ChatGPT Wrote My Lead Magnet

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ChatGPT Wrote My Lead Magnet

As many of you know, I am working on a second video training to show various ways around the new Amazon affiliate restrictions.

In order to have a platform to illustrate these, I'm in the process of revamping an old, neglected coffee site, aiming to fill it with coffee products, including high-ticket items, from Amazon.

But today I decided I also needed a Lead Magnet to attract potential buyers into my list, particularly with Christmas just 4 weeks away!

So, how to get an e-book written quickly?

I asked ChatGPT to write a small e-book on making barista-level coffee.

The result was amazing!

In fact, I've had to remove slabs of it to keep it to a Lead Magnet size.

But I'll probably come back to it later, expand it back to its original comprehensive level and publish it on Amazon's KDP platform. Why not? It costs nothing and may garner some sales.

The cover shown above isn't very good. It's one I knocked up in no time, but I've ordered one from a Fiverr gig. It only cost $10 but should be much better.

As the funnel on my coffee website is already in place, all I'll have to do is replace the cover image in the 3 funnel pages.

And then hoping to do the second training video over the coming weekend.

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Good morning Phil,

That's really interesting, it's amazing how AI can assist us in certain tasks.

I was listening to Kyle's class 5 last night, it was really interesting and it amazed me what AI can potentially do.

You can see the class below, although I think your knowledge of AI is pretty good! Have a great day.


Thanks, Roy. I'll take a look.

There are six classes in total, I still have one more class to watch. There is some good information within the classes.

All the best.


They are only for PPlus members. I've never felt the need.

Good morning Phil, my apologies, I didn't realise! I think I'm blind to the WA badges!

I know where you're coming from, Phil. I definitely think if you are a new member here (I know you are not,) you're probably better off with just the Premium Package. I think new people could become overwhelmed with Premium Plus membership.

I can see both sides of the story!

Have a great weekend.


I don't want to sound big-headed, Roy but my issue with P+ is that most of the additional training is stuff I'm already familiar with and I feel the time I'd spend on them is better directed elsewhere.

Hello Phil,

I fully understand where you're coming from, Phil! I know you're a man who knows what you're doing online. Out of interest, when did you start online, Phil? I just had another reread of your profile, Phil. I have read it before, but I wanted to recap!

It's great that you spent a lot of time in IT, I know that IT is a massive subject, but it probably helped towards your success. It's great that you are keeping so active, Phil; I admire that! I think Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform for retired people and young people; come to that!

Just going back to the premium plus training, I am enjoying the extra classes; however, there is absolutely no way I can keep up with all the training. As my off-line business is quieter at this time of year, I'm trying to watch a bit more training.

We also have to remember that premium plus membership hasn't been here for that long. The premium membership created many success stories.

All the best.


Thanks, Roy, some great thoughts there. I probably "started" online back when I had a business selling my own vertical market software. We originally sent out updates to our customers on floppy disks and then graduated to CD-ROM. A breakthrough occurred when I built my first website and hosted the updates, along with the corresponding instructions, for our customers to download. Not sure when that was. Mid 90s perhaps.

Good morning Phil,

It's always interesting to hear members' stories of how they got started online, etc. I can't imagine what computers were like back in the nineties, very different to now, I'm sure!

I guess building a website back then was fairly difficult and probably time-consuming. I had forgotten about floppy disks, how times change! Good for you for making it happen, Phil. I hadn't even touched a computer mouse until 2001, I was quite a late starter when it came to computers!

I thought of you yesterday, Phil, I read a question by Bob about upgrading to Premium Plus, Partha gave a very wise answer, as you will see below. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


You'd have real difficulty imagining what they were like in 1965 then, which was when I started!

This is the lead magnet cover from my Fiverr gig.

I'll have a look at that post now.

I didn't know computers existed in 1965, Phil! That's actually the year that I was born! When I was at secondary school, allegedly the school had two computers, most pupils never saw the computer! How times change.

How do you find Fiverr, Phil? Does it work for you? I have often wondered about Fiverr and how easy it is to get started etc.


It was pretty much the start of the industry, though it wasn't called IT then. The computer took up an entire large room with its own dedicated air conditioning and a raised floor to accommodate the cables.

I only use Fiverr as a customer and found it excellent value as long as you pay attention to the supplier's ratings and feedback.

That's amazing, Phil! I remember many years ago seeing an early computer in the Science Museum in London. I guess our phones probably have more power than what the first computers did!

I have used Fiverr as a customer, but not recently. Yes, it's good that they have a ranking or review system, that helps to find the right people.

Have a great day.


That IBM computer had 40K of memory, which the company upgraded to 60K at a cost of around $20,000. We programmed in Assembler and patched directly into memory in machine language. No one else in the company understood what we did. They were heady times.

I remember reading that your iPhone has more power than the computers that took the Apollo astronauts to the moon!

