Why It's Important to Write Beginner Guides
Here is why you want to be writing beginner guides as part of your content strategy.
Hi Folks,
I wanted to share a recent(ish) strategy I have been implementing and show you the amazing results of my efforts.
This short video will show you these results and explain why it's important to write content that is based on the beginner audience, regardless of your niche.
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Excellent stuff as always Jay! I had never thought about doing this before but now my thoughts have changed!
Love it!! :-)
I like the idea of creating a Beginner's Guide page and then linking related posts. Thank you, Jay! :)
Have a great week!
I have been planning some beginner guides for one of my websites, but I never considered placing them as pages instead of posts. I think this is a good idea, and I like the way each page is organized under the Beginners Guides menu category.
Great info.
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Very helpful, Jay, Thanks!