About phollett
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521 followers Joined May 2018
Hi , my name is Phyllis. I work for a not for profit raising funds. I am looking forward to learning here in Wealthy affiliate





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a post I am working on in site content and was going to do the rich snippets for the first time.I am not sure where to go to fill it out?I have the plug in all in one sc

Thanks Dale and I did the training on it but did not see where to put it on site content,so I will go though again to see if somehow I missed it.Thanks for your reply.

Mr Magistudios did some training on this, you can check it out there:

Thanks for this training link Dale, I did the 2019 checklist training and another one that touched on it as well, so I will check this out as well.Have a great day

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How to do rich snippets?

How to do rich snippets?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have a post I am working on in site content and was going to do the rich snippets for the first time.I am not sure where to go to fill it out?I have the plug in all in one sc

Thanks Dale and I did the training on it but did not see where to put it on site content,so I will go though again to see if somehow I missed it.Thanks for your reply.

Mr Magistudios did some training on this, you can check it out there:

Thanks for this training link Dale, I did the 2019 checklist training and another one that touched on it as well, so I will check this out as well.Have a great day

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I just wrote a post and I tried to edit it because the content was not spaced enough, however it would not work.I told support and they said I could try changing themes and i l

If the theme you have installed allows you to add additional CSS, then you could add the following line to increase the spacing of your sentences in paragraphs:

p {line-height:20px;}

Simply change the number (20) to suit your needs. The bigger it is, the larger the spacing between sentences.

To find out if your theme allows additional CSS from your admin panel go to "Appearance" -> "Customize" -> "Additional CSS".

That's where it will likely be, anyway.

Thanks so much and I will try that.Hope you have a great day.

Just hitting the enter button doesn't space enough?

Yes it spaces enough on the post I am doing, but does not show up on my website spaced enough and editing does not work.Thanks

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My content is not spaced enough?

My content is not spaced enough?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I just wrote a post and I tried to edit it because the content was not spaced enough, however it would not work.I told support and they said I could try changing themes and i l

If the theme you have installed allows you to add additional CSS, then you could add the following line to increase the spacing of your sentences in paragraphs:

p {line-height:20px;}

Simply change the number (20) to suit your needs. The bigger it is, the larger the spacing between sentences.

To find out if your theme allows additional CSS from your admin panel go to "Appearance" -> "Customize" -> "Additional CSS".

That's where it will likely be, anyway.

Thanks so much and I will try that.Hope you have a great day.

Just hitting the enter button doesn't space enough?

Yes it spaces enough on the post I am doing, but does not show up on my website spaced enough and editing does not work.Thanks

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can i know to little about the computer to make this work, as i ask questions and people give me help but what they suggest I sometimes do not understand.I am feeling a little

Yes i have done some of the training, but I have been busy writing post. That was an off day, and I am fine now. I should have waited before I posted, because it passed and I know it will work.( in time)

However you are right I do need to get more training in.Thanks for the input.

Don't get discouraged because you can't give up this is easy to do just time your time and it will come.

What can I help you with because I can help as much as I can with the computer?

This is what you do PM me and I can try to help you out the best I can with information about the computer. Just let me know what the problem is. I will do my best. I hope this helps you out.


I appreciate that Marmar,and i will take you up on that .

That is great and I will be here to help you as much as I can.


I have a blog I can post on this Phyllis!

Hi Michael,
Sorry Michael, I am not sure what you mean?

Thanks everyone for the advice and i am going to take it all, because each piece of your advice will help.

I am also going to step away today and tomorrow is a new day and i will take those reminders to heart.

Thanks for all the kind help

Think of it as when a child is learning to walk. Do they stop trying after they fall a few times? Just laugh at any mistakes you make and move on. We all have plenty to laugh about as we create our own businesses.

I encourage you to not be discouraged. Just keep working at it. Keep seeking help if you are not sure of how to do something. It does get easier and more understandable with time. Learning new things is often a challenge, but keep trying.

