Facebook Social Share Image - Getting Rid of Bubble Man - Part 2
Well, I thought I had the problem solved, but after trying to share my "homepage," I saw that Bubble Man is still hanging around my web-site! If you've ever tried sharing your WordPress posts or pages on Facebook, you'll know what I mean... And, if you haven't read my first post https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/msmoneyhoney/blog/..., please do, and this will make even more sense...
Ok, back to the topic.
As mentioned, I thought I was all set and solved that problem a long while ago. But, when I tried sharing just my homepage, I ran into "him" again. So, I set out on another mission... and I'll try to steer clear of violent language... by stating the "real" mission. :) ...cue the shower scene music...
I began searching for anything related to Facebook share, Facebook image share, etc. and I finally came across a member's post which FINALLY addressed "where to go" to change the settings for the HOME Page!
Here's a Shout Out to this member: Arief Wibowo, and you can read her post here: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/ariefwibowo/blog/p...
So, now, I knew where to go and what settings to change.
Unfortunately, however, after staying up all night and trying this and trying that to get rid of this thing, I finally just Googled my "issue." And, here's what I found:
The bottom line is - this is some sort of compatibility issue between the plug-in and Facebook. It could also be a compatibility problem with a specific theme, or social share button plug-ins. Reading the comments, it has happened to many other people, and it was nothing I was necessarily doing wrong.
So, I gave up for the night, and decided to wait for Facebook's "cache" to update seven days from now. We'll see if any of my changes took effect.
Right now, he still looms...
If anyone already has a "work-around" or "guaranteed" solution to this problem, I'd like to hear from you!
Current Score: MsMoneyHoney 1 v. Bubble Man 1
In the meantime, I'll update the results in about a week.
Recent Comments
I have been having this issue as well. I actually never had it until I activited the "social meta" section of the all in one SEO. I think I might try deactivating it. My theme has a feature image option for each post and I always create a feature image. Prior to activating the Social section my feature image was the default image that showed up when I shared a post. Now, even despite filling out the social section the bubble many still appears from time to time.
Hi - Well, there are two areas to control "him." One is the feature picture image on a post or a page - which was what I was talking about in the my first post. This post, however, addresses the image when you share the "homepage" of your blog. The plug-in's author knows about the problem, and, apparently, has not resolved the issue. Reading those comments, he keeps blaming Facebook, but users do point to compatibility issues with a variety of plug-ins, themes, or yes, even Facebook itself.
Oh ok. I was referring to specific posts that I share. The bubble guy shows up no matter what I do. But it doesn't always happen.
Wow, that's odd. What is your WP Theme? I am only using Omega, the one Kyle mentioned at first. Then, of course, I have the SEO Plug-in, so there are two ways to control Bubble Man - one is the feature image under each post you write, and the other is within the settings of the SEO Plug-in.
As mentioned in my second post, now people are talking about compatibility issues with even the Social Media buttons you choose. I am currently using SumoMe, so maybe it's that. Even the author doesn't really know... Soooo, if the Facebook cache doesn't show any changes within a week or so, I will either have to put up with him, or just not "share" my homepage as my posts are fine.
I'm wondering how many other people have even tried to share their homepage. They may not even know they have .... Bubble Man! ...complete with Jaws music...
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Ok, it's now Feb 11, 2016 - I have just checked back again to share my "homepage" as that was still the problem I was having with Bubble Man. Apparently, I have waited long enough for Facebook to clear its cache. Because ...Guess What??? BUBBLE MAN IS NOW GONE!!! WOOO HOOOO! Final Score: MsMoneyHoney 2 v Bubble Man 1 ...I win and he's toast! :)