Stop hiding behind the wall - what is holding you back?

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Are you a fan of taking risks? I'm a massive fan.

The biggest risk that I have taken to date is leaving my guaranteed job, family security, and support in Jamaica and moving to the United Kingdom 20 years ago! That one was massive!

Imagine not knowing what you would find, what circumstance you would be in, and still make that decision. The only guaranteed thing that I had to lean on was that since I was being recruited as a nurse, there was a job at the other end of the line waiting for me!

The 365 days pills of excuses

Sometimes we just sit, daydream, remain in our little bubble, and let many opportunities pass us by. We prevent ourselves from going forward by hiding behind our many walls of excuses.

Our so-called family and friends sometimes kill the driving desire of our burning ambition as they constantly spout their negativity, whispering, shouting, and planting daily seeds of doubts into our minds

We need to reiterate to ourselves our vision for our business, why we are doing this, and continue to visualise our success by focusing on the end in our minds.

These are some things that are behind our walls and prevent us from moving forward

  • fear of being scammed again
  • a bag full of excuses of what-ifs
  • Unsure if this is the right path
  • Taking the Mr and Mrs wait - and - see - approach
  • Watching other members' progress and success instead of working to make your own business a success

Come closer

Why not take a peek and see that it is safe to come a little closer. This formula has been tried, tested, and has passed with flying colours.

  • Kyle and Carson have created and shown us that it CAN be done
  • Read all the Wealthy Affiliates success stories

All important question

I always find it a chore within itself to ask my children at times to clear up after themselves after playing together. They often wondered why am I annoyed when I have to call them back to repeat the same thing I had previously told them to do.

Wonder why?

  • It was halfheartedly done
  • It was completed with a carefree, nonchalant 'I couldn't care less,' attitude
  • They didn't give their all

Is this YOU, doing things halfheartedly because you have no interest, or you really don't care?

My all-important risk

I have taken a risk! I am using my self-belief, self-confidence and I have created a brand. I am either all in or nothing!

I have found that sometimes it can be overwhelming to go into the unknown with no certainty of what to expect, but when you start a new job, you still have the fears, lack of self-confidence, and all the other excuses that you used to prevent you from going forward.

Yet you still go to work every day with the mindset that at the end of the week, every two weeks or months, you will be paid. You follow the rules, you put in hard work because you know that you will be rewarded for the job that you have done!

Why should your approach to your online business be different?

It is scary

I must admit that at times, I do feel scared. What I'm doing now is so out of my comfort zone. Yes, I can write but is that the only thing I have to do?

Wealthy Affiliates have given us tools, templates, a lead by example approach (Kyle and Carson), and the best support system in the form of our Wealthy Affiliates community.


Let us try to identify our excuses and whatever is holding us back to be the best version of ourselves and push past it to give ourselves the success we know we deserve

Until next time,


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Recent Comments


I’m a risk taker, 10 years ago we moved from the Uk to Tenerife with our 4 children. We had some money behind us a place to live and nothing else. No jobs but a vision to make it work. And we made it work, just as I will make my website work. Do I have doubts? Yes I’m only human. But the only people that fail are those that quit and I’m never going to quit.

Now I completely understand the business mind like connection between us both. That's exactly my mindset!
The only people that fail are the ones that quit!
Always a pleasure to have your valuable feedback. Thank you my friend.

Hi Simone, Nice post, I can so relate to most of what you're saying, especially some of the fears that can cripple us.

Fear of success is another one and is rarely examined, but it can also hold us back.
Agree, we have to find a way to let go of the fear.

Good read, one never knows which part of yourself you're going to share, but it's always an interesting read.

You are amazing, glad to share this platform with you.

Success 2021 and beyond.


Yes, fear of success can be and is sometimes a stumbling block to our minds and it is often seen as a big hindrance regarding our progress

Melanie, it is so awesome that you've stopped by. Always a pleasure to have your feedback.

You're very welcome, it's a pleasure to read your posts.
Very motivational indeed.

That's so sweet Melanie. Thank you again

It's all too easy to let your foot off the gas pedal so to speak, especially when you feel like you're just spinning your wheels and not moving, though in actuality you really are moving.

This has always been my biggest struggle, to keep moving and stop letting my foot off the pedal. I'll go in spurts and work really hard and then suddenly I let off the gas and that's when doubt and other things creep into my mind and then it's a real struggle to get back into that mode.

The question then becomes, how bad do I really want it? Do I really want to change my circumstances or just continue with the way things are? I'm not going to make my goal that I had planned before the end of the year and the only person I have to blame is myself, so now I making renewed goals for the new year and also will write down ways to keep my focus and not let off the gas pedal.

Hey Brian, thank you for stopping by. I'm glad my post resonate with you

I sometimes feel like that as well, and yes, life sometimes get in the way and we don't often get to complete our goals
What I do is re-route my goals, after i reflect on my situation.

Brian, what you've stated is awesome. You have not dismissed the fact that you did not meet your goal, but you have reflected and te-routed and I am so over the moon happy for that brilliant decision.

Thank you for your valuable comment. It is highly appreciated

Hi Simone,
Great post.

Indeed taking risks is scary but without it, we would often remain rooted in the same spot. If we want serious change then this requires tossing away our safety net. We often know but that doesn't make it easier.

Congratulations on the step you have taken. You have all the recipes for success in you and WA is providing the perfect platform to complement those.

I'm looking forward to reading your success stories. I know it's only time.

Candy Benn

Well said Candy! Although taking risk is scary, we need to throw our safety nets on order for us to be successful.
I'm so happy to be in the group of successful minded individuals as you
Thank you for stopping by Candy! I feel honoured to call you my friend

What a great post, Simone!

I'm not much of a risk taker. I tend to investigate and plan, sometimes to the death of the idea, rather than risk. But that's part of the reason I joined WA. The risk (for me) was quite low and the potential value amazingly high. I do trust my gut instincts and WA was one of those that just seemed right. And I have not been disappointed!
Thanks for sharing your viewpoint--a great read!


Thank you Diane! I hold you in high esteem, so your input on my post is hold to that level as well
As long as the formula for success has been proven, I will always find ways and means to get there.
Thank you for stopping by!

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