The Tortoise and The Hare

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Slow and Steady Wins The Race

For All Newcomers

I am among your ranks. I have been here only a couple of months. My sites are up and running, and earnings are starting to become a reality. But it did not happen overnight. It took patience and hard work at the onset of my journey to make it happen. Here at WA, you will find that the training is the key to your success.


Here the training is very detailed and designed in a way to assist you to build as you learn. Following the training, you will find building your business with ease is not only possible, but inevitable. I can personally attest to that.

Starting Your Business

A common question to all newcomers is how fast will I start earning money. My experience was a soon as I made it possible to do so. Which ties back to the training. I have chosen to use the reference "The Tortoise and The Hare" to explain.

As you may recall from childhood. The hare was challenged to a race by the slow tortoise. After being ridiculed by the hare, the slow tortoise said "I'll bet I'll Win the race", and win he did.

I will now explain why I chose to use this example.


In order to sell anything online, traffic is what you will need. And how Do I get It? Short answer, follow the training. You will learn, that by following the training you are being driven to a goal. Basically setting you and your site up for success. There is a reason training here is structured the way it is. It teaches the fundamentals you will need further down the road. Basically, you are the tortoise.

Adopt the idea of helping people solve a problem. Engage your readers and create interesting content that helps. Try to be original and offer solutions. Always try to keep them focused on your content and wanting more. This is one of many keys to traffic. High Value Content is King.

Remain Focused

Stick to the race like the Tortoise and try not to become the hare. This is how you will win the race! Do not allow outside distractions get to you. By this, you will see people make post about success and how much they are earning. My suggestion is to use these as motivation towards your end goal. Remember, you are just beginning and some have been here for years. Do not allow yourself to get ahead of the training and become the hare. Rome was not built in a day, nor will your business be.

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The Rule of 7's

As an added bonus I will share something that has helped me understand the marketing process and will help you as you build your content around your niche. This is the Rule of 7's.

It takes an average of seven interactions with your brand before a purchase will take place. The rule of 7 is based on the theory that people are forgetful and easily distracted, so repetition helps with recall. The more captivating your content, the faster you will help them decide if a product is right for them. However, some research also suggests that being presented with the same message over and again could actually do more damage than good. Make sure your content is clear and unique while at the same time not repetitive to a point they are reading the same thing over and over again. I hope this tidbit helps you along your way and keep it in mind.

Final Thoughts and Well Wishes

There are many platforms out there that teach affiliate marketing. Some are great, others are not. Fortunately for you, you have found your way here to Wealthy Affiliate. You have the backing of our training and a community of helpful like minded individuals geared towards one goal. That goal is Success, and here is the best part, your success is included.

As the saying goes, "Good Things Come To Those That Wait", so will will your success. But I would like to amend that saying by expressing this: Be patient and build your site. Get a grasp of all the training available to you. Harness it and express it in your content. If you get stuck and do not understand something, reach out to your community, we are here to help. Do this and your business will not only explode on the marketing scene, your success will as well.

Thank You For Your Valuable Time

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Recent Comments


It's a marathon, not a sprint.
I agree with you Michael; "Good Things Come To Those That Wait" long as they're persistent and consistent!


No truer words have ever been spoken.

Excellent and timely message

Thank You

Good post...advice. Always follow the training!
I have heard the "Rule of 7s" before.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Thanks Chuck.

Sounds like a good plan, Michael!


Thanks Jeff

You bet, Michael!

Great messages. Take your time, learn your craft, find your niche, inspire your readers and then you are almost ready.


Thanks Steve. I believe it reads well enough to be helpful to newcomers. Which was my goal.


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