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I basically started my 1st business when I was 16 years old. Never stopped doing all kinds of business in different countries! I love GREAT





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So basically I posted this question several days ago, and so far I got ONE reply that unfortunately did not help.
So WHY can I not get a better answer from all those hundre

Did you jus update the plugin? Tthe there must be some error with you plugin. You have to deactivate, then reactive the plugin.

Hey Bz Dog,

I am updating different plugins pretty much every week.
Any idea which one??


Good morning BzDog,

the problem was the PLUGIN called: Accelerated Mobile Pages, which was the one that caused all this.I even tried to deactivate it and than activate it, but even that did not work. Eventually Site Support helped to and suggested to go thru the plugin's one by one.
So thanks for the insight !

Have a great week!

Does not surprise me. I have been trying to get images on my posts to appear at least presentable, but the only help i ever got was refer to this or refer to that training. Never a clear answer. Perhaps it's the refer?

Hi Xavier,

well its sad to say that once you have joined premium the help kinda slips into the unknown, since pretty much everybody is busy trying to make some $$$.
There are plenty of help tools and the actual HELP Center can also help, but not everything.
Usually I just google the problem until I find a solution!
That works best for me!
Hope this helps...

Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this!
Hope this helps!

Hi, sorry to hear your question wasn't answered the first time.

For future reference, if you find you're not getting answers right away, try asking the same questions via the live chat or other WA threads. This gives other users a chance to see your questions.

Additionally, try following more people within the WA platform. The more people you follow and that follow you back, the more people you'll have seeing your WA blog and questions.

I just thought I'd share a few extra suggestions for asking questions in the future.

I gave the same suggestions to one of my referrals and they've been getting more responses on their questions and WA blogs.

Hope this helps,

Hi there,

not really.
But thanks for trying.


Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called: Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This, and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this! At least its what I believe caused this.
Hope this helps!

Hi, unfortunately I no longer use AMP as it was causing me more hassle than it was worth. AMP seems to interfere with quite a few plugins from my experience.

The only solution I can think of is having to go through the plugins one by one to determine which plugin(s) are causing the issue unfortunately. Or at least figure out which was the most recent plugin you installed when you first noticed the problem.

In the end I deactivated AMP and haven’t looked back.

Personally, I hope you end up having a much better experience than I did.



well I did exactly the same!
I deactivated it and I will not use it anymore, since Support told me that the SEO has it already integrated! So there is really no need for it.
Have a great week.
Oh, almost forgot, it was the first plugin in my list, so I was lucky not to have to go thru all the others!

The way to turn this off is to go into general settings, under advanced settings, and uncheck Autogenerate Descriptions.

The reason your answer was not answered because of people trying to get the ambassador badge. They are going around leaving "can help", "not sure." This is part of the WA community that I really hate.


it is actually unchecked.
So the problem must be somewhere else...
Any other ideas??

Hmm not sure about this one, but I think you'd actually be best to email support as they can have a look as to why this might be the case...everyone's website behaves a little differently depending on what theme they are using. This is something I have struggled with too as many problems can come down to the theme. It would be awesome if there was 1-3 main themes that the WA training focuses on and also teaches you how to 'drive' the theme. The other option for you would be to email the theme support (not WA) and ask why this is happening.

Hi Liz,

that is my next step, since nothings seems to work...so far.


In the All In One SEO general settings look for this and make sure it's enabled: SEO for Custom Post Types. Also make sure you have posts and pages checked under: SEO on only these post types. Save those settings, reload your post and see if you can now edit it.

If that doesn't work can you try a different theme (just for testing purposes) and see if that makes a difference?


custom Post Types is enabled.
So the question is:
Maybe under General settings my " Use Original Title " is Disabled. Maybe thats the problem?
I will try...
And than contact Support, since they might be able to solve it...

Thanks for your HELP!

Sorry I wasn’t of more help.

No problem...

thanks for trying!


Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called: Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This, and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this! At least its what I believe caused this.
Hope this helps!


Good to know.

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Why can the community not answer this question?

Why can the community not answer this question?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So basically I posted this question several days ago, and so far I got ONE reply that unfortunately did not help.
So WHY can I not get a better answer from all those hundre

Did you jus update the plugin? Tthe there must be some error with you plugin. You have to deactivate, then reactive the plugin.

Hey Bz Dog,

I am updating different plugins pretty much every week.
Any idea which one??


Good morning BzDog,

the problem was the PLUGIN called: Accelerated Mobile Pages, which was the one that caused all this.I even tried to deactivate it and than activate it, but even that did not work. Eventually Site Support helped to and suggested to go thru the plugin's one by one.
So thanks for the insight !

Have a great week!

Does not surprise me. I have been trying to get images on my posts to appear at least presentable, but the only help i ever got was refer to this or refer to that training. Never a clear answer. Perhaps it's the refer?

