Misconceptions in America how wierd is this?


You may when you were younger looked at chocolate milk and marveled at it's flavor and appearance. Many people are Yoo-hoo chuggers. and are actually confused about the origin of chocolate milk. 7 out of 100 people actually believe it comes from brown cows!! Yes you read that right!

This is a classic example of how a message in product marketing gets muddled and misperceived if not communicated. The same sort of misperception I witnessed first hand at the Chicago museum of natural history.

A group of inner city school kids pointed at an exhibit of fierce wolves. I was mortified to hear..."look werewolves" shouted out by the troop. This sort of miscommunication rivals illiteracy. I would wager this is not as rampant in Canada or Australia or many other countries!

This also applies to messages in our content. Make sure your reader understands in no uncertain terms what you are relating .Let's make our literacy and our messages rock!

More if you care to read at this source


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Recent Comments


It pays to be clear.

So if the cow is brown and white?

Then it's latte.

That would be my response exactly!

One side gives white milk and one side gives chocolate milk

A good comment on what we do best in the US. Entertainment. Movies, TV, music. Not education. Bob

Thanks, Mike. So, you are saying chocolate milk does not come from brown cows?? ;-)


Oh, but it does... sorta... you get the milk from brown cows and add chocolate :D

good answer! Thanks



I like the idea of both educating our "customers" and being very clear about what we are providing.

Excellent point on maintaining clarity and reducing vagueness.

Another wonderful post from our man, Mike!


Hi. How's the nannying? Good night Susan! :))))))))

Not bad today.

I accompanied my 6 year old grandson on a field trip today to an outdoor day care farm.

We were outside all day in the hot sun. Cohen (6 year old) and I were tired at the end of the school day.

I am finally able to sit down and work on my computer as you head off to snooze land!

Our timing is not in sync.

How did the affiliate on-line store training go?

Bye for now.


A great dat for you and me. I was thinking of doing other than Amazon but was told it is the best thing to start with. I loaded some items and will continue tomorrow. It's exciting to see it take shape. Moving toward launch after I load a few more! :))

That is fabulous!!!!

No kidding it is exciting.

This is a whole new way of helping people get the things they want, sourced by someone who knows what they are talking about.

Have fun with it!

S :)

Great blog post! Thanks also for the article. Misconceptions like these are why I started my website here at WA. I didn't want my YouTube videos to be too long, and felt it necessary that people have further resources to learn about my topics. Like you said, I don't want them to misconstrue anything. Rather, I'd like them to leave #FoodEmpowered.

Thanks again for the motivational post and interesting article,


I always tell people that Swiss Chocolate is mined from the Swiss Alps. It's true, isn't it?

Of course everyone knows that Duh!

You are correct. Only America has misconceptions. The rest of the world understands all that Kierkegaard wrote.

Point taken :)

So....where does chocolate milk come from?

From Willy Wonka's chocolate factory

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