Ideas Popping into my Mind Just as I am About to Sleep

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(Cover photo: $100 Dollar Bills)

Hi everyone,

I love how when I lay down to sleep the mind comes up with at least one idea for me to act on so I usually msg myself on my phone so I don't forget it.

So I just started researching this and there are some real possibilities.

As I mentioned previously, I am looking to build a One Person Billion Dollar Publishing Business with the assistance of AI.

I have been working on that non stop since Aug 4th, 2024.

I am in the process currently of building Courses on Writing and Publishing and I get the sense that it would be great if I could accelerate the process.

The idea that popped into my head was that maybe I could get a Grant for my AI startup and there are a number of places online I am looking into.

I also found that GoFundMe is also set up for Businesses and that will be my first place to start.

There also appears to be places for possible free mentorship.

I never considered any of this before and its exciting even if the chance is very remote for success.

I can see that offering various Courses and Coaching can be a way to start generating new income strictly for the business building layer upon layer on the foundation.

I will update on progress hopefully soon. :-)

My Medium membership on a small scale is paying off. I paid for the Annual which was $40 meaning an average of $3.33 a month. I started Aug 1st.

To date this month I have earned $15.65 with another 9 days to go this month. We earn as people read our articles.

That money will go towards my business. Every little bit helps!

I hope you are doing well.

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Hi Mel!

I also like those nighttime ideas! In the early years I used to write them down. Now I rely on my memory: bad idea! I like the messaging idea!

It's great how your mind is working you towards your goal! For just starting out it sounds like you are doing well on Medium. Since you already have so much written content, that should continue to grow.

Press on, Sir!

Thanks for sharing Howard! Yes, trying to remember to morning is asking for trouble. :-)


Sounds good, Mel.

I have had poems, stories, etc... pop into my head as I fell asleep. Most of them didn't have a cellphone to do like you did. So, I said I would remember them in the morning to write them down, but I didn't. For some, I had to get up and write. I got some of my best work at those times.

Keep at it!


Thanks for sharing Jay!


Welcome, Mel.


Join the club Mel. many a night I will be sat on the edge of the bed at 2am making notes or drawing.
It goes with the millionaire territory (or billionaire in your case)
Happy sleepless old friend

Thanks Bux! :-)


Great read Mel I wish you all the best!!;

Thanks Simon!


Keep your dream going, Mel! You can do it!


Thanks Karin!


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