'The One Thing:' amazing book by Gary Keller + Jay Papasan.

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Hi Wealthy Affiliates,

As I advance my marketing efforts and enhance my skills with various types of training, I'm learning to focus more and avoid shiny object syndrome. Slow, deep focus on one thing will yield the best results.

I'd like to share this seminal book published in 2013 by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. It was an instant best-seller, and no new edition has appeared since, which shows how spot-on it is.

The full title is

"The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results."

It's a self-help book emphasising the power of focus and prioritization to achieve extraordinary results.

The central premise is that:

individuals can achieve more tremendous success and efficiency by identifying and concentrating on the one most important task (the "One Thing") in any given situation.

The book outlines strategies and principles for identifying this crucial task and maintaining focus while eliminating distractions and lesser priorities.

Diversity is one thing but in the end I found I was a shallow lake rather than a deep river and not getting any traction.

Main Points of 'The One Thing'

  1. The Focusing Question: The book's core concept is the "Focusing Question: "What's the ONE Thing I can do that will make everything else easier or unnecessary? This question helps identify the most important task that will have the most significant impact on your goals.
  2. The Domino Effect: Keller explains that success is like a series of dominos. By focusing on the One Thing, you can knock over larger and larger dominos, leading to extraordinary results over time. Small, consistent actions lead to significant achievements.
  3. Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to focus exclusively on your One Thing. This method ensures that your most important task gets the attention it deserves without interruption.
  4. The 80/20 Principle: The Pareto Principle states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify and focus on the 20% that will drive the most significant results.
  5. Goal Setting to the Now: Break down your long-term goals into actionable steps. Start with your ultimate goal and work backwards to define what you must do today, this week, this month, and this year to achieve it.
  6. Willpower is a Depleting Resource: Recognize that willpower is limited and should be used wisely. Focus on your One Thing when your willpower is at its peak, typically earlier in the day.
  7. Discipline and Habit Formation: Success requires discipline to focus on the One Thing consistently. Over time, this discipline becomes a habit, making it easier to stay on track.
  8. Live with Purpose: Align your One Thing with your personal and professional purpose. This alignment provides motivation and clarity, making it easier to maintain focus.
  9. Big Picture Thinking and Goal Alignment: Consider your ultimate goals and ensure that your One Thing is aligned with them. This alignment helps maintain a clear sense of direction and purpose.

Application to Develop an Online Business

  1. Identify Your One Thing: Determine the most crucial aspect of your online business that will drive the most significant growth. This could be developing a unique product, building a solid online presence, or creating valuable content.
  2. Prioritize Tasks: Use the Focusing Question to prioritize daily tasks. Focus on activities directly contributing to your One Thing, such as marketing, customer engagement, or product development.
  3. Time Blocking: Set aside dedicated time each day to work on your One Thing. Avoid distractions during this time to ensure maximum productivity.
  4. Leverage the 80/20 Principle: Identify the 20% of activities that generate 80% of your business results. Focus on these high-impact activities to maximize efficiency and growth.
  5. Goal Setting: Break down your long-term business goals into smaller, actionable steps. Create a timeline with daily, weekly, and monthly tasks aligning with your ultimate objectives.
  6. Maintain Willpower: Tackle your most important tasks when your energy and willpower are highest. This practice ensures that your most critical work receives the attention it deserves.
  7. Build Habits: Develop disciplined habits around your One Thing. Consistent focus on critical activities will lead to long-term success and habit formation.
  8. Align with Purpose: Ensure that your business goals align with your personal values and purpose. This alignment will motivate you to persevere through challenges.
  9. Big Picture Alignment: Review your business goals regularly to ensure that your daily activities remain aligned with your long-term vision. Adjust your One Thing as needed to stay on track.

Applying the principles of "The One Thing" to your online business allows you to:

  • streamline your efforts
  • eliminate distractions
  • focus on what truly matters

.....leading to sustained growth and success. 👏

It's well worth reading!! And it's relaxing and quite amusing too.

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Hello Lindi,

Focusing is key I agree.

I have a mentor for the last 7 years who always comes back to me with the saying "Is it necessary", he has saved me so much time with his statement to me every day.

Wishing you a wonderful online ongoing journey:)

Kind regards

Thank you, Erica. I'm glad you've got a mentor like that! Yep, if left to our own devices, we chase our tails!

Blessings and Success to you, too! 🌺

Thanks so much Linden, absolutely I agree we can go round and round haha.

By the way I love your website, it is looking great, well done :)

Blessings back to you too 🙌


Hi again Erica! Thanks so much for such admiration! No sure which site you mean!! But I'm hoping all 5 of them are doing well!

See you on LinkedIN.
Coem and join my campaign!

Thanks so much Linden, actually I just managed to track all your websites, except I can not find you in Linktree, the link in a youtube video is not working.

Fantastic work you are achieving, I have asked for your link in LinkedIn for your campaign.

Great work :)


Hi Erica,

Here's the link: the 13-Event cycle 'Escape the 9-5 grind' starts on 10th July at 9:00 GMT. I'm not sure where you are so please check the time differences.

This is the registration link:

Speak again soon!

Awesome thanks so much, I have booked in :)

See you then!


Great Erica. I was just going to send you the link!! Great! I'm really looking forward to you attending. Just to check you got the right link:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtcOurqz8qG9WazWvjOW-1bN9m1GfiyVnN - check here.

So sorry for confusing you!! 🌟

Thanks so much Lindi, it's ok I realize it is a huge project you are undertaking :)

I have registered thanks!

See you on the 10th July, I am excited.


Great share Lindi. It’s going on my to read list!

This sold me on getting this book, I will check your link later.

"Diversity is one thing but in the end I found I was a shallow lake rather than a deep river and not getting any traction."

Resonated with me.


Hi Lindi. I love your site! Is there a link for this book in it?

Hi Dave. Why thank you. Btw, which site do you mean? There's a review on my Millionaire's site.

Hello. You're welcome. Yes, the Millionaire's site. I'll get the book there. Thank you very much.

OK. Just give me 24 hours to polish it up and check the affiliate link!

You've got it. I just started the 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. I'm only on chapter 3 and have several books behind it. I'll look for your review in a couple of days.


Thanks Dave. So much going on at the moment! I'll let you know when it's sorted!

I put it on my list to get!


Hi Barbara! It is really worthwhile! It'll probably change your perspective as it did me!
Why don't we discuss it as you read? 🌺

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