Persistence and Consistency Are Necessary to Achieve and Maintain Success.

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Quote of the Day:

β€œIf you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.” Harvey Mackay

Meaning of the Quote:

Whatever goal or dream that you persistently pursue you will eventually achieve it. However, you have to consistently do whatever you do to achieve your goal or dream in the first place so that you can continue to possess it.

Discussion of the Quote:

I will relate this quote to entrepreneurship and specifically to us all here at WA who are creating online businesses. Our goals I hope are to create successful online businesses by working very hard and doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

The question is, how do we achieve these goals? By being persistent with all the critical elements necessary to create successful online businesses - such as following the training step by step, choosing our niches, creating our websites, setting up our initial pages and posts on our websites, completing keywords research, SEO, writing content, posting content consistently to our websites, marketing our websites so that we can get traffic to our website in order to make sales - these are by no means all of the elements but you get the idea.

We also have to possess patience, passion and perseverance and more… Then we have to work on our businesses relentlessly until we achieve the success we desire.

On the other hand, when we achieve success, we just can not stop and relax. We have to keep at it. Whatever actions we take to achieve success in our businesses we have to continue to take them consistently so that we can maintain that success within our businesses. We have to be consistent for however long we want to be in business because that is what is required to keep our businesses successful.

Final Thoughts:

Indeed, persistence is required if you want to achieve any goal or realize a dream. You have to keep taking action until you achieve whatever you desire in life. Then when you accomplish it, you have to take constant action to keep it. It is not a one and done. You have to pay the price. It is an ongoing process to keep what you have achieved.

I appreciate your time, comments and likes.

To our success

Kind regards,


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Recent Comments


Yes, that does sound very accurate. Being consistent with a web site is necessary. I'm just coming back from like a 4 month not doing much with my site. I went a solid year and then slacked off about my website. I wrote 230 articles my first year with no income. So I'm coming back reviewing all the boot camp classes and other live classes. So being consistent is the key to success.

Hi Jeffrey!

I appreciate your time and your valuable contribution to this discussion. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Have an awesome day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Both of those are definitely Keys, Nichola!


Hi Jeff!

Indeed, they are! I appreciate your time and your valuable contribution to this discussion.

Have a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

You're very welcome, Nichola!

Enjoy your new week!


Thank you!

You're very welcome!



Your article is right on. In a completely different realm than writing or affiliate marketing, my wife and I were facing having to resurface a 1000 sq. ft. deck recently. We just started and were persistently working as long as we could daily until the project was finished. Now we realize, that this work will last for years if we maintain the deck properly, consistently the way it should be kept up. This applies to affiliate marketing as well. Good article.

Hi Jim!

Thank you very much! I appreciate your time and the sharing of your own experience showing how persistence and consistency are necessary to achieve and maintain success in anything in life.

Have a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Have a great week!!

Thank you very much!

Love the quote Nichola! Being persistent at the beginning of our online journeys is so important, even when things don't seem to be going well!

But... after that, consistency is the key as we scale out our businesses along with a positive mindset and the desire to never give up!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend! :-)

Hi Nick!

Thank you very much! I appreciate your time and your valuable contribution to this discussion.

Have a great day and a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

You're most welcome my friend and you too! :-)



Thanks for sharing Nichola!


Hi Mel!

You are welcome! I appreciate your time and your very kind comment.

Have an awesome Sunday! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

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