Amazon Affiliates - Update on PA-API Link Problem 11/27/23

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Hello Everyone,

For those of you who have read my past blogs on this subject, I just wanted to update you on the latest info.

I've written to Amazon numerous times, each receiving a different response. So, I'm sharing the latest response here. As you may know, the Site Stripe Text & Image and Images links are being deprecated on Dec. 31st. However, as some may know, my links are already not working. This includes not only the PA-API, but all my image and text and image links. Further, previous responses stated that in order to be "re-Instated" into the API program, we needed "2 sales via the API links." I then questioned how can I get sales via the API when my API links are not working? ...And, that was when I was told to go and ask "the Forum," but I stopped short when they asked me for my credit card number.... I do not think it's necessary to provide them with cc info to ask a question to support expecially for a problem "they" created. So, I stopped and searched around instead. I found a question on their forum pertaining to the PA-API problem, and the response was..... drumroll...."you'll have to ask customer service as we cannot help you here."

So, back to the drawing board I went... I went back to "customer service" and inquired yet again, and this time I received a different response. This response stated that all I needed to do was get "one sale" from a non-friend or family member where the product gets shipped, I earn a commission, and, more importantly, "it can be from any link on my site(s) and not just the API links. She then said the API will be reinstated automatically within two business days.

Ok, so, I have to wait until someone clicks on one of my replacement links, despite many of those newer links are also not working, to purchase whatever product they may be looking to buy.

In the meantime, I did check out Lasso, as many here have suggested, but at $39 per site per month is not palatable at least not until the sites are generating income anyway. Further, I've seen different offerings from them in recent days, and it seems they cannot make up their minds for people with low traffic, re-establishing API, or sites just starting out. One minute I see $40 off, or two weeks free, or free if you're site's income is below $1,000 per month, and now it's the $40 off of the annual plan only, not monthly. So, I'm still mulling them over... Right now, I'd much rather get my API links working again...

All this just because Amazon decided not to tell us until the very last minute ...and I really should have learned my lessons when they did this before...

In any case, I wanted to provide a follow-up for those who are working to replace Site Stripe Image and Text and Image Links to Text Only Links prior to Dec. 31st and I'd also like to ask for a cookie. Please know that I will be shopping for a few items on Amazon in the near future. Nothing major, but hey, if I can use someone's link and their cookie, I can direcly help someone here at WA with this same problem. Had I known the solution, I would have asked sooner before ordering a new stainless steel skillet... and again when I recently bought another - just yesterday.

So, let me know if you're a WA - Amazon Affiliate who would like their API working, and make sure your store or web-site is listed in your profile. IMHO, there is nothing wrong with asking for or receiving a cookie for items you were going to purchase anyway. I will be making a purchase or two on Amazon in the next few days, and I'm hoping that many on this Forum DO decide to support each other. If not here on this post, maybe I can find someone's site over on the "please comment" page to find an URL with Amazon links. The "niche" doesn't matter as I can search for whatever product I want after I click their link. Can I find a site that is ranking and has Amazon links that are working? Sure! But I'd rather help out another WA affiliate if or when I can.

This could also be an idea for WA to create a randomized script that, when generated, provides an Affiliate site's URL if/when a member here would like someone else's cookie. ...Just a thought, ...but I think that would be pretty neat....

To Your Success!

~MMH (aka Toni)

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Wishing you a speedy recovery of your API links and success in earning revenue!

Well, status update! If you read the comments, I did find a site with Amazon links. I purposefully went to their site and picked an item, which led me to Amazon. I then clicked it and put it in my cart to make sure I had the elusive cookie. I then searched for the skillet I wanted to purchase and added that to my cart as well along with two other items already there in my cart. So, I had four total items at one time in my cart. I then deleted the item I put there on purpose to make sure I had the cookie, and I paid for my order. I really thought I did something good by purchasing from an affiliate. ...and then....

