An easy way to insert Amazon images now.

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I haven't been around here much (for those who don't know me, I have been a member since 2015) but I noticed that there's a lot of buzz about Amazon images.

In my opinion, there are 3 ways of dealing with the problem:

  1. Learn how to use their API:
    That is definitely not easy and not recommended for most of us here.
  2. Don't use images from Amazon:
    You can still use their text links and then try to find fitting images you can use for free. Some want to use AI but with mixed results.
    All of that is not really good either, as it makes it hard to promote products.
  3. Use a plugin that uses the Amazon API:
    That's what I am doing and have been doing for quite some time.
    There is the plugin AMZImage, for example. (That's NOT an affiliate link!)
    Note, that it's not for free but at $99/year, I think it's quite affordable. At that price, you can use it on as many sites as you want.

I hope that helped a few people here.

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Yes, there are a few Amazon plug-ins that use API. But, if you've run into the problem of Amazon throttling you because you weren't driving enough sales or if you're new, you will have to start out small using text links or specific product links. It's not enough that Amazon is taking the image and the image and text links away... they throttle you too if you're new or haven't generated enough sales for the past 180 days. ....Talk about the rug being pulled.... In any case, I'm playing with some plug-ins, which, btw, are not really that hard to do. All you need to do is generate your Key and Secret Key on Amazon... assuming you wish to "affiliate" yourself with them.... For me, I'll use Amazon, but I'm looking for other affiliate programs. In addition, I think I'll be changing my standard posting practices of affiliate links in the post. I think I'm going to link to a product page instead.. because when the rug is pulled, and it has happened to me before, you'll know where to go to find and adjust your links.... rather than post by post.... I'll post my thoughts about this separately as I'd like to hear some input from others as well. Onward!

I'm not sure what you mean by "throttling" in this regard. I guess you mean that they'll kick you out of their program or won't let you use their API anymore?

Product pages work well, depending on your niche and the products you are reviewing.
On one of my sites, I have reviewed over 50 products. And I only put affiliate links in review posts. So product pages wouldn't make a difference to me, as I'd have to go to each one anyway.
I use categories, so if I need to change my affiliate links, I just filter my posts for reviews and work through them.

An exception are products that are not sold on Amazon. For those, if the affiliate program allows it, I use PrettyLinks. So I can change them quickly and easily with that plugin.

Throttling, in Amazon's API sense, means that the sites that are not generating enough sales are throttled. In other words, they kick you when you are down. From what I understand, if your store name is not generating enough income over a period of X days, Amazon does take the traffic, but they will not pay you unless, and until, you generate two or more sales within (I think...) a 90-day window... Although I'm not sure of the timing because I read somewhere else it was 180 days.... So, that's what Amazon is doing.... Like I said, they are kicking people when they are down... that's the gist of it. In these cases, throttling any payment, as in "throttling back" if you're at all used to a manual transmission so-to-speak.

As for my other suggestion, and for those of us who don't regularly "review" products, but do use links throughout our sites, yes, it's harder to find and edit all those links in all those posts generated over time. That's why I'm going to change how I do things. ..And, yes, I'll more than likely use "categories" as the filter. For sites that only feature a very specific item or fewer items, they can have all their posts, review posts or whatever, pointing to that one page. Then, as mentioned, once the rug is pulled... as it so often has in my case anyway, all you need to do is go to that one page, or the product pages of that specific category.

As for offering "reviews" in general, I have shied away from doing so a long while ago. There are possible legal ramifications, and opinions are very subjective. I think the web is full of subjective opinions and many are not based on fact, but, rather bias, or are money-driven just to push the product, and I have decided that I don't want my sites to reflect those kinds of messages. I've seen, or read, people trashing this or that and pushing this or that just because the payout is bigger.... In addition, I didn't want to be just a review site... so, for those reasons, I would rather not "go there" anymore.

So, I guess, I'm offering my "opinion" on review sites for those who are considering going that route. Make sure you state in your legal pages that the opinions expressed are your personal opinions, you're not paid... or you are, depending, and please for God's sake, stop trashing products just because you can. Work a little more, find the pros and cons, and present them in a logical reasonable way to back up your claim. If your site has better content, and a supported argument (opinion or claim), your site will be held in higher esteem and will be more "believable." .......that's my two cents, anyway.

Interesting info, my friend!


Thank you for the info.


Thank you for sharing the information, Moritz.
Regards, Matt

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