Amazon Training Update

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Amazon Training Update

In my previous post, I said that I would create training for Amazon's new way of obtaining images and other information for links to affiliate products.

Well, I'm part way through creating the training video, but have run into a problem.

Whenever I enter my credentials and search parameters into a PA-API call, instead of producing the searched-for item (such as a large image) and the corresponding code, I get a message "Error: Too Many Requests", even though I've only made one.

I raised a support ticket with Amazon and around 12 hours later their emailed response was to tell me to read the documentation.

So I repeated the call, this time using the exact example shown in the documentation and, of course, got exactly the same result.

But this time, I took screenshots to illustrate the process.

Raised another support ticket but discovered there was no facility to attach screenshots.

So in addition to that support ticket, I've replied to their support email with the screenshots embedded.

No response yet.

So this is really just to let you know I'm persevering.

I WILL get this sorted out, complete the video training and let you all know when it's available.

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They have responded the same to me. Now, they keep telling me to view and ask questions on a forum... and since I'm new to the forum, I have to "apply," wait, and then I'll have permission to ask my question.... "Maybe" then, someone will respond.... This is RIDICULOUS! ...absolutely ridiculous!

It's certainly that... but it may also be deliberate.

I'm sure it's deliberate. I mean, look at the timing alone? They knew they were going to deprecate the links on short notice... come on.... no ethical company the size or even half the size of Amazon would do this... And, the argument re: "Culling Affiliates" that are not generating sales? ...That's just B.S. ....If an Affiliate is NOT generating sales, then... hello??? ...They are not getting paid anyway! .... What they are doing is cutting Affiliates who were smart enough to build sites that run and generate sales without too much effort. Bozo wants to cut costs but take traffic....and not pay us for it. Taking traffic without giving us a realistic time frame and without verifying that our API credentials are up, running and working? ...No... that's just low....

I meant the difficulty getting support and the evasive answers were deliberate but yes, I take all your other points as well.

The error must be on their end. That isn't great; you'd think a big business like theirs would be more reliable. I hear you. I hope you can resolve it, and thanks again for your time and effort. It certainly goes a long way. (Oops, duplicate from the live chat ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™)

Yeah, all I can do is wait for their response and continue experimenting.

Hopefully, soon, lol. We're waiting...

Monday evening here, so I'm hoping for an overnight response.

Yeah, you tell us a bit later on... Handy to be able to contact Bezos on mobile, lol

He probably wouldn't know the answer!

Bummer! Haha...


Hi Josh, are you using Amazon Associates?

Hey Joshkesh, welcome :)

Thanks Phil!

Just waiting on Amazon atm, Mark.


I'll be looking forward to the update, Phil.

Myra ๐Ÿ’œ

I'm looking forward to completing it, Myra. This glitch is frustrating.

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