starting over
I joined WA about 3 years ago, but I had to quit due to some personal issues. I came back because this platform is my best hope for reaching my goals. I am still hopeful that I can reach my goals with The help of WA.
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I'm a four-timer. Just stay it works. Don't put pressure on yourself. Take advantage of the process and enjoy it. I was always looking for the shortcut. If there is one, I don't know what it is. If we want to get from A-Z, there are 24 letters in between. I had to learn that the hard way.
Great to have you back Loleta, and it is never a bad idea to start fresh, with a fresh outlook. You are going to do awesome this time around and I really look forward to having you back at WA and seeing your progress this time around! :)
Thank you though I must admit this has changed since I was last here, it is going to take some getting used almost as if I was a complete nube. Ah well all things change and one must adapt. If you could point me in the right direction to start it would be greatly appreciated.
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A very warm welcome back Loleta and all the very best moving forward my friend! :-)