Promoting your musiic on line
There has been interest lately in rhyme and music and they can be overlaid together in lyrics. This can then be taken to the next level on the internet. Take note Rick.
It’s no earth-shattering news that the internet has changed the music industry for good. Technologies like file sharing, streaming, social media and eCommerce are giving artists more opportunities to expose their music to larger audiences and increase their fan base. The downside of having so many options is that choosing the best ways to promote your music online can be challenging
Where there's a will there's a way. Here is a guide to various avenues to fulfill this promotion.
Recent Comments
Brilliant share. Yes with all the new ways to get talent showcased choosing what works best for individual can be difficult
Sounds interesting! I'm going to forward to a few musician friends and see if it is of any use......thank you!
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Appreciate the guidance, Mike - thank you!
LOVE that image at the top, too; would make a spectacular poster:)
Thanks for sharing Mike's post, Tania...very thoughtful of you;))
:-)) no worries
Thank you Terrberr.