy, Healthy and Wealthy.

Please do stay safe,

God Bless,


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Hey VH

You need to stop telling us about your Sunday dinners. You make me hungry. LOL I LOVE chicken. It's all I ever wanted to eat and my family got tired so stopped asking me what I wanted. I think that's what I'll have for lunch today though.

Glad you're doing that planner pro bono!!! Maybe he'll pay you back with some great ideas. Sometimes it's fun talking to the younguns. They have a different (and refreshing) perspective at times.

I wish it would cool down here. My air is still running and it's been raining a LOT. I can't complain though. The hurricane that went through last week has done a LOT of damage and last count, there were 100 deaths. My son (as millions of others) has been without power. He has a generator though. He seemed to escape a lot of damage so that's a blessing. Many others were not as lucky.

I'm in limbo right now as far as going to NY. My MIL went to the ER on Friday night. She has pneumonia and that along with her congestive heart failure is not a good combo. I talked to her a few seconds last night and she seems to think she's coming out of the hospital so we're just taking one day at a time. She's been ready to go and we've been prepared for that time. It's just a matter of when and that makes it hard to plan anything.

I'm sure you'll do great at the poppy sale. You're so friendly and people will want to stop and chat.

So, you have a GREAT week and take care of you!!
Your VW

Hi VW,

Did see this late last night as I was going to bed, but relised that it needed some thought, so here is my thoughts, we were not up early this morning, health is not good on either side at the moment.

Sorry about always mentioning Sunday Lunch, find that it gathers my thoughts to start the Blog,, would it help if I mentioned that I have pulled Pork on the agenda for this Sunday lol!! Still to decide on tonights menu, it will be Cold Chicken, have to decide on what to throw in the Air Fryer, Chips or Hash Browns!!

I am very lucky both my Eldest Grandson and Youngest Great Grandson are so switched on, it is such a different world today!!

Think that we are having the remains of your Hurricane, almost non-stop rain and winds. It has put an end to my gardening for a while!!

Sorry to hear about your xMIL, do appreciate the problem that you are facing as you will be aware! The sad thing is when it is expected you are almost in a state of limbo!

Just take things slowly and take care of you!

As always,

Your VH

It is great to take some time to put our thoughts together before taking action on what is to be done.

Think of it as re-grouping of the mind for better things to come.

Enjoy your rest and gardening and keep moving forward.

Take care Stuart and be well


Many thanks Andre for your kind words.

Best wishes,


You are most welcome Stuart. Do have a wonderful yet relaxing day when you can and keep moving forward.

Blessings from Australia


Do have a lot of relations in Australia, mainly on the Bronte side of the family, a lot of them who started life as Yole were in the Melbourne Area.

So many Blessings from this side of he world.


Thanks Stuart been to Bronte many times over the years the beach is also beautiful then again all our beaches are beautiful and well regarded worldwide
Melbourne area is also awesome I am in NSW

Excuse my ignorance, not aware of a Bronte!

Hello Stuart,

Great to hear from you :)

Getting back to business is something for sure worth thinking about!

I agree certain things can take precedence and it can be downright a challenge to get back to business.

I love that you are helping your Great Grandson with a planner, it will be interesting what you come up with.

I tend to plan my week on a monthly whiteboard planner on the wall, marking off certain days with tasks to be done and then I can see what days I have left over for my goals.

That way I can see my month in advance which certainly helps.

I bought some potting mix to do up some pots to transplant some lime trees that have been growing on my patio, haha I now look at the potting mix everyday and think about it.

I must say your garden sounds delightful,

my mum loved gardening even though she would get her husband to do all the heavy digging of dirt. He graciously loved helping her.

When I have my way again I will have some land and grow a huge garden and plant everyday especially native trees and shrubs of Australia.

Ok I wish you all the very best to your new week :)

Kind regards

Hi Erica,

Try to answer all your comments, regarding compost, I now have to wait for one of the lads to help me, as I can no longer lift a 40 litre sack!

Agree about the challange getting back to business, but have made a little start.

I plan on my computer, having a aily, weekly and monthly list, must confess that I do not always remember to look at it!!

Your future garden plans sound absolutely delightful, it will be a joy to see when complete.

Take care,


Thanks so much Stuart :)

I hope your plans work out nicely in due time.

You take care also


I'm curious about the planners you mentioned. Can you elaborate more on this? I find planning more and more difficult because my days are so different from one day to the next that it's hard to pre plan times when I'm going to be able to do things like making content. I'm just stuck with a to do list to get through which is better than nothing. Do you have a better system for planning?

In answer to your question regarding planning, a very brief answer, if you have space, have a board by your computer, mine used to be a wipe board with each day on it, this actually covered a month. Had to give it up when I relocated the office downstairs.

I now have done a weekly and monthly planner on the computer, which I can refer to daily. They are only simple tables which I expand as required.

I now have added a sheet for all my websites listing what to do next, content, products and so on!

Hope that this helps to get you started.

As an aside I am looking at an idea that I have to improve what I have at the moment, this could take a while to complete.


Great to hear you have had a relaxing week Stuart, but... have also found some time to be in the garden for some physical activity!!

Not sure I would recommend a 'complete change', just a few minor tweaks here and there should keep you moving forward with your business endeavours!

Look after yourself my friend, enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a fantastic start to the new week! :-)

Hi Jessie,

Did manage some more time in the garden his afternoon, before the heavens opened up once more!

Have a feeling that it will not be a complete change, more what have I got to improve things with!!

Take care and have a great week :-)

Happy to hear that Stuart and who would've thought the heavens could open at the end of September back in the UK!!

Take things one step at a time my friend and always keep it simple ok!! :-)

I have lived by KISS since I left the RAF, it is a good fall back when things get overthought!:-)

It's certainly the best way to live in my opinion Stuart! :-)

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