Ultimate WA LIVE Niche Case Study Anthology

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Hi Folks,

The following is an anthology of the latest WA LIVE Niche Case Study where I took a concept and turned it into a profitable website within 30 days.

Niche: Football Snack Helmets
Keyword: football snack helmets (ranked #1)
Website: https://footballsnackhelmets.com

The entire case study (4 weeks) was recorded via the live video classes, where I:

  • researched the keyword
  • purchased the domain
  • build the website (using SiteRubix)
  • added content
  • SEO'd the content
  • shared the content via social media
  • made profit (about $400 by the end of the case study)

All of this (and much more) was done live with nothing held back. Below is the anthology to each week and links to the recorded webinar.

WA LIVE Niche Case Study Series: Week 1 of 4

  • Watch Jay Research a Niche
  • Watch Jay Research Keywords
  • Watch Jay Research Affiliate Programs
  • Watch Jay Research Competition
  • Watch Jay Buy a Domain
  • Live Q & A Session

WA LIVE Niche Case Study Series: Week 2 of 4

  • Week 1 Recap
  • What Jay Did Between the Week
  • Watch Jay Add Additional Content to the Site
  • Watch Jay Add Google Analytics to the Site
  • Watch Jay Add Google Webmaster Tools to the Site
  • Live Q & A Session

WA LIVE Niche Case Study Series: Week 3 of 4

  • Week 2 Recap
  • What Jay Did Between the Week (Big Changes!)
  • Watch Jay Optimize the Pages/Posts for Search (SEO)
  • Watch Jay Add Some Links (Internal, External, Incoming)
  • Profit Already!?
  • Live Q & A Session

WA LIVE Niche Case Study Series: Week 4 of 4

  • Week 3 Recap
  • What Jay Did Between the Week
  • Creating a Better Menu Experience
  • A Look at Stats, Rankings & Profits
  • The EVERGREEN Plan of Action
  • Your 4 Week PDF Checklist
  • Live Q & A Session

Please feel free to use this as a reference and send other members to this page who may benefit from it.

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Recent Comments


Really impressed!

Excellent Jay!
Your live case study made it real showing us how anyone can do it!
And then you do this and put it all into one nice package. Perfect!
Thank you.

Thanks Jay, you put together an amazing resource with all the steps needed. I will watch it again and again.

Jay this is truly amazing and inspring. It is quite straight forward and easy to follow. I will tag this.


Jay thank you for this. I did see your tutorial and liked it very much. I lean allot from all of your training's.
Thank you,

Thanks Jay. Good to see it put all together in one post. Nice and easy for members to follow and learn.

I saw all of the Webinars and enjoyed them. Thanks,

Thank you for the indepth training.

You never cease to amaze me! I have learned so many things from you and am happy/grateful to have crossed paths in this life. Thank you for another exceptional training/learning experience!

Thank you for doing that. This has been such wonderful help as you show everyone how you CAN make a profitable website in as little as 30 days if done the correct way from what you've shown and the training that is followed. It has been a tremendous help to me!

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