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Just like to say hi and thanks for viewing my profile I have finally rejoined and cant wait to crack on, I have taken some





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

was wondering what people use to add an email option form on WordPress and what system do you use after is Aweber? or Sendinblue you name it


Matthew Hildr

AWeber. They've improved a lot over the years, but their campaign builder still has some glitches from time to time when adding new emails so I always recommend firing a copy of your emails to your own email as a test, just in case they happen to vanish (so you can copy them in again).

I'm with Dale on this.

Was even able to totally optimize the image used on my Aweber form, so now their form no longer compromises my loading time. LOVE Aweber for ease of using PLUS excellent support staff.

Yep, I've had good interaction with their staff too :)

thanks dale great info

thanks, Triblu great info from all of you guys thanks much appreciated

I use the Forminator plugin, and then link it to Aweber via the API. Very easy to do, and extremely flexible and customisable.

cheers man will have a look at that cheers

Hi, majority use Aweber. You may like view this resource

thanks, great share read that post great info

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Wordpress help need help with email optin?

Wordpress help need help with email optin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

was wondering what people use to add an email option form on WordPress and what system do you use after is Aweber? or Sendinblue you name it


Matthew Hildr

AWeber. They've improved a lot over the years, but their campaign builder still has some glitches from time to time when adding new emails so I always recommend firing a copy of your emails to your own email as a test, just in case they happen to vanish (so you can copy them in again).

I'm with Dale on this.

Was even able to totally optimize the image used on my Aweber form, so now their form no longer compromises my loading time. LOVE Aweber for ease of using PLUS excellent support staff.

Yep, I've had good interaction with their staff too :)

thanks dale great info

thanks, Triblu great info from all of you guys thanks much appreciated

I use the Forminator plugin, and then link it to Aweber via the API. Very easy to do, and extremely flexible and customisable.

cheers man will have a look at that cheers

Hi, majority use Aweber. You may like view this resource

thanks, great share read that post great info

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