Taming The Word Monster or The Pillar Post Defined

blog cover image

Have you ever caught yourself in a situation, where you have created a never-ending post? I have one that started out as an informational post, and every time I created a new header, it led me off on another research and write mission.

My Original Outline was

How to Make Extra Retirement Income with Affiliate Marketing as a Freelancer

Which morphed into my creating

9 Golden Nuggets to a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program

Which generated more legs when I identified the

7 Essential Skills You Need for Freelance Success

So what do you do with something like this?

Create The Pillar

A pillar post, also known as a pillar page or content pillar, is a comprehensive piece of content that serves as the cornerstone of a topic cluster. It provides an in-depth overview of a broad topic and links to more specific, related content pieces known as cluster posts. This structure helps establish a website’s authority on a specific subject and improves its search engine optimization (SEO) by creating a logical and interconnected content architecture.

My Example of a Pillar Post the kept growing...

Title: How to Make Extra Retirement Income with Affiliate Marketing as a Freelancer


Briefly introduce the concept of making extra retirement income through affiliate marketing.

Explain the importance of having a diversified income stream during retirement.

Section 1: Understanding Affiliate Marketing

  • Define affiliate marketing.
  • Explain how it works.
  • Discuss the benefits and potential earnings.

Section 2: Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

  • Steps to choose a niche.
  • How to find and join affiliate programs.
  • Setting up a website or blog.

Section 3: 9 Golden Nuggets to a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program

  • Detailed tips and strategies for success.
  • Examples of successful affiliate marketers.
  • Tools and resources to help you succeed.

Section 4: 7 Essential Skills You Need for Freelance Success

  • List and explain essential skills such as time management, marketing, and networking.
  • How these skills apply to both freelancing and affiliate marketing.

Section 5: Combining Freelancing and Affiliate Marketing

  • Strategies to integrate affiliate marketing into your freelance business.
  • Case studies or examples of freelancers who have successfully combined both.


  • Summarize the sections.
  • Encourage readers to start their journey in affiliate marketing and freelancing.
  • Provide links to additional resources and cluster posts for further reading.

How to Handle Expanding Content

When your content starts expanding beyond its bounds into multiple subtopics like my example above, it’s an excellent opportunity to create a pillar post with cluster content.

Here’s how you can manage it:

Identify the Core Topic - Your original outline, "How to Make Extra Retirement Income with Affiliate Marketing as a Freelancer," serves as the core topic for your pillar post.

Create Cluster Content - Each subtopic that emerged (e.g., "9 Golden Nuggets to a Successful Affiliate Marketing Program" (with each of the 9 Nuggets expanded) and "7 Essential Skills You Need for Freelance Success" can be developed into separate, detailed cluster posts. These posts will link back to the main pillar post and vice versa. As you can see I have at least 17 posts from this one topic. How to Make Money (Pillar), 9 Golden Nuggets (9 Posts), and 7 Essential Skills (7 Posts). Pillar + 9+7 = 16.

Organize and Link: Ensure that your pillar post includes internal links to all the cluster posts. This not only helps with SEO but also provides a better user experience by guiding readers to more specific information.

Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords and optimize each section of your pillar post and cluster content for search engines. This will help improve your visibility and ranking.

By structuring your content in this way, you can turn a potentially overwhelming amount of information into a well-organized and highly valuable resource for your readers. This approach not only enhances the readability and usability of your content but also strengthens your website’s authority on the topic.

But what if you started with a 20,000 Word Monster?

Book Monster

So I got carried away one day and started with a 20,000-word post. Believe it or not, you have an excellent foundation for creating a comprehensive pillar post and related cluster content.

Here's how you can transform it into an effective pillar post structure:

Identify the core topic: Review your 20,000-word post and determine the main overarching topic it covers. This will become the focus of your pillar post. This is a great exercise for ChatGPT3.5. Simply ask it for the core topic and feed the 20K word monster into it. Within seconds it will tell you the core concept.

Create an outline: Did you use Headers? You can see where I am going with this. Hey Chatty, using the Headers, please break down the 20,000-word post into major sections or subtopics. These will form the basis of your pillar post structure.

Condense the pillar post: I am still using Chatty and a prompt that I created prior to our AI Authors being released.

This outline looks great. Now we need to create an amazing attention-grabbing introduction using an emotion-based hook to grab readers by the eyes. Ensure that you cover all of the points in our outline in this introduction. Within the Introduction, you need to include “How does this post answer the title?”

We have the introduction in place. Let's firm up the body.