Best wishes,
Karin :)

From one newbie to another, frankly, there are so, so many steps to learning here --- the WA platform is amazing technologically! ... suggest simply be patient with oneself as the volume is incredible -- so much to absorb so just rest & relax with it, step-by-baby-step .... recommend simply get better acquainted with the features and functions of each of the WA screen icons. . . sit in Live Chat -- listen & learn for a few minutes each day and keep asking questions ... hope this helps a wee bit for you... keep going forward & upward to success, cheerio... :)

There is a learning curve to this process. It depends how you learn best but if you learn best visually I would go to YouTube and Google what it is you want to do on your computer don't forget to put in your operating system. Watch the video slowly and asked questions here if you need to. Remember you need to say what you done, where you're stuck, and why your stuck.

Otherwise Google it and read the instructions slowly. It's a computer literacy thing I would recommend having a notebook to write down you did so that you can reference it later in the future.

If you're patient and stick with it you will get it. Nothing comes of nothing

Hi Elaine and I had this same problem, while we used computers in work to enter materials or to look up something. We knew nothing. And you can do this we have gone very slowly over six months to get where we are now. And asked a multitude of questions. Some several times because it was All new to use.
Keep going one step at a time.
Scarlett and Elaine

Try to follow the training video slowly, no rushing. You will understand better. Good luck.

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Can i know to little about the computer?

Can i know to little about the computer?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Can i know to little about the computer to make this work, as i ask questions and people give me help but what they suggest I sometimes do not understand.I am feeling a little

Yes i have done some of the training, but I have been busy writing post. That was an off day, and I am fine now. I should have waited before I posted, because it passed and I know it will work.( in time)

However you are right I do need to get more training in.Thanks for the input.

Don't get discouraged because you can't give up this is easy to do just time your time and it will come.

What can I help you with because I can help as much as I can with the computer?

This is what you do PM me and I can try to help you out the best I can with information about the computer. Just let me know what the problem is. I will do my best. I hope this helps you out.


I appreciate that Marmar,and i will take you up on that .

That is great and I will be here to help you as much as I can.


I have a blog I can post on this Phyllis!

Hi Michael,
Sorry Michael, I am not sure what you mean?

Thanks everyone for the advice and i am going to take it all, because each piece of your advice will help.

I am also going to step away today and tomorrow is a new day and i will take those reminders to heart.

Thanks for all the kind help

Think of it as when a child is learning to walk. Do they stop trying after they fall a few times? Just laugh at any mistakes you make and move on. We all have plenty to laugh about as we create our own businesses.

I encourage you to not be discouraged. Just keep working at it. Keep seeking help if you are not sure of how to do something. It does get easier and more understandable with time. Learning new things is often a challenge, but keep trying.

Best wishes,
Karin :)

From one newbie to another, frankly, there are so, so many steps to learning here --- the WA platform is amazing technologically! ... suggest simply be patient with oneself as the volume is incredible -- so much to absorb so just rest & relax with it, step-by-baby-step .... recommend simply get better acquainted with the features and functions of each of the WA screen icons. . . sit in Live Chat -- listen & learn for a few minutes each day and keep asking questions ... hope this helps a wee bit for you... keep going forward & upward to success, cheerio... :)

There is a learning curve to this process. It depends how you learn best but if you learn best visually I would go to YouTube and Google what it is you want to do on your computer don't forget to put in your operating system. Watch the video slowly and asked questions here if you need to. Remember you need to say what you done, where you're stuck, and why your stuck.

Otherwise Google it and read the instructions slowly. It's a computer literacy thing I would recommend having a notebook to write down you did so that you can reference it later in the future.

If you're patient and stick with it you will get it. Nothing comes of nothing

Hi Elaine and I had this same problem, while we used computers in work to enter materials or to look up something. We knew nothing. And you can do this we have gone very slowly over six months to get where we are now. And asked a multitude of questions. Some several times because it was All new to use.
Keep going one step at a time.
Scarlett and Elaine

Try to follow the training video slowly, no rushing. You will understand better. Good luck.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I published a blog a couple of days ago,and for some reason it is not showing up on my website, so does anyone know what I could do? Thanks

What do you mean when you are saying that it isn't showing up?

On my website it has all the blogs I have done, but my last one is not showing up.

could you please give me the link to your site and the title of that invisible post?

I thought i could not give out the link because it is considered spamming, but here is the name dontsweatthebills .com and the post is baby steps to financial freedom.Thanks for your help smartketeer.

Actually it is not baby steps to financial freedom it is baby steps for financial freedom. Thanks again

OK. So ...

