July 2024 - How'd we do?

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(Image: a calendar page)

Medium: Gave up on the partner program. Made all of $1 something in the last few months. Not worth it. Better to have the posts visible to everyone. On that note, views are up to 1100, from just under 1000 last month, and reads are close to 600, up from just under 550 last month. Up to 22 followers.

YouTube: I kind of faltered here. I skipped 2 weeks. But two weeks in a row now and trying to work on the next video. I think it paid off as I am seeing clicks on Amazon. And views and watch time are slowly edging up. Broke 200 subscribers this week!

Blogs: My hydroponics blog has close to 50 posts now. I will hit that in the next few days. My queue is drying up as I haven't focused on editing the 13 drafts. Only have 5 in the queue.

Haven't done much on the other two. I just post to the mini pc blog when I have a quick idea. I have published 6 posts this month. Hardly any traffic here.

Same with the cyber blog. Only 6 posts republished this month. But this one is doing much better I think thanks to all the updates I have been doing. In the last 28 days, the number of clicks has gone up about 80%, from 75 to 139. Impressions up 40%, from 30K to 42K. Still haven't figured out a good way to monetize this.

Pinterest: I am seeing some traction here but I let it go. Need to put some time into this.
cyber blog Impressions are starting to fall. They were as high as 13K for a 30 day period, now down to about 12K. Clicks and saves are up. I am getting about one click a day now.

Hydroponics just started in July. I see almost 900 impressions for the month with 4 clicks and 3 saves. It's a good start, but I need to create more pins here.

The rebuilt mini pc pinterest account is the same as hydroponics. Almost 1000 impressions for the month, 2 clicks and 1 save. I haven't created pins for this in awhile.

Amazon Associate: The best for last. I made 15 sales this month. 2 in Canada! Total just over $40 for the month. Not enough to pay the rent, but this is a journey for me. I can't put in the time I know I need to right now. So for me, this is good.

Zimmwriter: Discovered this tool about a month ago. This has been a great tool for generating posts with images, summary, FAQ, deep headers, etc. The one thing that keeps me coming back is, if I want to spend more on a post, I can. WA can't do that right now. What does that mean? Say I create a post. I tell WA I want 5 sections. Then it creates the outline and I look at it and realize I need 6. I either have to start over again or it will try to do 6 and drop one of them most of the time. Zimmwriter also can generate images from various sources. From Pexels (Free) to stable diffusion ultra for 8c an image. I am actually using the latter for pinterest pins and it's amazing.

Still, this is not for the newbie. Lots of bells, whistles and dials. I am still learning a lot of the features. My biggest challenge is to get the reading level down to 11th grade or lower. But I am trying.

So that's it for this month. As the song goes, See you in September!

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You've certainly got a lot going on at one time Michael!!!

I totally understand that the way things are today we need to try different avenues in order to drive traffic to our sites...... just don't spread yourself too thin and try everything at once is my advice my friend! :-)


It appears you have done well.

Hi - just a couple of things to mention.

As regards the Medium Partner program, the income comes from when paid Medium members read your content for more than 30 seconds.

You get paid based on how long they read, whether they "clap" or comment or save your post.

You don't get paid if a free member reads it, or somebody has found it on Google.

(But Medium posts do rank highly on Google, so if you have a link back to your website, you could attract visitors, and you can put affiliate links in Medium posts, too).

Doing this, does require some element of engaging and interacting with other people, as they could respond in the same way.

But you don't have to chat, just clap and add a quick comment, and hopefully, they will do the same for your stories.

Or join a relevant publication that has a lot of followers who are all interested in your niche subject.

And, as for Pinterest, you need to post daily, otherwise your monthly views will start dropping.

You could do this by setting aside some time to schedule all your pins for one month, and then that's job done, until next month!

Yes Diane, I need to be consistent on Pinterest and on YouTube. This is definitely something I need to plan.

As for Medium. I will continue to post there, just not behind the paywall. As you said, it takes more time and I just don't have it right now

Hi Michael,

It sounds as though you are doing really well.

Those figures that you are quoting are average and I know that you expected a better return from your time and efforts.

I am a bit fed up with Pinterest at the moment, I will go back to it soon.

I know what its like when you are doing SO MANY things at the same time, that has been happening to me over the past year.

Onwards and upwards.



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