I Failed at Affiliate Marketing until I Found Wealthy Affiliate

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Affiliate Marketing Failure

Over the years, I'd tried affiliate marketing many times.

No plan, of course. No goals set, no to-do list.

Just throw a website together. Dreamweaver at first, then how much easier when WordPress came along and started to become the go-to CMS (Content Management System). Funny how it started off just as a personal blogging platform (did you know that blog is short for Web log?) and then evolved into the influential powerhouse that it is today. Creating WordPress plugins is an industry in its own right.

Anyway, I didn't have any plan, really. Would just hunt up ClickBank for suitable product and link to them. Later on, added JVZoo and Warrior+ to the mix.

Back then, Amazon was only just evolving from being an online bookstore that was yet to make a profit. I don't think it had any affiliate links. There was a build your own bookstore plan but it was pretty complex.

And I certainly knew nothing about finding private affiliate programs.

No Plan Just Shiny Pebbles

So, like I said, no plan.

Which is probably why I bought so many products designed to get easy traffic or high rankings or whatever the latest bright, shiny pebble was.

Successes? I had a few, but like Mr Sinatra sang (he was talking about regrets) "too few to mention." And certainly not enough to cover all the costs.

Then Along Came WA

Wealthy Affiliate was my saviour.

It's different in so many ways, but to me the two most important were:

  1. Most schemes over-promise and under-deliver. You quickly become disillusioned and quit. Wealthy Affiliate is the reverse. It under-promises and over-delivers. It told me I could expect results in 6-12 months, but I'm seeing them in 3.
  2. The Wealthy Affiliate training provides the plan that I've always been missing. It's a clear step-by-step approach that ensures that everything is not only done right, but in the right order. I have a supplier who pays me $120 if a customer buys a $65 product through my link. That's a crazy good deal, right? The do it because they are looking at the long-term value of an on-going customer. BUT... I never would have got that deal if I hadn't been able to present them with a good looking website in their niche first. And that website was built totally by following Kyle's training at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Works

So I'm saying to everyone, the Wealthy Affiliate system works!

It's the best methodology around.

It won't teach you to get rich quick, but nothing else will either.

It will teach you how to achieve your goals.

All you need is dedication and patience.

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
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Recent Comments


thank you for this inspirational blog.

I'm so glad you found it inspirational, Lee.

Hi Phil
Great blog - thank you for encouraging us all.

My pleasure, Louise. WA is such an encouraging platform.

Absolutely, Wealthy Affiliate is second to none! Phil, thanks for sharing this post!
Have a great day! Continued success!

Thanks, Nichola. Wishing you every success as well.

Thank you for sharing Phil.

My pleasure, Emmanuel.

Yep 100%!

Thanks, Melissa. Nice to hear from you. How's it all going?

Hi Phil,
It’s going a bit slowly for my liking to be honest. My day job is quite full on right now so I’m not getting the dedicated time I’d like to devote to my online business. But that’s life right now and I’m doing what I can when I can! I got 2 posts done on the weekend and I’m hoping for another 2 this weekend.
I’m still loving thrive and haven’t looked back since I bought that.
How are you doing Phil? Sounds like you’re going great guns.

It must be so hard balancing all this with a day job. I sympathize.

I don't have that issue and still feel I'm spread far too thin.

Perseverance and patience will get us there.

Funny how easy it is to forget where Amazon came from or that Google was an oddly named search engine. Absolutely right though Phil, it's all laid out for you without the false promises that never fulfil.

People scorned Amazon because it was unprofitable. But Jeff Bezos was a man with a vision and all the profit was ploughed back into realizing that vision. Google introduced a completely new paradigm that was universally embraced.

You're so right about the way WA lays it out for you.

Love that info, thanks Phil.

Thanks for sharing,very motivating

I'm glad to hear it, Nadishia. Wishing you every success.

Absolutely, Phil! 😊 Thank you for this post!


My pleasure, Nathalie.


I'm motivated by your post. Wish you more success.

I'm glad to hear it, Lawal. I wish you every success too.

There are no failures only progressive learners

A nice philosophy, Richard.

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