Your posts exists ... here's the link:


What I did ... I simply made a search using the search box on your blog ...

The point: there is a default setting regarding the number of posts displayed on your WordPress blog page; you can access it via Settings -> Reading

You should check it out to see the current default number. If is 6, that's the reason (currently you have 6 post displayed) and just change it according to your needs.

Now usually that number should be 10, so it might be another reason ... And most likely, there is another reason, because the "baby steps for financial freedom-and then running" post is missing from the recent posts widget too ...

Another possible reason: i saw that all your posts are falling in the "uncategorized" category. Now if somehow the invisible posts has a different category, that could be a reason too ... You should go to
Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Homepage/Frontpage Category Setting and make sure you select all the Categories in Front page post categories.

Another question: have you installed any new plugins recently (before publishing the invisible post)?

So i went to settings and it says blog pages show at least 10 post.

I went to find theme options and it is not there, so i asked Dr. google and it say it all depends on my active theme and whether they have the customizing option.

your last question was have i installed another plugin, and i think i put in pretty links before i did this blog.

Thanks so much.

try to temporarily deactivate pretty links and check again (don't forget to reload the page)

not sure where to deactivate, so i got to go to work now and when i finish i will look again. Thanks again and hope you have a great day smarketeer

Go to plugins and click the deactivate option under the pretty links plugin

I've created a screenshot for you

I was looking under pretty links instead of plugins, because i was getting ready for work, i was not concentrating (that is my excuse for that and i am sticking to it(lol)

I did it but for some reason my picture is gone black on the website and the blog does not show up.

So smarketeer i realized through someone on chat that i have listed that post as a page. However i think i touched somethink because now my screen is black, with just the title showing.

I dont like making mistakes but i learned quite a bit in trying to solve it.hopefully now i can get the screen back, thanks for your help.

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Why does my blog post not show up on my website?

Why does my blog post not show up on my website?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I published a blog a couple of days ago,and for some reason it is not showing up on my website, so does anyone know what I could do? Thanks

What do you mean when you are saying that it isn't showing up?

On my website it has all the blogs I have done, but my last one is not showing up.

could you please give me the link to your site and the title of that invisible post?

I thought i could not give out the link because it is considered spamming, but here is the name dontsweatthebills .com and the post is baby steps to financial freedom.Thanks for your help smartketeer.

Actually it is not baby steps to financial freedom it is baby steps for financial freedom. Thanks again

OK. So ...

Your posts exists ... here's the link:


What I did ... I simply made a search using the search box on your blog ...

The point: there is a default setting regarding the number of posts displayed on your WordPress blog page; you can access it via Settings -> Reading

You should check it out to see the current default number. If is 6, that's the reason (currently you have 6 post displayed) and just change it according to your needs.

Now usually that number should be 10, so it might be another reason ... And most likely, there is another reason, because the "baby steps for financial freedom-and then running" post is missing from the recent posts widget too ...

Another possible reason: i saw that all your posts are falling in the "uncategorized" category. Now if somehow the invisible posts has a different category, that could be a reason too ... You should go to
Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Homepage/Frontpage Category Setting and make sure you select all the Categories in Front page post categories.

Another question: have you installed any new plugins recently (before publishing the invisible post)?

So i went to settings and it says blog pages show at least 10 post.

I went to find theme options and it is not there, so i asked Dr. google and it say it all depends on my active theme and whether they have the customizing option.

your last question was have i installed another plugin, and i think i put in pretty links before i did this blog.

Thanks so much.

try to temporarily deactivate pretty links and check again (don't forget to reload the page)

not sure where to deactivate, so i got to go to work now and when i finish i will look again. Thanks again and hope you have a great day smarketeer

Go to plugins and click the deactivate option under the pretty links plugin

I've created a screenshot for you

I was looking under pretty links instead of plugins, because i was getting ready for work, i was not concentrating (that is my excuse for that and i am sticking to it(lol)

I did it but for some reason my picture is gone black on the website and the blog does not show up.

So smarketeer i realized through someone on chat that i have listed that post as a page. However i think i touched somethink because now my screen is black, with just the title showing.

I dont like making mistakes but i learned quite a bit in trying to solve it.hopefully now i can get the screen back, thanks for your help.

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