033: Why Youtube is your best friend!


My definition of youtube is:

The place where you can find the visual answer to just about any problem you may ever have!

There are videos about:

Mad cats, wild dogs, taming animals, training people, unblocking your sink and the list goes on!

It is the second biggest internet search engine - owned also by Google.

To get to the right answer quickly, as with any search engine, is to choose your search term correctly.

When searching Youtube:

Think about the question you ask to get an answer for, the same approach should be used in any form of "search".

How to ... write an ebook / unblock a drain / grow cucumbers / ride a bicycle / tame wild people / find a niche / feed old mules / etc...

Also consider adding the year to a search term - "... in 2014". If the year is a specific thing for example "... 1969 Chevy ..." - then natuarally you do not need to add 2014!

What else can Youtube teach you?

What is trending, great niches to follow / avoid, - how to make a video for your own website!

Things to look for!

- Numbers of likes and non-likes: Why watch something that has a mass no follow?

- Is it current to the market "timing" - 2014 / 2008?

- How many other videos on the same subject that person has - may mean "high skill" level.

Use youtube for inspiration as well!!

Hoping this may help someone out there to solve a small or large problem they are currently facing!

Thank you for reading - please do the usual like/hate/comment!

Be blessed and make it magic!


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Recent Comments


It is a Godsend!

Appreciate the comment - thank you.

Thanks for pointing that out. I have used it to get information I needed and it is a great source of information

And an often forgotten one! Be blessed with success! chat soon.

Websites nearly always work best with both videos and pictures.

Especially if the video is ranked highly! Thanks for the comment.

Great advice! When I get a little farther along I intend to try it!

Use it to make progress when stuck along the way too! All the best!

How to tame wild people? Love it. Brilliant one OldMule!

Cheers for the great comment! Lol! Appreciate my friend.

So true! Great advice. Have used YouTube for many how to do whatever problem you may have. But never though as much to use it to help withr the starting of my new website.

Again awesome post! Thanks Oldmule!

Thanks for the heads up my friend - always appreciated!

The other good thing about Youtube is you can embed videos into your own site with just a few clicks. Perfect for adding relevant content to your website and looks as good as a photo.

Sure thing - and seek out the high ranking ones!
Appreciate the comment - cheers!

Well the ones I use are generally from the manufacturers of the products I am promoting.

I think it helps your site looks more official and authoritative (is that even a word?) if you use official videos, but of course it all depends what you are promoting

Totally agreed! [ It is a word - used a lot in IM as well - so good choice too].

I always thought my Wife was my best friend. Darn it!!

Hmmm - I need go look - maybe a video of her there too?? ha!
cheers for the heads up my man!

loved it and the advice all the best

Thanks for the great comment my good man! Appreciated.

Thank you Old Mule.I have some videos on you tube playing the piano,do you make any videos yourself.

Hi there my good friend.
I make client videos for websites, green screen and product types. Have only a couple on the tube at the mo. Really need to get that increased though! Well done to you as well my friend!

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