Hi Xavier,

well its sad to say that once you have joined premium the help kinda slips into the unknown, since pretty much everybody is busy trying to make some $$$.
There are plenty of help tools and the actual HELP Center can also help, but not everything.
Usually I just google the problem until I find a solution!
That works best for me!
Hope this helps...

Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this!
Hope this helps!

Hi, sorry to hear your question wasn't answered the first time.

For future reference, if you find you're not getting answers right away, try asking the same questions via the live chat or other WA threads. This gives other users a chance to see your questions.

Additionally, try following more people within the WA platform. The more people you follow and that follow you back, the more people you'll have seeing your WA blog and questions.

I just thought I'd share a few extra suggestions for asking questions in the future.

I gave the same suggestions to one of my referrals and they've been getting more responses on their questions and WA blogs.

Hope this helps,

Hi there,

not really.
But thanks for trying.


Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called: Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This, and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this! At least its what I believe caused this.
Hope this helps!

Hi, unfortunately I no longer use AMP as it was causing me more hassle than it was worth. AMP seems to interfere with quite a few plugins from my experience.

The only solution I can think of is having to go through the plugins one by one to determine which plugin(s) are causing the issue unfortunately. Or at least figure out which was the most recent plugin you installed when you first noticed the problem.

In the end I deactivated AMP and haven’t looked back.

Personally, I hope you end up having a much better experience than I did.



well I did exactly the same!
I deactivated it and I will not use it anymore, since Support told me that the SEO has it already integrated! So there is really no need for it.
Have a great week.
Oh, almost forgot, it was the first plugin in my list, so I was lucky not to have to go thru all the others!

The way to turn this off is to go into general settings, under advanced settings, and uncheck Autogenerate Descriptions.

The reason your answer was not answered because of people trying to get the ambassador badge. They are going around leaving "can help", "not sure." This is part of the WA community that I really hate.


it is actually unchecked.
So the problem must be somewhere else...
Any other ideas??

Hmm not sure about this one, but I think you'd actually be best to email support as they can have a look as to why this might be the case...everyone's website behaves a little differently depending on what theme they are using. This is something I have struggled with too as many problems can come down to the theme. It would be awesome if there was 1-3 main themes that the WA training focuses on and also teaches you how to 'drive' the theme. The other option for you would be to email the theme support (not WA) and ask why this is happening.

Hi Liz,

that is my next step, since nothings seems to work...so far.


In the All In One SEO general settings look for this and make sure it's enabled: SEO for Custom Post Types. Also make sure you have posts and pages checked under: SEO on only these post types. Save those settings, reload your post and see if you can now edit it.

If that doesn't work can you try a different theme (just for testing purposes) and see if that makes a difference?


custom Post Types is enabled.
So the question is:
Maybe under General settings my " Use Original Title " is Disabled. Maybe thats the problem?
I will try...
And than contact Support, since they might be able to solve it...

Thanks for your HELP!

Sorry I wasn’t of more help.

No problem...

thanks for trying!


Just wanted to tell you that the problem was caused by a plugin called: Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This, and a combination of other plugins and my theme caused this! At least its what I believe caused this.
Hope this helps!


Good to know.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So here it is. I just wrote my latest post and I noticed that in ALL my posts the Title and Description at the bottom under All in one SEO Pack are the same! I tried to change

Hi Vicki,
well I just tried that, but there is NO Title nor Description in quick edit. Do YOU see that?

Maybe you will have to go Eidt and then change the title from there and click update

Go to All post and quick edit each one and save-I hope this helps

Hi Vicki, well its like this:

If YOU would go to quick edit in your dashboard than you would probably see the same as I do, at least I think its the same.

There is NO place I can EDIT the Title nor the Description anywhere!!
So please SEE for yourself and give me your feedback.


Hi Tom
Go to Website- then login
Go to all Posts, then you will see edit and quick edit. Click edit. This will take you into Wordpress editor where you change your title and document should you choose. when you have finished. Click update, then publish and the new changes will show on your website
I hope this helps

Well I tried that,

Its NOT changing....
Thanks anyway Vicki.


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How can I change the title and description in all my posts?

How can I change the title and description in all my posts?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

So here it is. I just wrote my latest post and I noticed that in ALL my posts the Title and Description at the bottom under All in one SEO Pack are the same! I tried to change

Hi Vicki,
well I just tried that, but there is NO Title nor Description in quick edit. Do YOU see that?

Maybe you will have to go Eidt and then change the title from there and click update

Go to All post and quick edit each one and save-I hope this helps

Hi Vicki, well its like this:

If YOU would go to quick edit in your dashboard than you would probably see the same as I do, at least I think its the same.

There is NO place I can EDIT the Title nor the Description anywhere!!
So please SEE for yourself and give me your feedback.


Hi Tom
Go to Website- then login
Go to all Posts, then you will see edit and quick edit. Click edit. This will take you into Wordpress editor where you change your title and document should you choose. when you have finished. Click update, then publish and the new changes will show on your website
I hope this helps

Well I tried that,

Its NOT changing....
Thanks anyway Vicki.


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