Google explaining about how future posts should be

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Today I got an interesting email from a great guru about online work. I am on very few lists like that because the more I read and analyze things here, the better I see that I only need to be here and with 3-4 others to get all the necessary info.

Like so many, he has been angry with how Google is changing things. He wrote in his Twitter that Google was slowly killing the blog.
There was a big fire around about it.
But soon, things started to be interesting, and the spokesman of Google on Twitter came in to explain what they had in mind. It was a lot of the same style Kyle and Partha had talked about, but with one extra thing. Reading it, I was wondering if posts like the best places to get new cars are out.
Anyway, this is what he wrote:

Official Google Search Liason Twitter account (Danny Sullivan):

"Writing about something that’s fun, or a personal update, or whatever anyone wants to write about on their blog is not an issue. We haven’t said don’t do that. Nor do blogs don’t have to somehow only about one particular topic. Perspectives & experience are welcomed, as we’ve talked about before as to why E-A-T became E-E-A-T:

Unhelpful content is content that’s generally written for search engine rankings and not for a human audience. If your audience wants to know about what fun thing you did today, and that’s why you wrote it – that’s helpful. Write away! Write about anything that you think human beings coming directly to your blog would like to hear about. That’s all great.

But if you wrote “20 fun things you can do today” because your primary purpose in doing so that you wanted to rank well for “fun things” rather than this being something you’d typically write about, that can be a sign you’re producing unhelpful content. It wasn’t something you wrote for you. It wasn’t something you wrote for your audience. It was something you wrote for search ranking purposes – and that often can align with unhelpful content.

For more, this is our guide about how to create helpful, people-first content:",

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Google seems to do what Google wants most of the time Johann!

Appreciate the info here my friend! :-)

Google has people running all around the place. I have been reading some info directly from Google and it says pretty much the same thing.
Ultimately I think it is a step in the right direction, not that we can do anything about it except grin and bear it.

Many different angles come about from many people regarding google. How I see it is simple, also goes for all search engines. Writing interesting ,entertaining, and knowledge based articles that are factual, natural flowing content is all we have to do. Let the rest follow. Just saying….

Google is ALWAYS changing its mind, Johann! I just write how I always have. Maybe I'll succeed, and maybe I won't. We shall see!


Well, in my opinion, you need to keep your style but take care of developments. I hope everything will be OK but I have never seen a lot of things that are going on now!

Much appreciated, Johann!


Google must be a woman. Lol.

🤔 Agreed, Stevoi!


Helpful content. Thanks! Makes sense to me!

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