Site Support - Your Guide To Success


What is Site Support - Site Support is available 24 / 7 for members to ask for help with website problems. This an area where new members sometimes have no idea what it is and do not know where to find this help tool. The left side menu banner makes it easy to learn and find things you need as you build your online website...

Click on Site Rubix blue bar and a new page now gives you more options...Site Manager page...

Click on Site Manager which opens up a new page with a selection bar at the top of your page..and now you see the Site Support tab on the far right...

Activate the Site Support tab and now you will see the support ticket page, where you enter your questions..

***** Hope this information will help new members and others searching for site support.

Thank you for visiting...Always appreciate your comments.

See You Later...


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Recent Comments


Thanks Marcel for this helpful post.

You are welcome, Goson.


Hi Marcel, a most helpful post. Irv.

Thank you, Irv.


I've used SiteSupport so much we are on a first name basis! Lol

It sure is a great tool to use. Thank you, kevin.


Very helpful, Marcel. Thanks for posting.

You are welcome, Richard.


What a great saying.

Thank you, Ann.


An excellent guide Marcel, site support here at WA is worth the membership in its self those guys are just total professionals.

Thank you, Alexander. Appreciate your comments.


Thanks for sharing, Marcel.

You are welcocme, Roger.


Thank you Marcel for the very useful tip. Much appreciated.

You are very welcome, Eric.


For anyone who is new here, let me tell you, site support is the real deal. Every major technical issue that I've had with my website, they have been able to resolve.

I've broken my site a few times, freaked out because I got a message saying my second website would be deleted if I did not point the hosting servers to WA (which made no sense because I purchased the domain and the host for it here at WA), and found out another time recently that my website was down due to external forces from which they were able to resolve.

Don't hesitate to send in a ticket to them if something happens to your site that you just can't figure out. That's what they are there for.

Thank you, Brian. Really appreciate your comments.


A very good guide Marcel for beginners who have their website hosted at WA.

Thank you, Valerie. I felt that some new members would benefit with a little extra guide to support. I have noted several in chat room asking what site support was.


Absolutely Marcel. There is so much available at WA and it can be a lot for new members to take in.
Although I haven't yet participated in chat room I've recently been looking at some questions to get ideas of what is asked. I see there is a wide range of questions!

yes, lots of good questions. I have learned several things while visiting the chat room. Excellent observation and great links for members to view and learn.


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