AFter 6 months I finally GOT IT!Low hanging fruit actually has sunk into my thick skull.
I am ashamed to say, i have been merrily working my ass off all this time.
I thought I knew it,I really did,
But, I could not afford jaaxy ,and its been hard,So i have been redoing training.
I recommend that for everyone by the way,do both sides.
Kyle,who rocks, finally got it in my head yesterday how to REALLY use the wa keyword tool,and how to REALLY find the lowhanging fruit.
a LIghtbulb went bing over my head I swear.
My mouth dropped open and I was like omg.
Now, my life will be fully changing I expect.
Because now I know how to focus down on a NICHE.
Which has been my main problem all along.
So today, I go forward a smarter WA member.
What should of been obvious always eluded me til now.
But my life will change from this point on.
Unless it runs out of my head again,,,
ITs possible.
Recent Comments
Good for you, it took me longer LOL. It is awesome when the light bulb goes off though isn't it?
Well done its a great feeling when something you have been struggling with for ages just suddenly clicks in its an eureka moment.
I love this blog Lisa because I use to say, keywords were going to be the death of me. It took awhile, but yeah I got it finally. Lol
The most important thing Lisa is that you're getting value from what you're paying for and learning. Kyle is one smart dude.
Anyhow, don't lose sight on low hanging fruits. If you need a reminder, I'm here for you. :)
Ok,well, when using the wa tool, say u look up cute animals. now u look and u see it is say 60 searches, then u hit competition it comes up 190,well that means u got to compete with 190 peeps,so do small cute animals,now its got 190 searches,but its competition is say 55, that is awesome,the closer to zero the better. So write article or make niche on small cute animals,u narrowed it down from cute animals,and made it more specific,and ended up with a more likely chance to rank.
look look i can do it yeaaa,
We all learn at different rates Lisa. In some subjects or aspects of life we are all experts .... In others it takes time .... And when that time reaches its end and our epiphany arrives comes a beautiful moment - a.k.a. - the lightbulb going off!
You ROCK it Lisa!
Embrace, enjoy, build, play and always share. Thank you for sharing your epiphany!
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So there really is hope for me! Thanks Lisa.
there always is hope for us!, I am just horrible at picking niches because I like to do it all.
This way,I know know how to scope down.
I have about 8 websites to do it to....
And new keywords to get,
And new articles to write.
Life is exciting!;]]
Lol, I'm just laughing because I totally didn't know what I was doing when I picked mine. Maybe six months in I'll start a whole new site and do a much better job, after I've gone through the training about 6 times! I'm just so thrilled at everything I've learned so far cause I was a complete newbie to all of this! And, I'm an old woman, HAHA!