Every Day should be Mentor Appreciation Day

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(Cover Photo: Patrick Pisarik Obit)

Hi everyone,

Years ago, I worked Security at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa and I was privileged to know and be assisted by Patrick Pisarik when I was just starting out working with Adobe Indesign and trying to create my first book using Indesign.

While I was working on my 1222nd book just now, I was pulled to those memories of how I started my publishing journey which would allow me to move to the Philippines and live the life I have been living as I now aim for 2500 books in print in the next year or two.

He was finally planning to retire when he passed away. Every day is a gift. We just never know when the last day will be for us on this earth.

So many people have mentored me in my life and I give thanks to them all!

Patrick, thanks again for all your help. Until we meet again, Blessings & Love.

Mel Waller

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Blessed Sunday!

I am sure he is in a better place. When God needs another angel he calls those who have fulfilled their missions , I grew up believing that..
May he indeed enjoy eternal peace and salvation.

Hope you are enjoying your stay in the Philippines where it's always fun and happy despite the hot weather. I was born in Manila but my family were from Cebu, the last names were Woolbright's and Corrales's ( a.k.a Janine Gutierrez my niece; Pilita Corrales my Aunt ) . My niece was blessed enough being with CNN Philippines for sports. Just sharing how God truly blesses people...

I hope when I go home we get to connect..lol.. God willing.

anyways, I know this isn't about me but about you and Patrick who has left so much imprints of goodness in you. Ashes to ashes dust to dust.. the great news is that what's left behind are great memories of how a person has lived.

Too long comment..lol

Gid bless an dmore power to you !!!!


Thanks for sharing Philip!

The heat and sun really don't bother me unless the heat index gets up to 100 F.

Yes, every day is a blessing. All we have to do is open our eyes to it.

I first visited Manila In Sept 1983 to visit my sponsored child in Tondo,, Manila. Fell in love with your country then. Never imagined that I would be living here on day. :-)


Great..Thank you

You are most welcome Philip.


The concept of mentor is something I’ve always studied. Years ago I used to present a course called manager or mentor to masters degree students. It’s fitting that you think a mentor from years ago who touched your life.

Thanks Jim!


You’re welcome,Mel.

Wow that last name is close to mine. Sorry for your loss.

Thanks Kathie!


We don't know how far we can go until we try. Who knew you had been working on your dreams all this time despite the losses of mentors in your life?

The other paths you have investigated and shared with us here at WA don't bring you the inner peace that publishing does.

Congratulations on the continued work and sharing,

Thanks Sami!


Very nice tribute, Mel!

Keep succeeding!


Thanks Jeff! You, too.


I got the job done today, so Frisatsu can now get on track, Mel!


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