Good morning Phil,

I'm surprised, Phil. I didn't know that computers could have so much memory back then! It sounds like you carried out something rather unique but also highly technical! What a fascinating and interesting project that must have been, in other words, to do something that other people are not doing!

Exactly, Phil, which is amazing, it's actually an Android phone, but you are right! My first Dell desktop computer, which a friend set up for me in 2001, as I had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about computers. So much so that it appeared that letters were missing on the keyboard when I first started using it!!

If I remember correctly, the set-up cost around Ā£1100 mark, I believe, with 20 GB of hard drive memory! I have no idea what the RAM or processor speed or type was, as I literally knew absolutely zero about computers or had any interest really! It's amazing how much we can learn over a period of time!

I would never ever have believed that I would be doing what I'm doing now!

Enjoy your day.


Yes, I should have said SmartPhone not iPhone!

I think you might have misread the amount of memory. 60K, not 60MB or 60GB.

60K of memory must have just been unheard of, Phil, in those days, I would imagine. I remember when a friend of mine added 150 GB hard disk to my first computer. He also came around with an old hard disk that was a quarter of a gigabyte! It's hard to imagine that! How things change! Fascinating stuff even though I don't know huge amounts, but am willing to learn!

Have a great day, Phil, I appreciate the comments.


Let's make your 150GB hard disk 120GB to make the arithmetic easier, 60K would be one 2 millionth of that! Or .0000005 of it.

When you put it in that type of context, Phil, it makes the whole thing even more amazing! It must've been a wonderful feeling when you completed or achieved your project etc. It never fails to amaze me what man can do!


With only 60K to work with, bytes were precious. We did some amazing stuff to shoehorn our software into available memory.

It sounds amazing, Phil! I believe that you can look back at your life and see that you have made a difference, which is good!

The great thing is that you are still doing life, big time!

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Thanks, Roy. You too.

Phil. that's cool! I am wondering if the new AI features coming up that Kyle talked about in his blogs will enable us to do that, too, without resorting to using a paid version of ChatGPT 4. Did you use the free version or paid GPT 4 for your lead magnet? Thanks for sharing this.

I use ChatGPT4, Brenda.

Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks Phil, is there a training on how to use a free ebook as a lead magnet on here? That sounds like a good idea for me to try to start gathering an email list. I'm almost finished with my 10 levels of training. The only tasks that have yet to be completed are the one's that involve adding ad's to my site. Unfortunately just last night, google adsense denied me. It says that they found some policy violations, and then below that it says "low value content". So I have to fix the issues and ask for a review. If anyone could give me some guidance on that I'd also appreciate it, I could definitely benefit from getting some ad's on my site!

Check Phil's training tab.


Hi - low value content typically means that all or nearly all of your posts have affiliate links.

Which implies that the content has not been written to be helpful, but for the purpose of selling something.

AdSense also checks that you have enough content to attract traffic on a regular basis.

And they only consider indexed posts.

So, if, for example, you have 20 posts, but only 10 are indexed, then as far as AdSense is concerned, you only have 10 posts.

It sounds like that could very well be the case. If so, do I just wait it out until more get indexed, or remove some of the affiliate links? There are 2 or 3 articles of mine that don't have links.....

Np :)

Well, do bear in mind that AdSense pays around $5 per 1000 visitors, and you can't cash out until you reach $100.

So, in effect, you need 20, 000 visitors before you get paid!

Maybe not even worth bothering with at this early stage?

The majority of your posts should be purely informational with no affiliate links.

thanks Diane, that is helpful. I will not waste my time then. Also I was completely unaware of the fact that majority of my articles should be free of affiliate links!! Thanks for the tip. Happy Thanksgiving.

I've done lots of blog posts and some training on building a Lead Magnet funnel. You should be able to find them with a search.

1. Use GSC (Google Search Console) to submit your posts for indexing as soon as they are published.

2. You are far better off creating a landing page for each product you are promoting that pre-sells the product and contains your affiliate link. Then link your blog posts and paid advertising to the landing page. That way, your blog posts only contain internal links, not affiliate links.

I had AdSense on one of my websites many years ago. Until I realized that it was encouraging visitors to leave my site for the possibility of a paltry return. So I removed it and have never been tempted to install it again.

I'm enjoying your ChatGPT updates Phil.

I've been using it for a while mainly for headings and opening paragraph suggestions but not a full book.

I'm a little wary about creating full books with it as you have to declare it on Amazon and not sure how that will impact marketing and sales.

I'll be interested to see how you get on with that.

I'll have made enough changes to claim it as my own work. It won't be an issue, but thanks for your comment.

P.S. I already have several books published on Amazon, as Kindles, paperbacks and hardbacks.

Congratulations, always nice to meet a fellow author

Are you published on Amazon as well? Or elsewhere?

These days I publish directly to Amazon but have had some books released through bookstores as well.

Sounds great, Karen.

Amazing šŸ¤©

Thank you.

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