Power of Motivation

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Motivation pushes us toward taking action and toward achievement, and it is one of the most important keys to success. Motivation is ignited by desire and ambition. It can be also triggered by some external factors: positive examples, success stories, movies, or books.

These factors can be very strong and they will push us forward long enough to achieve what we have planned. When there is motivation, we can achieve greater and better results.

Unfortunately, it happens that the initial motivation is not powerful enough to lead us towards our goals, and we need to look for another dose of inspiration.

There are several techniques which help to strengthen our motivation and succeed in achieving our goals:

1. Visualization of goals as achieved; it will strengthen the desire and add a feeling of happiness and make subconscious mind work with us.

2. Constantly, encouraging ourselves that we can, and will succeed.

3. Persistence, patience and not giving up, despite failure and difficulties, help to stay motivated;

4. To keep our enthusiasm and ambitions alive, we must conduct research and learn more about the subjects of our interest.

5. Socializing with achievers and people with similar interests, we can build motivation and a positive attitude.

Let’s remember that a motivated person is a happier person, more energetic, and foresees the positive end result.

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Inspirational! Thanks, Nadja.


Thank you for your kind feedback.

Go for the kick you up!

For sure!


Great inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

I am glad you liked it. Thank you for reading.

Once inspiration is found, keeping the motivation fueled will definitely lead to success. Great post!

I totally agree with you. Inspiration drives us to the achievement. Thank you for reading the post.

This is indeed a great blog Nadja, without motivation success it is hard to get success.

Thank you for your input. I am glad you liked the post. Recently, I went through the difficult stage and I was almost ready to quit. I have found ways to get back on the track.

Thank you for this boost. This will help me to move forward in the right direction. All the best.

Thank you for reading the post. I hope you found it useful. I wish you a successful continuation of your business venture.

Core motivation moves mountains!

Lack of motivation leads to pessimism, frustration, and inertia.
Thank you for your valuable input.

Thank you very much for this.


I am glad you find it useful.

Nice post.

Thank you. I am glad you like it.

I certainly did.

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