All That We Need Is Within!

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Quote of the Day:

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time.” Hermann Hesse

Meaning of the Quote:

There is an internal place of quiet within each of us. It is our home; it is where we can go to discover ourselves and find spiritual fulfillment.

Discussion of the Quote:

When we become overwhelmed, disappointed, frustrated, discouraged or afraid, we can turn inwards to our place of stillness that dwells within each of us. It is where we can always return to our own foundations and instincts. However, we have to be quiet and listen to ourselves and we might be surprised that we might find more answers to our questions than we expect.

More importantly, when we turn inwards, we become intimate with ourselves and this allows us to see into ourselves and by doing so it can be a process of self-discovery. No one knows ourselves better than ourselves; we just have to take the time to discover who we really are and that means turning inwards and listening to ourselves. Additionally, besides turning into our stillness, it is also an internal sanctuary to which we can retreat at any time where we can connect with our spirit and begin a process of spiritual fulfillment.

Final Thoughts:

Indeed, all that we need is within us! We just have to find the time to turn inward and dwell in our stillness, ask the silent questions and listen for the silent answers then act accordingly. Remember, that no one can see into ourselves but ourselves and we should never be afraid to dwell in our stillness.

Additionally, our stillness is our home, it is our sanctuary. It is where we should go instead of turning outwards looking for the answers to our internal questions. The external fixes may help somewhat but never completely. However, it is our privilege and our duty to always turn inwards because all of our discoveries lie within. So turn into your stillness and find your answers as well as your spiritual fulfillment.

I appreciate your time, comments and likes.

To our success

Kind regards,


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Recent Comments


Hi there, Nichola.

Very nicely written and formulated. Through self-discovery we can find inner peace. This is so true. This reminds me of when my family members came in contact with COVID-19. It was one of the hardest tests that I have ever had to face.

I had to really go into that sacred space and wait for answers. This taught me a lot about the gift of life. Thank you for providing this insightful post that really resonates with all of us.


Hi Rachele!

Thank you very much for your very gracious comment! I appreciate your time and your valuable insights and experiences that you have shared.

Have a fantastic week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Hi Nichola, always love your stuff. Thank you.


Hi Michael!

Thank you very much! You are welcome! I appreciate your time and your very gracious comment.

Have a great week ahead! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

If only we could all tap into what we need, all would be good. How are you my friend.

Hi Stephen!

Indeed! I am doing well, thank you! I hope all is well in your world.

Have a fantastic day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

I totally agree, Nichola! That is Where God resides!


Now that is definitely true my friend.


Hi Jeff!

Thank you! For sure! I appreciate your time and your feedback!

Have an awesome day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Good to hear from you, Nichola! I hope all is well, my friend!


Thank you! All is well,thank you!

Glad to hear that, Nichola! 🙏


Thanks Nichola, Your messages always resonate with me.
I hope you are doing Ok.

Hi Michael!

You are welcome! I am glad that you can connect with this post. I am doing well thank you!

Have a fantastic day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,


Has been a while...
Ty for beautiful quotes

Hi Fleeky!

Indeed, it has been a while since my last post! You are welcome! I appreciate your time and your your most gracious comment.

Have a beautiful day! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

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