Wealthy Affiliate Results - How I Made $2K in 1 Day Last Month


The Culmination of 3 Years of Hard Work:

I don’t write too many blog posts here at WA. In fact, this is my first one. But I felt this was worth mentioning for beginners just starting out in the online space.

I’m not writing this to brag about how much I’ve made by following the training and supportive community provided by WA, but I want beginners to realize the enormous potential that online business has to offer. The income-potential is legitimately unlimited.

There’s no doubt that waking up to $2K in my account feels great, but there’s no such thing as “overnight success”. I worked hard to put myself in a position to achieve this. I earned that money from the work I’ve put in days, weeks, months, and even years ago at this point.

Overall, this type of success is what I’ve been building toward since joining WA.

The Greatest Part - Pursuing Any Niche You Want:

Choosing a niche is exciting, but can also be a roadblock for those just starting out.

My best piece of advice would be to pursue one of your greatest passions. That’s what will keep you motivated day in and day out.

And while WA provides an attractive affiliate program, don’t feel forced to pursue that path. I personally didn’t make this money from promoting WA. In fact, 99% of my online income comes from private affiliate programs outside of WA.

There’s nothing wrong with doing so, but there’s a lot of competition in that particular space. You’d be surprised about the amount of opportunity available within relatively obscure niches (with a lot less competition).

My Objective For Sharing This Success Story:

My hope is that this success motivates others to continue grinding, producing quality content, and serving their site visitors with extreme value.

When I started at WA, it took me six months to start building up my websites and eventually earn my very first commission over $10. Now I have a $2K day under my belt...the journey has been amazing.

Success won’t necessarily be immediate. In fact, it most likely won’t be. But eventually it will come if you stick to the process and work hard.

Hopefully there are many more big money days like this in the future for me and many other hard-working members here at Wealthy Affiliate!

I look forward to everyone else’s success stories as time goes on.

Matt Thomas

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Recent Comments


Hi matt waww u did it u really did it stay blessed and Congredulatian

Thanks for sharing Matt... I think plenty of members need to hear stories like this! Congratulations! :)

Awesome job! It is always inspiring to see people that worked hard achieve success.

Very nice!

But does that mean you made 2000 USD just last month for once in a lifetime and haven't made anything before or since?

It appears to be income for ONE day based on the dates within the screenshots.

Hi Steven - great question. The $2K mentioned above was just from one day last month (6/27), but I have been earning an online income previous to that.

Just as a bit of a backstory, I started with WA in mid-2014. No previous experience. Affiliate marketing was a completely new concept to me. I worked through the training here and started building out my first site. Made a few dollars here and there within the first couple months from Amazon Associates and Adsense, but it took me 6 months before I earned a solid $15 commission. Then $90 the next month, then $240 the month after that, then $300 after that, and so on. Of course there are months where it has dipped, but the trend has been up since then.

I've had a handful of $1,000+ days to this point, but that $2K day was my biggest accomplishment to date. Don't get me wrong, I have low-dollar days too, sometimes even earning $0. Online business isn't always consistent like a classic 9-5 can be. But I'm steadily working my way to a solid monthly income I can count on. Earlier this year, I published a WA Success Story post on my first website that covers some of my earnings through this particular affiliate program if you're interested in checking it out further. Rather than re-hashing all of the information from it, I'll just drop it here:


Hope that helps answer your question. Take care!


congratulations Matt your hard work has certainly paid off this is a very inspirational post , wish you many more success

Thanks for sharing Matt, and congrats on your well deserved commission!! This did shed more light for me, I am new to WA, and working very hard to absorb all the knowledge I can so I can apply that to my business. I understand its not an overnight abundance, but like you said with hard work, dedication, and giving it some time, its all worth it. Good for you!!


Well done Matt as you have stated this is the result of the hard work and personal effort you have put in.

Many newbies need to realise creating your website and making money online will not be an overnight success but you must put in the effort yourself if you are to realise the great results that will come later on as you have shown above.

Even getting recognised by the search engines can take a bit of time let alone promoting what you have to offer.

Keep going forwards and thank you for the post I believe a much-needed one for newbies and recently newbies alike.


An excellent success story, thanks for sharing! :)

Kudos to you Matt and thanks for sharing your story. It is great to see you achieving results and on the up and up.

Keep us updated with your progress as you move forward and 2017/2018 are looking like some brilliant ones!

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