Can somebody visit my blog inside WordPress?
Hello everybody. I wonder if somebody has this type of situation.
I wrote a blog today, published it. It was in a Lithuanian language. After couple hours I decided to read it again despite checking it six times at least before publishing it.
On the end of the blog, I got a surprise: few sentences at the end of the blog were translated into English without my knowledge or permission.
I do not believe into ghosts or hackers because of the simplicity of my website.
However, how it can happen? Thankfully, it was jus a few sentences, not the full blog translated into English. I use Grammarly but at this time it was deactivated.
You can see the attached screeshot of this mentioned above situation.
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What is funny that the translation is almost perfect, knowing of about difficulties to learn my native language:)
Hello, Nemira. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not but, If you are using the free version of Grammarly it may be possible that it will only do up to 1000 words at a time.
I don't know if that would explain the change in language at the end of your article but it may be worth a try.
I may be a bit confused myself. Are you using Grammarly or "Site Content? If it's the latter, Site Support may be able to help with that.
No, I use a paid version. At this moment, the Grammarly was deactivated. Before it, I cleared Google's history. After that, I needed to fill all passwords using the password manager.
Overall, it is bizarre. I started to think about conspirational theories such as 5G at the moment is a hot topic.
5G, I've heard some things about that as well and now I also hear that China, I believe, is working on 6G? As you say, we've hardly worked out the ramifications of 5G.
It would be an odd thing for a hacker to do, to break into your website and translate your post.
It must be some widget or app that has caused it to happen but I have no idea what that might be.
Hope you find out
Yes, it supposed to be a waste of time for them. It never happened to me, however, it is always a first time for everything. All the best:)
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Amazing. I was surprised!