...sometime later, as I was checking my stats on Amazon, guess what appeared? Under one of my Amazon IDs, "someone" purchased a skillet and one of the other items I had purchased using the other affiliate's cookie. So, Amazon recognized me, probably because I was logged in, and awarded the sale to me simply because I'm an affiliate who can only order while being logged in..... Interesting!

So, if you can only order from Amazon while being logged in, this means that whatever you may purchase from ANY affiliate's site, it doesn't matter who, the cookie will NOT be recognized, and THEY will not be awarded the sale simply because you, the customer, also happen to be an affiliate. AND, not only that, but I ordered 3 total items, and only 2 showed up on my stats! This shows how greedy Amazon is! Not only did they disallow the sale to the other Affiliate, which is totally unfair, but they didn't even recognize one of the items purchased! Maybe it was because it was below $10 bucks, but nonetheless, this was something I was ALSO not aware of. They do NOT recognize SOME items that you DID purchase!

So, folks - how do you feel about Amazon now? This is really eye-opening! ...I mean, we all knew Amazon is greedy, but to stoop this low is just.... AMAZing.....

Interesting info, my friend! I have never been an Amazon associate for some early reasons such as this though! Thanks for sharing!


Toni, I think that would be against the rules to use WA member's Amazon Affiliate sites to order or use their cookies because Amazon would know our association. A member here had her co-workers at work order, and she didn't get her commissions. Amazon has a way to find out if WA members are doing it. I recalled a WA blog post comment conversation about that. Not wise to do this. The business association counts. They won't give you a commission, which is risky. I wouldn't do it at all, ever. It is not neat, it's trending a dangerous ground. They will find this blog post, too, because it is also on Google did you know that? Amazon has spies around. Call me paranoid, but I wouldn't dare do this. You must get sales from organic traffic or social media traffic that has no association, or no one knows you, has no connection, and is a total stranger. You get busted as this post is public (it gets in the search engine results).

Interesting! It's also interesting that Amazon and Google can control consumer behavior at such an extent all to avoid paying affiliates. Yet another reason to get away from them! No, I had no idea that acquaintances or people who belong to a forum are also exempt. I know they state yourself and family, especially within the same IP address. So, ...geez, if this was true, I really can't wait for them to be sued.

I would also say that your claim about social media traffic would be just an amazing overreach. I mean I'm "friends" with over 3k people, and yes, I share my links on Facebook. So, with what you're saying, because they're my "friends" on Facebook, Amazon would also disallow? ....I don't know these people, personally, and to me, yes, they are total strangers. So, hmm... I would find this hard to believe.

In addition, when we comment on other's sites, etc., I'm more than sure that someone has gone shopping and had taken a cookie either knowingly or unknowingly. And, to my knowledge in all the years here in WA, I have never seen anyone's post about being disallowed because someone on WA bought something with their link/cookie.... So,.... with all due respect, I'm not so sure you are correct on this matter.

But, thank you for the warning. I guess it's up to each person to make up his or her own mind... As for me, my offer remains. I need to go shopping on Amazon to pick up a few things.... and I truly don't care whose site I use. If Amazon disallows the sale because we're part of an affiliate marketing group that happens to be hosting our sites, sells domains, comments on and critiques about each other's sites, etc., that's actually a whole can of worms they would be opening... imho... and no, I'm not intimidated by Amazon.

Wow.... Yes, I am finding other affiliates as well, but in the meantime, my offer stands. ...and I'm eyeing another stainless steel pan... it may be a gift, not sure yet. lol.... I'd rather get the Cyber Monday deal, so someone better step forward or just post something here so I can see their URL in their profile.. in like... 40 minutes! ...cause I think I'm getting that pan! lol....

Well, it took me a while, but I found a site via the "comments" posts that had Amazon links. So, I ordered through Grooved Gear .com.... And, yes, I ordered that pan and a few other items.... But, I may be shopping again soon! So, my invite remains..... Have a Great Day!

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