FriSatSu Catch-Up

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Yes, the 4th of July came and went while I was in the nation's Capitol. But ultimately, the wife and I ended the evening in the MGM Casino. The sunset there was awesome.

But today it is back to business. Do you remember this post?

All Things SEO This Week & Content Tags

Here is a quick refresher...

...the 8 you definitely need to know. I have a detailed checklist with descriptions and definitions on my blog.

  1. _____URL Structure
  2. _____Title Tag
  3. _____Heading Tags (H1, H2, etc.)
  4. _____Quality Content
  5. _____Keyword Optimization
  6. _____Internal and External Links
  7. _____Optimized Images

For extra credit, you won’t see this one on your webpage. But it is probably more important than what is on your webpage. Any Idea?

This post was written 3 months ago because I had a deep dive into All Things SEO. And asked the question...

Do you include WordPress Content Tags in the On-page SEO?

Ever since this post was written, I have made a conscious effort to add tags to my posts.

Somewhere along the line, my routine lost the step of ADD TAGS to your post.

My last 10 posts were not showing up as highly in the Google SERP, but I knew that I had been using the exact same formula to create them. What was different? Duh! ADD TAGS!

So my question for you is

"When you sign in to the WordPress backend, click on "Posts" Is the Tags column empty or full?

I will admit that I did about an hour and a half worth of catch-up so all I have left is the one example to demonstrate the the concept. Do your posts have an empty tag column, as in the YELLOW example? Or do you keep up with adding tags as in the RED example?

If you were unaware of the importance of TAGS, I strongly encourage you to read my post on

All Things SEO.

I broke with convention and had the post open in a new tab. Because what comes next is your solution to better rankings on Google, BING, and Yahoo, and filling in your tag Column.

We live in 2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here for a reason.
Our use of Power Tools should be expected and encouraged.
(Another plug for another WA post on what I learned today)


My power tool of choice today is Perplexity.AI Lexi is a brainy bot that knows more about the complexities of anything and everything. She does a deep dive into all things complex and will break them down better than any of the 4 other bots that I use (Chatty, BINGO, BARD, and POE). I used her to create my OptiMonk Lesson Plan (Highlighted in Yellow).

But the best part, she has online access in real time!

We even had a lengthy discussion about the best email marketing service for the newbie. The discussion centered around the best free and freemium email service. I told her my biases against MailChimp, and how I would prefer something else. In the end, I had to agree to agree with her. For simplicity and ease, I would demonstrate MailChimp with OptiMonk.

But I digress. You are reading along to fix your EMPTY TAG COLUMN, not to hear about me and Lexi discussing Mailchimp's simplicity and poor customer service...

"Lexi, can you help me out with my empty tag column" - I asked

Yes, I understand your goal, and your approach is well-structured. You're aiming to create a system for generating relevant tags for your blog posts, which is indeed an important aspect of on-page optimization.

Your prompt is clear and organized, but I would suggest a few minor adjustments for clarity and ease of use:
Start with a clear instruction.
Use numbered lists for better organization.
Separate the output section clearly.

Here's a slightly revised version of your prompt:

This is the Prompt that she created for me

All you have to do is copy and paste this prompt into Lexi, and she will ask you for your URL.

================HIGHLIGHT N COPY THIS ========================

Please help me create tags for my blog post. Follow these steps:

1. Ask me for my post URL.
2. Once I provide the URL, extract the following information:

- Audience: [Describe your target audience here.]
- Goal: [Describe the goal of the post here.]
- Top Three Keywords:

a. [Keyword 1]
b. [Keyword 2]
c. [Keyword 3]

- Related Tags (3 tags for each keyword):

a. [Tag 1]
b. [Tag 2]
c. [Tag 3]

3. Output:

List the 9 tags separated by commas.

======================END COPY===============

Lexi- This structure is correct and should work well for your purpose. It provides a clear process for gathering the necessary information and generating the tags you need for your blog post. When you're ready to use this prompt, just let me know, and I'll ask for your post URL to begin the process.

Prompt Input Response

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you create tags for your blog post. Let's start with the first step:

  1. Could you please provide the URL of your blog post?

Once you share the URL, I'll be able to analyze the content and help you extract the necessary information to create appropriate tags.

URL Provided

Thank you for providing the URL. I'll now extract the relevant information from your blog post to help create tags.

Extracted Post Information:

Audience: New and aspiring bloggers looking to start a niche blog

Goal: To guide readers in choosing the best niche blogging platform for their needs

Top Three Keywords:

a. Niche blogging
b. Blogging platforms
c. Website builders

Related Tags (3 tags for each keyword):

a. Niche selection, Content strategy, Audience targeting
b. Wealthy Affiliate, WordPress, Wix
c. Site customization, User-friendliness, SEO tools


niche blogging, blogging platforms, website builders, content strategy, WordPress, SEO tools, audience targeting, Wix, site customization

These 9 tags, separated by commas, reflect the main topics and focus of your blog post. They cover the key aspects of niche blogging, popular blogging platforms, and important considerations for choosing a website builder. These tags should help improve the discoverability of your post and attract your target audience of new and aspiring niche bloggers.


I did 10 times and am now caught up until the next time I am not.

Did you forget to add tags to your blog posts and did using Lexi, (Perplexity.AI) help you catch up?


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Recent Comments


A great reminder here Don, I am a bit slack on adding tags to my content but will try better moving forward!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend! :-)

Did my prompt help you create the tags that you needed? The weekend is coming to a close.

Monday evening now here Don and the prompt was great!

Very much appreciated my friend! :-)

Excellent. Now do me a favor and go vote for your favorite AI Writer.

Great post! I also need to pay more attention to tags!

Howard, thanks. I like to post about what I learn outside of the WA walls. The SEO post is a simple read. Let me know what you think of that one as well.

Did the prompt I posted work for you? I am always following up with my bot prompts.

Yes, the SEO post was also very interesting! I copied the checklist to better remember those items during Biden moments. LOL

I use ChatGPT, so I did a variance of what you listed, and that worked great!

Thank you!!

Howard, This is the strength of the WA community. Without forethought, we help each other out.

Have you seen my blog and have you voted?


Happy FriSatSu MrDon!


Mel, just saw this, please go vote! And thank you for following me.

You are most welcome MrDon!


Well stated, Don!


As always Jeff, I am always up to something. Which AI bot Do You Use? I will place your vote if you don't!

I truly don't use any of them right now, Don!


Hi MrDon, I like your prompts I saved this so I can go back here and give it a shot. I don't use tags but now I know I should. Thats one thing I missed out on. Thanks for sharing.

I am always on the lookout for ways to put my precious bots to work. Let me know if the prompt worked for you.

Yes, I usually dont use ChatGPT directly. I use CoPilot or Poe I will try them there at Poe and see how it works. Of course, I will let you know. I do use AI Author, the copy blogger one, sometimes it does not always follow what I want, so that's one bad thing about it. I have to edit in my own words or ask Poe to help me add more sense to the articles that I am writing. is where I use Claude. I find that Claude mirrors my style better that ChatGPT. But there are a couple of other bots on Poe that I have been playing with. We will get there.

That's true! So much variety out there. Each GPTs offers different ideas, and I like that.

Late reply, but what do you think of my AI Bot evaluations?

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