UpDate on the knee Op


Just a real quick update on the recovery from my ACL Reconstruction 3 weeks ago today.

Things are going real well, I know there is still a long road ahead to be completely 100% but so far so good.

This week I returned to my normal job as IT Manager from my Forced R& R and actually driving into work. Initially I thought I may have had to catch public transport for a week or 2, but as the recovery has been going so good I can drive. Well I do have a brace that bends (restricted bending at present to 110') - YEAH :-)

I am also down to 1 crutch to get around with (more of a security blanket, just incase + a good defense tool if any ones gets too close to me in the shopping centers), makes it interesting when you are trying to juggle several things in one hand though.

Anyway it is back to the grind stone for now and continued rehab, this week I start water walking to start gentle restrictions on movement.

So all is going well, slow but steady. I hope everyone is have a great start to the week too.

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Hi Paul,
You will be ready for track and field shortly. Glad you are feeling better.....Dick

if track & field is in the still water I will be good to go by the weekend, slow walking in water that is. but it will be around 16weeks before I start jogging again. All good I know what's ahead of me.

That is good news indeed, you are recovering well by the sounds of it, I hated being on crutches there are not so bad when you get the co-ordination going, take care and hope you continue to make a good recovery

Thanks Katie, I have had lots of experience with crutches so the coordination is no probs.


Top of the morning to you, Paul, and welcome back to the land of the walking ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
I see one said "Glad to see you're on the mend" . . .
more a case of "glad to see you're on the Bend" (so you can drive!!)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

:-), thanks Tony, I am still very cautious with it though.


I was the same when I was on crutches for a year. Got down to one and it was a security blanket. I had to force myself to give it up. Glad to hear your knee is improving.(◠‿◠✿)

Thanks Christine, I am one that doesn't like being dependent on crutches but considering it is early days I will put up with it.

Glad to hear you are mending Paul. I'm 'looking forward' (if that's the right expression!) to a knee op some time and frantically searching for some way to help it so I don't have to have one!

Good luck with the knee op when it comes around Ellie. Make sure you get a good Ortho, I can recommend an excellent one in Brisbane :-)

Hmmm- now there's a thought!!!

Glad you are on the mend.

Thanks Peter

Glad all is going good. Take it easy. :)

Thanks Judy

Paul thanks for the update. I am glad to hear you are doing so well.

Hey Debby, there is still a long road ahead, but I am up for the challenge. :-)

Glad to hear you're doing so well Paul!

Thanks Debby.

Glad you are getting back to normal. Sounds like everything went well.

Thanks Shawn, yeah the Ortho is pretty happy with the way it all went.

Best of luck in the rehab, never any fun but it sounds like your spirits are up :)

Yep the Spirit is up for sure, I can start getting back to physical shape once again.

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