WA Examples: Erica, Howard and the Power of Vision Boards

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(Cover photo: Image of One Billion Dollar Bill)

Hi Everyone,

Vision Boards are a very powerful tool.

Erica posted about her Success:


"And in the very center I pasted a picture of our Green Australian 100 Dollar note.

I kept looking at this Vision Board for the past week.

And then on Sunday I received an email that my Website had a $100 sale!"

Howard Jaros commented about his Success:

As a result of Howard's Comment, I created an image of a One Billion Dollar Bill for my Vision Board since my goal is to create a one person Billion Dollar company:

I know, its missing a zero. :-)

When I was younger, I used Vision Boards with Success:

1990's Cadillac Sedan DeVille

And it happened!

I was earning $200 to $300 a month with my part time book business around 1999 when while shopping for a used Work Van they rolled this car out in the parking lot for display and I bought them both using my book business money to make payments on the car.

Your subconscious will find a way if you just BELIEVE.

Keep Succeeding!

Mel Waller

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Hi Mel!

Indeed, what you think about you bring about! However, thinking alone can not get the job done. You have to take the appropriate action as well.

I sure bet want one of that bill! Have a great rest of the week! Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

Thanks Nichola! I agree.

Keep Succeeding!


You are welcome! Thank you!

This is great, Mel. The One Billion Dollar Man!

Myra ♥️

Thanks Myra!


Awesome post here Mel, and so true. I remember when I was getting rolling online, my goal was to earn my first million dollars online by 28. I actually made this with a great deal of conviction, it was more of I AM versus I HOPE. And it actually happened far before I reached that age.

I also remember when I was driving to college in my mom's Geo Tracker (a little embarrassing), envisioning myself driving a nice Range Rover one day (and has been many since). Though I am not all that materialistic by any means, I just wanted something nicer for myself and to set a bar far above where I was at. This also happened.

Hard work pays off...but also, the ability to set out a vision board and specific goals for yourself are what lead to make them happen. I always say, reach for the stars and if you come up short you are still on the moon.

Thanks for sharing Kyle!


Hi Mel!

The Sedan DeVille was the luxury car of choice for those buying American automobiles back then. This is more proof that the law of attraction and hard work equals the manifestation of what we desire.

I attached a picture of the RV I had on my dream board or vision board. What transpired 22 years later was so much better!

I find bigger dreams take time, but they do show up. Our current RV took 25 years to come to pass.

So, everyone, dream big, keep pictures in front of you (my vision board was in my office), and work hard.

Thanks for again sharing Howard!

If you haven't already, you could write book(s) about your experiences.

Its a pleasure to get to know you.

Are you always travelling with your RV? Sounds exciting.


What a set-up you have there Howard, nice!

Thanks, Kyle! This one is our current RV home.

Thank you, Mel!

My website has shared our RV experiences over the past ten years. I considered writing a book on sales and business but created another website for that.

It has also been a pleasure to get to know you here at WA. I have been able to spend a lot more time here the past few months being more social.

We have been traveling full time in an RV since 2008. That means we have no home base other than the place where we park. Yes, we enjoy traveling the United States!

Have a great and productive day!

You are most welcome Harold. Subscribed to your Youtube channel & following on your FB page.

Its great to learn and see how others achieved their success.

Keep Succeeding!


Thanks, Mel!

Great Advice, Mel. :D

um,...you are missing a comma too. ;)


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