Another month another update.

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August is nearly gone and as one update finishes another begins.

In a new statement, John Mueller seems to imply that the situation for small and independent websites will improve in this and future updates.

Here is a link to the Google help page if you need more in-depth guidance on what to do next.

A lot of distractions (an understatement I know), around the world presently, and while it is easy to blame Google for lower impressions or clicks, you might want to check out the google trends of your niche to see where the interest level is.

Enjoy the rest of the week.


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I think this is a really positive update for those that are focusing on SEO. Google has put a lot of weight on rankings that are reddit, quora or linkedin and I think they have enough feedback now to realize that there are many blogs out there that are offering a much better experience than those platforms.

But in saying this, Google still lacks a LOT of long tail content. As people get more sophisticated with their search habits, Google is looking to deliver the most relevant and helpful results. There is a significant opportunity creating highly relevant content chasing those longer tailed search terms. :)

Thanks Kyle :)

Great analysis Kyle,
I have never been a fan of Reddit, I don't mind Quora though.
But like you say Google placed too much emphasis on them as a source of information, and so much of the information is dated.
And, I agree Google is now facing increased competition as more people use AI to search for on specific questions, and have AI give them a choice of relevant options. Books, articles and guides, videos, research papers etc.
Thanks for the response Kyle.

Hi, everyone! I just like the fact that people are talking about this on here. As writers and marketers, knowing how Google is interpreting and assessing our content is something everyone here should be paying attention to.

Because as Micheal stated, there's a lot of distractions happening around the world and right here in the U.S., with a presidential election quickly approaching. Sometimes paying attention to the minutia in our business is easy to overlook.

But the organic traffic that comes to our sites is fueled by how Google codes its algorithms. I have a decent understanding of SEO, but I'm no expert. However, I do understand how to craft and present content, so when there's updates that are going to have an impact on my strategy, I want to know!

Thanks, Micheal, for the heads-up and link you provided!

My apologies, Michael. I just realized I spelled your name wrong in my previous post.

Do you use WA site comments John :)

Kind regards

That's okay John, just don't call me "late for dinner" 😉

haha me either I am never late for dinner :)

I'm new here, as you can see, so what does your question mean? I feel a little stupid asking, but how would I use WA site comments?

It is ok John, no question is stupid that is a false teaching telling people they are stupid when they do not know something.
When you use site comments it sweeps the page in the internet, cleaning energy blocks in the network, like reiki does for the human body.

Site comments is in WA and it is unique to WA, nobody else has it. That is why WA beats the rest, because when you use Site Comments your blog gets revealed in the internet.

Most major big online websites pay 100's of thousands a day to advertise there blogs and they do this by people clicking on the link they advertised.

You do pay a small fee to use Site Comments per comment and you reply and it works like magic allowing people to see your website because of key words you used.

Check it out it is worth Gold :)

Kind regards

Thanks for sharing, Michael!

A few others here at WA have chimed in on this after experiencing a bump in traffic. I saw a doubling of traffic on August 19th, which has continued since then.

I guess that's a good thing.

But we all know: Google giveth and Google taketh away, so I guess we'll see what happens.

All we can do is write the best and most useful content in our niche and hope for the best in our SEO efforts.

But we all know that we must use other means to drive traffic to our websites as taught here at WA.

Have a great day!

Ha ha... the Google god.
Have a great week Howard.

Great to hear Howard!

Many thanks for the update.

Your welcome Stuart,

yeah, this is true! Performing constantly researches on the niche is important to stay updated with the people's needs in that niche! It is the only way to produce relevant content! Thanks for the info!

Your welcome Romy. Have a great week.

Thanks! This seems hopeful! Thanks for update! :)

Cheers Linda, I hope it works for you.

Thanks for the update Michael :)

Kind regards

All good... hope your keeping well Erica.

I been with migraines but it is clearing out thank God :)

Wishing you a wonderful mid week !

Stay safe :)


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