I Am & I Can

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I Am & I Can

The two most powerful words in any language, are I AM and I CAN.

Whatever you say after I AM and I CAN, whatever you speak, what you believe after I AM and I CAN controls your decisions thus shaping your life.

I AM Powerful.

I AM Capable.

What I believe is attainable. The words you say after I AM and I CAN really make or break you.

Watch the words that you say each and every day. Don’t let negativity take control of you. Stay strong, stay positive, and you will break through.

The two words I AM and I CAN are super powerful, you can aim for the starts you will reach them, and you will go far. I AM and I CAN come from within. What you believe you achieve. Believe and speak your greatness, you will attempt great things. You have the power, the words you speak shape you in very powerful ways. Every day, before you start your day and go your merry way, look yourself straight in the eye in the mirror and say out loud I AM…

I AM powerful.

I AM strong.

I AM a warrior.

I AM unique.

I AM creative

I AM… make a list. Use it twice per day and add one more I AM and I CAN every time you play this game. This game you win when you play it right every time. It’s not just something you say, look yourself in the eye, you must feel it, truly make yourself believe it. Scream it if you must repeat it, believe it.

Don’t let your power fade and go to waste. Practice makes perfect. Do this every day. Use this information, go write your affirmations, then turn them into reality and lifestyle choices. Unlock the true power within you.

Affirm you are amazing. You are motivated, energized, and moving. No more depression and procrastination. You are empowered and conscious, so let the words I AM… seep into your subconscious.

You got a world of options to choose from. You will be anything and everything you want. These words I AM are so powerful, what you say, you are. Even when you think you joke it becomes your reality. When you say I AM great, you go far, because you are great, it all comes from within. You see, you speak it into existence. When you are persistent, you shake up your system, and all changes to I AM and I CAN.

Everything else disappears. You can overcome anything, you can achieve whatever you believe. See it in your mind, think it and speak it, you are going there no doubt in my mind.

Your thoughts, feelings, and words shape your physical life and you. Take to heart these principles, say them and practice this game every day. Have fun with it.

I AM everything I want to be.

I AM disciplined.

I AM health.

I AM wealth.

I Belong.

I AM capable.

I AM strong.

I AM an achiever, a believer in myself.

I CAN be and do anything I want.

Thoughts are powerful, they lead to your actions, and your actions become your habits. Your habits lead to long-lasting results.

I AM and I CAN that is where my power is.

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Recent Comments


Thanks for this motivational post. Focusing is important. My I ams tend to be that of an older person.

Thank you for your comment. Every person's I Am is unique, as unique as they are.

Thanks for this great post, Marlene.
Long ago, I focused on affirmations using those words.
Somewhere along the way, for no good reason, I let that practice go. I'm so pleased to have read your post, as I AM and I CAN are exactly what I need again!


Thank you so much Valerie for your comment. The I AM habit is one to keep doing regularly. It's so useful in all areas of life. The best time to get back into the habit is now. Go for it.

Brilliant, Marlene and thanks for your response. I am benefitting from your advice. It truly is amazing how much greater each day is when I put your advice into practice.

My words!
Powerful, empowering and doing
Thank you for the reinforcement
To our success

You speak very true words here, Marlene!

I have been looking at your book--not as much as I need to yet, but you should be proud! You CAN!


I think, in general, all the words we say can make or break us. After all, we become what we think about. We all should choose our words more carefully ya.


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