It's Time To Say Goodbye

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Hey everyone, It's been such a long time since I have dropped in here.

I hope everyone is well and coping in these difficult times?

I have been in Wealthy Affiliate for over 4 years and I have learned so much and for that I will be forever grateful.

When I got started I was able to build a website and write over 400 posts for it. Then I just lost interest in it and it's been dormant with no new posts added for well over a year. Even though that's the case it does still bring in affiliate commissions so imagine where it would be if I had continued writing content.

I have been concentrating on my YouTube channel as that is where my passion really lies. I find it exciting researching and producing videos.

I have decided to let my membership lapse at the end of the year because I just no longer login in here anymore. So much has changed on the platform that I wouldn't even know where to begin anymore. That's a me problem because I haven't kept up with the changes. I'm sure what Kyle and Carson have done is brilliant for the community as they have a real passion to help all who come here.

Just running the YouTube channel makes WA surplus to requirements for me now. I know my blog is housed here but when I sell it I won't need this wonderful platform anymore.

I have made some awesome friends here and I will never forget any of you. My social media is on my profile so if you want to stay in touch you can find me there. My account here will be active until December so you can still PM here if you want.

This has been a hard decision to make.

I wish everyone here all of the success in the world.

Stay safe.

Lisa in sunny Tenerife.

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Hello Lisa,

I was actually thinking the other day that I hadn't seen your name come up on the platform lately, which then brought me to your blog post! We will be sorry to see you go, but I do understand where you are coming from. The good news is that you can always rejoin at any time.

Although the platform has changed a bit, there are videos associated with the changes, so I think you would very quickly feel at home again.

I do like the idea of being on a platform with like-minded people, I find it quite motivating. You have been one of the members, Lisa, who blogged regularly and help to encourage many members, including myself!

I wish you all the best and every success with your YouTube channel. Well done for taking action.


same here I paid premium for not being able to do anything..not even a website. no money because nothing is set up.. IDK if i will just lapse my membership after spending all that money. Health comes first on me now. Wishing yo the best..tho I really do not know you--GOD bless.

Hey Lisa! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying your YouTube journey! I hope I had something to do with that way back when with my expert classes you sat in on 😎👍🏼💯

Before you go you might want to check out the new Hubs resource inside WA. It’s jam packed with content ideas that don’t have to be for a website, you can apply these ideas to YouTube as well. It’s literally a super high quality content creating machine and I don’t know what I’d do without it. 💯💯💯

Hey Eric,
Yes your classes really helped me.

I'll try to make some time to do that.
Take care.


Wow Lisa, our stories are very similar. I have been dormant for a couple of years and came back about 6 weeks ago. I also had to relearn everything....who am I kidding, I am still
I wish you the best of luck with You Tube and all of your endeavors.
Now to go find your

Thanks very much Chuck.

WHAT???? No Lisa my dear friend!! I realise you haven't been active here for a while and I can't really say I didn't see this coming, is still a shock!!

You know how to keep in contact with me anyway but I will miss our interactions here!!

All the very best moving forward with all that you do and don't be a stranger ok!!


Take care my friend.

You as well my friend!!


Lisa, I was just thinking of you this morning and wondering if you were still around. I will be sad to see you go, but I would like to connect with you on social media so I will do that if you don't mind.

I'm not even sure what made me think of you. I was going through some things and I thought about some people on WA that I hadn't seen in quite some time. Like my friend Barbara who is no longer on here.

I was gone for a time and I lost contact with so many.

You are making the decision that is best for you. Because you know better than anyone else what is best for you. I am happy to hear of your successes!

Keep in touch.


Thanks very much and take good care of yourself Karin.

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