Take your outline and feed it to Chatty ONE SECTION AT A TIME. Each Header and Sub Point that you got from the outline. Feed it with this prompt:

Use this exact same prompt for each section. Just change Section 1, to Section 2, Section 3, etc
The Introduction looks great. Now let’s look at body Section 1. We need to create this to educate our readers on each of the points mentioned. Keep it engaging even for the reader who is familiar with the subject. Ensure that the section has an opening paragraph, and each point has at least one, maybe two paragraphs as needed, associated with it. References are a good touch if they help illustrate the point.

This should trim our 20K novela into about 2,000 words. Focus on providing a comprehensive overview of the topic (Header) without going into extreme detail on every subtopic. This is your cluster content.

Develop cluster content: The Headers of this Pillar Post will become links to Detailed Coverage of each topical overview. These ARE your content clusters. Don't forget to link back to the pillar post.

Interlink content: Ensure that your pillar post links to all the cluster content pieces, and that each cluster post links back to the pillar page.

Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords throughout your pillar post and cluster content. Include internal links, optimize meta descriptions, and use header tags effectively. See how I linked back to my SEO Post? If I wanted to add a section to my SEO Post on Pillars, I would link from SEO back to this post.

Add visual elements: Incorporate images, infographics, or videos to break up the text and make the content more engaging. Use the same Images in the pillar as the Feature Image of the cluster post to add connection.

Create a table of contents: For easy navigation, include a clickable table of contents at the beginning of your pillar post.

Update and expand: Regularly review and update your pillar post and cluster content to keep it current and comprehensive.

By following these steps, you can transform your 20,000-word monster into a well-structured pillar post with supporting cluster content. This approach will not only improve your SEO but also provide a better user experience for your readers by organizing the information in a more digestible format.

How did you handle You Word Monster?

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Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious article. Awesome tips. I will try it. See if it works! I, too, do get carried away when writing.

Thanks, Brenda,
The overall goal was to find out how many people leave word credits on the table.

The title is kind of Shakespearean "Taming ...made me think of his notorious play, "Taming of the Shrew." Word credits in AI Author are never enough, so you have to add more on your own, just as you say using Chatty. Not only that but you have to constantly edit to remove all those repetitive AI words and too much fluff. Tone down the fluff.

I do have a PLAY on words some times....

Yeah, me too. It's fun to do and makes life more enjoyable, especially with humor.

Thanks for sharing Don!



I will ask you the same question, How many word credits do you let expire?

I do my best to not let them, But it does happen.


Now that I have a website up and running again. None.

I'm also going to see if I can use that for writing books/ebooks. Well see what I can come up with, Mr Don.


Thanks Mr Don for your inspiration! I just used Hubs to write a 2364+ book to publish. I'll start formatting it next and get it published in a few hours or less. :-)

I already know what my 2nd book will be about.


Excellent Use, I hadn't thought of an ebook. But yes that could be done as well.

Food for thought!

Submitted the 24 page book and an ebook with the Hubs generated content plus my adding to it.

Thanks again Mr Don!

Curiosity, Is that a website added value/lead magnet for you or a revenue generator?

Curious about the size, as I imaged putting 2 or three of these things together for an ebook.

Revenue generator/passive income. I have over 1200 books in print and over 300 ebooks currently.

Yes, I'm thinking next month to make each one a chapter and combine together for a bigger book myself.

Thanks again Mr Don!


Some good thoughts here, Don!



How many word credits do you let evaporate each month?

I try not to let any go, but it does happen.


I have only just started using them recently, Don! A lot, but they will renew!


It tops up to 20K but if you only used 3k you get 3k. Use 20K, get 20K. I like the idea of getting what I paid for.

As of this moment, I have 10K remaining and 4 days to use them.

I see a couple of 9 section Word Monsters coming my way.


If I didn't have a physical business to attend to, and am revamping others, Don, then I would agree.

I joined several years ago for the webhosting and site Support to support my book publishing site and others.

I'll get there.


Sounds very interesting and a good idea I'd imagine. A pillar content that continues to expand after the pillar has been established. Writing articles that link to the pillar content and expand your site and information about things. I'm definite keeping this in mind to work on soon. I have a site I have worked on for a little more than a year. To make further progress is of course the idea. Thanks for mentioning about this. I was thinking about doing something similar. What you mentioned dies clarify things better to me.

Any post that you write can become a Pillar. Start with your latest post. What is the First H2 Header in that post?

Use that Header to generate an outline. Create the in-depth post, link back to the original and you are golden. Rinse and Repeat and you will have another dozen posts before you know it.

Master Niche Blogging was created that way. I just kept digging deeper.

My intention though not expressed was:


The trick is to take all of your leftover AI word credits and create a couple of related EXTRA LONG Word Monsters.

Then carve them up to create your pillar. Kill Two Birds With One Stone. Use Your Credits and create great content over time.

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